Player Comments on Candy Quest
What I am reminded of with this game is a wikipeadia stub. It is apparent that you wanted a simple game, maybe even to practice scripting.... but where is the plot? Can I get robbed working in the car lot? What is the size of this island? Who else lives here? Would there be options for keeping all this cocoa a secret? How can I be sure that the first deal I make with a big name company, that I wont get ripped off? I mean, it took me a second to realize that you don't actually start on the island. Apparently the fun is transporting it! Hrm...
Ways to improve the game:
*Have more options in the car lot, as in, "work 3 hours" or even "work all hours." Should make time go faster.
*The hours going down is a little disconcerting, also, are there no options in the editor for a 12-sided die or some such? Also, 'randomly' waking up at home is jarring, really I stoped paying attention to 'time of day' when I got into a pattern for making money. But seriously, why does it take 1 to 2 hours to buy 5 provision but not any time to get food?! I think the script is really messed up here.
*Have a message for if you actually fail the dice game in the casino. Okay, figured it out, bet 10 seems to not return anything or I am really unlucky. Bet 50 on fail has 'shops' rather than 'exit.' Heh, and bet 100 has the fail option to just 'leave.' Maybe, after the scripts are fixed, consider some more games?
*Maybe have a way back for the '"Borrow" Boat' page.
*Oh cool, game over when you run out of money.....maybe a warning in the beginning? Kinda frustrating if your are not watching that variable closely as the game does get a little mind numbing and monotonous. I ran out and had to start again as I want to give this storygame an honest review.
*The link to travel to the island only takes the provisions and not the food.
I want to like this game, and do because I am a sucker for game mechanics and numbers and appriciate what you are trying to do. Fix the scrpting, add in a few characters to interact with and throw in one more win or lose option and I think it could hold its own!
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on 1/13/2018 6:03:25 PM with a score of 0
This was a great idea, and I liked how the functions worked. Sadly it was let down by the pure repetitiveness.
The beginning simply involved me waiting for the car-lot repeatedly until I made lots of money then repeated trips to the shops as buying resources took up time.
Once I had clicked the wait/car-lot buttons repeatedly and had the supplies I needed for my first trip... I then simply had to keep clicking wait/buy resources over and over again repeatedly as the first trip ensures you never need any other button due to the amount of cash you earm.
Also is the casino bugged. I decided to try it out since I had like 6,000 and after over 20 tries I never one a single time.
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on 1/30/2015 5:53:38 PM with a score of 0
On a whole, this was an interesting game with decent scripting. It took me about fifteen minutes to get to $10,000, and a lot of that time was spent at the very beginning, where the only thing you can really do is waste time until the Car Lot opens and then work for ten dollars an hour.
In essence, the beginning was a little tedious and might turn some people away. I would recommend making the car lot open all the time just to save people the trouble of clicking the 'do nothing for an hour' link, because I felt it didn't really add anything to the game. The casino was a nice addition, since the temptation to speed up earning money adds an element of chance to the game, but it's apparently impossible to win with any bet less than $80, so you might want to check your scripting and make sure the dice rolls are working. Unless, of course, you never intended for those bets to be winnable in the first place, haha.
Still, this it was fun to watch the numbers climb upwards, even if the game takes a bit of patience. The writing was simple, but it doesn't need to be overly descriptive for this kind of game. What's important is that the grammar and spelling were excellent, and the setting was interesting.
All in all, a worthwhile game and a fun little diversion for anyone who's looking to waste some time.
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on 10/7/2014 12:57:59 PM with a score of 0
This one is an interesting premise about an interesting topic (who doesn’t like chocolate?) so that’s good. I don’t know if I’d have put an end game link on the first page because if people didn’t want to read the story they wouldn’t have clicked on it in the first place?
There was some interesting use of variables here but the story was missing characters, a plot and most of a setting and was, on the whole, frustrating. It’s tedious that I need to wait for things to open and then earning money is just extremely repetitive clicking. I’m not sure why anyone would be motivated enough to spend lots of time clicking their way up to 10,000 dollars when it’s easier just to go in the casino, lose all your money and get out of the game. Some technical cleverness here but on the whole this game seemed pretty pointless to me.
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on 1/13/2025 4:57:53 PM with a score of 0
I went bankrupted🤣🤣🤣
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on 7/13/2024 1:05:50 PM with a score of 0
gambled my life away, 11/10.
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on 10/26/2023 8:55:11 AM with a score of 0
I enjoyed the game and I rate it six this one.
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on 9/15/2022 8:03:29 PM with a score of 0
seems appropriate to give this game the Reese's rating. I enjoyed it. It could have been explained that running out of money ends the game.
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on 5/2/2022 11:23:01 AM with a score of 0
I won! This was actually a pretty fun game. 5/8.
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on 3/26/2021 5:11:23 PM with a score of 0
I’ll be writing this review as I go along, then give my final thoughts at the end.
First thing I’d like to mention is a minor spelling mistake of “mare” on the first page and description. Nothing worth lowering a rating, just something to point out.
On the second page, where it says “You wake up in your house, which is near a pier,” I would’ve liked a bit more detail. Usually, the beginning is what is supposed to draw readers in, and hook them. This does not do that.
