Fairview Highschool Game
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Player Rating
, #3 for
Based on
2393 ratings
since 12/14/2004
Played 147,510 times (finished 2,161)
Story Difficulty
"Wandering through the desert"
Play Length
"Not going to lose any sleep"
Maturity Level
"Aren't you a little too old to be trick or treating"
Some material may be inappropriate for persons under age 13. If this were a movie, it would probably be PG-13.
Part of Series
Welcome to the Fairview Highschool Game. Just as in everyday, you need to make important decisions to survive. This game is an accurate representation of day-to-day life in Fairview High School. Remember the wise words of The Wise One, before you pick a horse to ride on, be sure its not a bucking horse, a donkey, or a mule that is a hybrid of a bucking horse and a donkey. Good luck on your journey.
Player Comments
The one is far too much for what this game deserves. This is not a Choice of game. It has only a path, only a correct choice in each phase. The rest are failures that makes you replay same choices over and over.
A terrible bad formulated choices in a terrible bad presented plotting with no development of characters or sense. Most of the time, you don't know what in hell is happening and choices seem random.
The big fights are totally random with choice options that doesn't describe at all what is occurring. At the end the only thing, you do as player is using the back button to randomly stumbled upon the convoluted only path to advance in the game.
It is obvious that the writer expent all his time trying fancy colors in the fonts and bad designed random events. Instead, of creating a real plot with meaningful dialogues and with a engaging mistery.
Let the people choose to end the game each time they die. And don't force us to play this one choice gauntlet just because you don't want bad ratings. This type of dishonest games should be forbidden.
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on 2/2/2020 4:40:54 PM with a score of 100
I wish I could have given this a higher score. The author clearly had a lot of fun writing it. In the history of CYS this was a significant game.
Readers are presented with many options, most of which are hogwash, and the rest ultimately lead to the same ending.
This story was carried by humor and decent editing. In the early days random death links all over the place may have been an acceptable formula, but standards have risen dramatically. I would really like to see what the same writer would do today, probably something completely different.
With all the miscellaneous errands and pointless roundabouts in this game using the item feature of the editor could add quite a bit to the story. The final showdown, which was admittedly fun, would have been better if items and individual choices made during the story had an impact.
As it stands there is only one way to the final fight, only one way to win that, and as far as I can tell, only one ending.
Still, funny, occasionally very clever (The chemistry segment really stands out), with very nice spurts of characterization, and overall, a nice job.
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on 5/20/2018 2:48:48 AM with a score of 100
It was linear, the deaths were lame, I disliked it in general, I don't understand why it's on the list of best games, and I had to go through the entire freaking thing so that I could give it the rating it deserved.
I normally wouldn't have bothered to go through a game I hated just so I could give it a bad rating, but I wanted to make sure my rating was listed on here so that if I checked the game out in the future, I would see the rating I gave it, remember that I hated it, and not waste my time.
I probably wouldn't have bothered to leave a bad comment about the game, either, if you hadn't forced me to do the entire thing just to rate it. I understand not letting people rate it at the beginning, in case trolls die on purpose just to give it a low score, but I got to third or fourth period before I decided it wasn't going to get any better, which I think is enough time to give it a fa
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on 5/20/2011 4:40:07 PM with a score of 100
Honestly, amazing
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on 12/16/2024 12:10:33 AM with a score of 100
it was fun asl
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on 12/3/2024 10:27:57 PM with a score of 100
Y nothing much we left behinds, it kicks the guns of virginal respectively leftovers regretting to penetrant of nonsense of nuns to Devine troubles with yourselves deepest to drop
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— Qaz on 11/15/2024 11:50:54 PM with a score of 0
This game was amazing!!!!!!
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— Tanner on 4/4/2024 8:30:10 AM with a score of 100
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— Avery on 3/5/2024 10:21:37 PM with a score of 100
WTF this took me like an hour and a half
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— Logan on 12/15/2023 8:52:29 PM with a score of 100
Hilarious, great fun
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— Gary Sweeney on 8/25/2023 7:53:35 AM with a score of 100
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