RKrallonor, The Novelist

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Last Activity

3/28/2025 12:02 PM

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Duel Stats

997 wins / 967 losses




Achivements: Achievement Unlocked: Mr.Positivity Achievement Unlocked: Most aggressively homosexual(Corgi's Gaybellion Contest)

Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points Earning 500 Points Earning 1,000 Points Won 51% of Duels


Gay and Depressed in Prison
3rd place entry in Corgi's Gaybellion Contest

In this game, you play a very familiar character from the previous Gay and Depressed stories, who is now in jail. You used to be a side character in other people's stories, but now the spotlight is finally yours in this Gay and Depressed spin-off!

If you're interested in some more Gay and Depressed story games, check out the original by queenlatifah04, Gay Old Time by Darius_Conwright, and Gay and DepressedER!!! by fresh_out_of_the_oven. All of the "gay and depressed" stories are stand-alone stories, so each one can be read separately, but I highly recommend you check these stories out!

Down by the river

There's an old man called the Mississippi
That's the old man that I'd like to be!
What does he care if the world's got troubles?
What does he care if the land ain't free?

Ol' man river,
That old man river
He must know something
But don't say nothing
He just keeps rolling
He keeps rolling along"

-Oscar Hammerstein, "Old Man River"

In this story game, you play Samantha, a 25-year old engineer who's recently been through a rough breakup. Out of the blue, your grandfather asks you to accompany him on a river-boat journey where you two will traverse across a national treasure, our very own Mississippi River. Explore the natural beauty of this great waterway as you embark on a journey of self-discovery and finding love. Will you successfully find both on this wonderful river-boat adventure? Only one way to find out!

Falsely Accused:The Telenorian Kingdom's Worst Prison
Submitted for Sherbet's Summer's End Synergy Contest.

In this game, you play as a thief. The princess has been kidnapped and everyone suspected that the big fat evil dragon kidnapped her. Naturally, since you and your crew are the dragon's known associates, you are put in the jail. But here's the thing, you're innocent. From the moment you're in jail, it's been one nightmare after another. Far from administering the justice, the Telenorian Prison is nothing but exploitative and conniving. Will you be able to survive and point the finger back on those that did you wrong, or will you succumb to the darkness in jail without getting the chance to vindicate yourself. Warning: This game can be emotionally disturbing and contains dark themes with many parallels to real life. Proceed at your own risk.

Recent Posts

This week's reviews on 3/25/2025 10:03:44 PM
Good job Circle!

Do men hate reading? on 3/22/2025 2:54:17 PM
I guess a lot of young men never really found that "gateway drug" book when young(think hardy boys or harry potter). And as they grow older, having associated reading with extra schoolwork and frustration, they view reading fiction as a waste of time. I do know a lot of my friends read personal finance/self help books, or books in their field of expertise, so maybe they don't like fiction in particular, but are fine with other books. Maybe they see fiction "as a waste of time since it's not real", and prefer to watch movies instead to get their story-fix. There's also an undercurrent of anti-intellectualism growing that could contribute to this. Men still enjoy the same stories, just told through video games or anime. But good video game/anime stories still share the same qualities was good novels, so maybe it's also preference for a specific medium of enjoying the story.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread on 3/22/2025 11:34:05 AM
I can confidently say I have words

I’m so fucking stressed 😩 on 3/20/2025 6:27:18 PM
I like Ogre

I’m so fucking stressed 😩 on 3/20/2025 6:27:07 PM
try meditation and drinking tea. Also screen time tends to exacerbate stress so go outside and enjoy the weather. Unless there's a tornado where you live, but in that case you got bigger problems.

This week's reviews on 3/20/2025 3:24:49 PM
Yeah I really wanted that shiny trophy Mystic made for reviewer of the week! But it looks like I’ll have to get up earlier to beat circle guard, as she won by 2 or 3 reviews. Nicely done Circle! Also, thanks for keeping these "weekly reviews" going Mizal. Sorry about making you make all those clicky links lol. I would love to do a thunder dome match against circle when the thunder dome opens up once again. It will be a good opportunity for redemption after flaking on the ben+darius thunder dome.

End Master's Prompt Contest 4 on 3/19/2025 11:03:13 AM
Locked. Best of luck!

Thunderdome: Valentine's Match on 3/16/2025 3:02:46 PM
Congrats on the victory! And good job to Ben too, both stories were a delight to read.

Mercer Gang! on 3/16/2025 11:10:40 AM
Klay! He's the OG. Without him bullying a kid in his hometown and getting told off by the sheriff, there would be no Mercer Gang.

End Master's Prompt Contest 4 on 3/15/2025 2:19:42 PM
Hope your car didn't get too badly damaged, that's rough man.