I thought it was a bit odd how the time goes down from 6, instead of up, but maybe I’m just looking at it wrong or something.
I do like how this is more of a game than a story, but I’m going to have to agree with the others when they say it’s repetitive.
I think the “Bet” links are broken, as it doesn’t give any options besides “Exit,” not even specifying if you won or lost, but again, I could just be doing this wrong.
After a while, you just start to work in motions. Casino, store, lot, repeat. I think raising the money you earn and lowering the money you spend would improve this aspect of gameplay.
Also, I’m not quite sure what traveling to the snickers factory does yet, I tried going, but it gave no results.
After a bit of play, I see that you need coco to do anything at the snickers factory. I think it would be nice if some of the specifics were explained at the start.
In addition, I’ve found that the island boat takes provisions, but not food.
Overall, I’d say it was decent. Not the best one by far, but not horrible. I enjoyed the game and strategy you had to put into it, but the whole thing was a tad bit tedious. I wasn’t keeping time, but I think it took me a little bit less than an hour. With some slight changes, I think this could be a really nice game. 5/8
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on 1/17/2021 9:11:58 PM with a score of 0
I suppose it's decent enough if your goal was just to learn the basics of scripting. Kind of an annoying grind, but for some reason I was invested enough to keep collecting that coco until I finally one.
My main two complaints are:
1. What was the point in having to wait two extra hours to work or buy provisions? Why not just have all the stores open at the same time? It just seems like a completely unnecessary annoyance to me.
2. ... Is it just me, or is it impossible to win at the casino? I rolled that dice a tonne of times and never won a penny.
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on 4/19/2019 6:48:52 PM with a score of 0
This story is indeed fun if you were to really try hard (Which I did not) and gain money and things like that, but I never went about and did things. I don't get why you can just exit right from the start. Why would I bother clicking on the button to start it if I wanted to end it right away?
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on 1/16/2018 11:59:21 AM with a score of 0
wasn't very fun an it was also very short 3/8
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— Linda on 1/14/2018 3:08:27 AM with a score of 0
An interesting idea, but the provisions shop really needs to be open longer hours!
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on 1/10/2018 4:13:24 AM with a score of 0
"COCO is 0.
DOLLARS is 10480.
FOOD is 40.
HOURS is 6.
Well, had a short fun so 6/8 i rate
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on 12/5/2017 2:43:51 AM with a score of 0
Extremely repetitive. I spent 30 minutes clicking the same buttons before finally reaching 10K. I like what you got going here but it could be way better
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on 11/6/2017 8:36:56 PM with a score of 0
Fun but overly repetitive until you're literally working every day and just repeating the same process until you get enough money. There are better ways to implement this. I was literally just grinding for gold in this game and the "coco" part was just a bonus to get more money.
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on 8/9/2017 4:52:03 AM with a score of 0
what just happend to my life THAT STORY SUCKED
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— keith on 11/5/2016 10:17:53 PM with a score of 0
It takes for evvvvvvvveeeerrrr
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— Rachael on 1/10/2016 7:27:07 PM with a score of 0
The game is very repetitive, and the idea of the car lot only being open for so many hours in the day doesn't really help. The beginning of the game goes very slowly, involving for the most part simply clicking 'do nothing' and 'car lot' over and over. I would love to see this game improved where the car lot is open all hours. I would also love to see an improved casino. I like the idea of the casino, but it could use some improvement. Better odds for one - I understand that it should not have too great of odds, but as it is the casino is pointless because winning is so rare.
Right now, as it is, this game was a waste of time to me, but I think it couod be improved.
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on 1/7/2016 6:34:58 PM with a score of 0
Yeah...I meant a 1, but the description for 2 is better
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— Rick on 12/19/2015 3:05:08 PM with a score of 0
The only thing that makes the game last is the fact you can only buy 10-20 provisions a day. Also there where never "mare Hershey's" to begaining with so, yeah. Other than that the work at the car lot forever strategy does work and restores chocolate to the world. If you made the days longer the game would be a lot better. In addition you could also add more features.
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on 5/13/2015 5:14:12 PM with a score of 0
I really enjoyed that game! I like the process even though it was a little repetitive I still had a lot of fun playing. good job
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on 5/11/2015 11:42:43 AM with a score of 0
repetitive & long
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— sdfghjk on 4/5/2015 3:26:10 PM with a score of 0
... You know, if all you need to do to win the game is make the money, then somebody could potentially win this game just by working at the car lot... It'd just take a hell of a long time ??
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on 2/3/2015 4:37:58 PM with a score of 0
Kinda fun, but pretty repetitive. It looks like the food is never used up on trips.
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on 12/16/2014 11:15:15 AM with a score of 0
It needs to be a little more detailed. :( Good job though! ;D
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— 17smileyfaces on 12/6/2014 6:52:16 PM with a score of 0
I'm too tired to make a thoughtful comment :p
*cocoa ?????????????
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on 10/8/2014 12:43:36 AM with a score of 0
Oh yeah. FIRST
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on 9/27/2014 4:46:18 PM with a score of 0
Waiting for Fazz to make a long, thoughtful post. Which will inevitably happen.
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on 9/27/2014 4:46:02 PM with a score of 0
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