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Quotation Marks in Script

7 years ago
When trying to do things like...

THEN $PAGETEXT := "What? You got your own things... but here. Take this pouch as a little extra something, greedy world out there..."

How do I add the Quotation Marks in the actual text?

Also what was the Script for having page text AND extra text showing?
$PAGETEXT := $PAGETEXT AND "Blablabla" ?

Thanks a heap for any replies.


So... what I got for now is:


THEN $PAGETEXT := $PAGETEXT + "|Speech|" + "Text" + "|Speech| Text"

I am using | as a placeholder for quotation marks, going to go test this now. But my original question stands!


My script isn't working, could use some help with forming it properly.
But just knowing how to get quotation marks would still be great.

Quotation Marks in Script

7 years ago
Use the ascii code for it I believe. Google should be able to tell you what it is.

Quotation Marks in Script

7 years ago

Quotation Marks in Script

7 years ago
Or use single quotes. That works.

Quotation Marks in Script

7 years ago

I'll usually use on page variable text instead if I'm doing anything finicky, it seems a lot more flexible.