Ravenic_Virtue's Experience Points

Ravenic_Virtue has a total of 0 Experience Points. Following is recent point activity.
8/9/2024-50Admin. Penalty - You''ll get these back after you submitted a decent review :)
8/4/2024-200Admin. Penalty - I did say that I will dock you points if you failed to submit anything, and you did :)
7/22/2024-50Admin. Penalty - *annoyed* @_@
7/22/2024-13Admin. Penalty - These ones are unlucky
7/22/2024-30Admin. Penalty - Woah. I was being too nice there actually.
7/22/2024150Admin. Bonus - Whatever
7/22/2024-100Admin. Penalty - Admin. Bonus - De-Achievement Unlocked: Ford is smarter.
7/20/2024-10Admin. Penalty - Unreasonably annoying posting.
7/19/2024-10Admin. Penalty - Flaky no show against Wizzy in the Thunderdome.
7/19/202410Admin. Bonus - Defeating Alienrun in the Thunderdome!
7/19/20243Admin. Bonus - Daily Commendation
7/2/2024100Admin. Bonus - Achievement Unlocked: Pilgrim in an Unholy Land
7/2/2024-6Admin. Penalty - gagging on Ford''s skittle spermatophore
7/2/20243Create Game Wisteria
6/30/20243Create Game Ravenic's Thunderdome Stories
6/28/2024200Admin. Bonus - Achievement Unlocked: Onward Christian Soldier
6/28/2024-1Lose Duel Rock Paper Scissors
6/27/2024-1Admin. Penalty - Achievement unlocked: Self Hating Lesbian
6/24/20243Create Game
6/20/2024-1Admin. Penalty - I felt disgust as well.
6/20/2024-1Admin. Penalty - Making me feel disgusted
6/19/20241Rate Game Reborn
6/19/2024-16Admin. Penalty - More like Pomegranate Take-your-fucking-points-for-not-listening-very-well
6/16/20241Rate Game A Zombie Apocalypse
6/12/202415Create Account