Mista_Moose's Experience Points

Mista_Moose has a total of 29 Experience Points. Following is recent point activity.
11/6/2023-28Admin. Penalty - Automated tax adjustment for birthday welfare. Send feedback to _IRS
4/25/202315Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
4/25/202215Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
12/21/20211Rate Game The Maze Runner part 1
12/20/20211Rate Game Shadows and Blood (or What Is It Like to Be a Vampire Bat)
12/17/20211Rate Game Stuck Inside Minecraft
12/10/20211Rate Game Fantasyquest
11/20/20211000000Admin. Bonus - Supposedly only guilty of keeping shit company.
11/19/2021-1000000Admin. Penalty - I blame your mom and dad for creating you.
11/19/20211Win Duel Rock Paper Scissors
11/19/2021-3Duel Escrow Rock Paper Scissors
11/15/20213Create Game Red Eclipse
11/11/20211Rate Game The Pure, the Vile and the Deadly
10/28/20213Create Game The Mist (but chose your own story)
10/28/20213Create Game
10/28/202115Create Account