All you have ever known is you're own kind. The Pixelateds. The most dominant race in the land. You decided to got in search for adventure in other lands, but you find out that there are more races than just you. More will be explained further into the game.
This game is a fantasy/ medival game with a Computer Image twist.
The Pixelateds are Images drawn on the computer that are 2d, like clip art, or things from the paint program.
The Generateds are Images that are 3d from games, such as pictures of chacacters from world of warcraft.
The Solids are Images that are pictures of a tangible, real life object, such as a picture of a model from Warhammer.
This game is about how ethnic cleansing is wrong, it's a nice story, a bit funny, about the medival times, with a computer image twist.
By Alex McLean