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Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

You know... the more I read these WC fanfics, the more my head wants to explode.  But when I finally read that good WC story, my mind does jsjgka backflips, and I feel overjoyed.

I was reading the comments of a WC game, and I saw the HUGE amount of hostility towards the author.  I felt kind of sad for the authors.  I stalked followed the links around, until I saw that there were about only 3 NEW WC members of this site, that were praising each others works.

What I'm trying to say, is that we keep shooting down these WC stories without hesitation, even if the author has the most phenomenal writing style in the world.  We should at least become more accepting to the good Warrior Cat stories.

And maybe put the on a Warrior Cats reservation in North Dakota.  Let them share WC stories amongst themselves there. >:D

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I whole-heartedly agree, except that I give everyone a fair shake.

Like the genre or not, if they can't write in complete words, let alone sentences, then a 2 should feel like an 8.

Perhaps, though, they think a 1 equates to a #1, who knows.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Maybe...  Although I've seen some pretty cool WC writers out there, and yet we still neglect them.  I feel like instead, we should allow them to simply share their stories, and we shouldn't bother them--the stories are just not for us.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Hmm, I agree we shouldn't intentionally target these games, but by publishing them on this site, they are opening themselves to criticism from EVERYBODY, not just WC fans. They should accept that.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

That I agree with, but honestly, most of the users on this site target the WC stories specifically, only to give them bad ratings, just to discourage WC stories.  Why?

I mean, I know that the stories have been way overused, but really?  Whenever someone sees a new game that has the words Warrior Cats, everyone assumes it sucks.  I've seen too many people giving shit to a story, that was extremely well written, and why?

It was a story about Warrior Cats.

EDIT:  Sorry.  I just feel really bad for them.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I feel pity as well, but for every one good game, there are a dozen bad. Still, some people breeze through the games just to rate them, because they feel that WC games are disposable and serve no purpose aside from easy points. On another note, I actually found a good WC game once, gave it a 6, and got chewed out by Ford.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

It just frustrates me that, there is nothing wrong with Warrior Cats, yet everyone hates them for no true reason.

Oh I hate them because they have a bad plot! might say someone.  But this fault is only on the author's behalf.  It doesn't have to affect every single other WC story after it.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I dislike WC in general because Kitty-Warriors written for twelve year olds isn't my style. Problem?

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Well then honestly, if the game isn't for you, you don't have to go play it in the first place.


It's kind of like real life.  Would you go buy a game that isn't your style, just to rate it badly?

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

The keyword is fanfiction. Meaning that it was created by someone else other than the author. That is why I read WC fanfics on this site.

If its good, I give it a 4 or 5 usually. If its bad, lower than a three.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Most of the time, these stories lack an original idea of their own. Like what many of other say, it's badly written with no thought for story structure. the worse part is, if we give them criticism, they throw us off as haters. Remember, a majority of these writers are young, so they lack experience.

In my opinion, these younger writers compare themselves to their other friends/classmates/siblings, who are also young. By believing that they are better than their friends, they develop this idea that they are great writers, but in reality, they're better than 10 year olds.

I don't want to hate the stories, if it's good I'll rate it fairly. But it's the authors themselves that tick me off.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Exactly.  Pretty much all of them are: "you're a kit, you're a hunter/medicine cat, go explore, meet other cats, fight other cats, pick a mate, have some kits, the end" just with different made-up names for the cats.

Most of them react to "here's how this could be better" with "who do you think you are?  this isn't for you."  It's almost like in their opinion, they're freeform rping with their friends, and we're strangers coming over and picking on them.


Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

There would be no harm in posting a link to the story (unpublished, of course, with the sneak preview turned on).  Then they wouldn't be opening themselves up to criticism.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I give everyone a fair shake, regardless of genre.  If their stories are boring, the rating reflects that.  Effort is effort, and I do judge all stories according to certain personal criteria.  Only the best deserve an 8, and my 1's are dispersed with equal reservation.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

That may also be true.  But honestly, if there were two games:


Warriors Cats: The Shadow Beyond


Now these two games were both created in two months.  Which one would you think would be better?  I would've played Traitorous first.  Why?

Because mostly everyone despises WC stories, for stupid reasons.  Although this may not be true with you.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Would you say bad grammar, badly written furry erotica, and no sense of plot structure are 'stupid reasons' for hating WC games? :P

While I agree that there are some WC games that are good, on average they are absolutely dreadful. I see no problem if someone avoids all WC games just so they can make sure they don't have to read kitty porn. Out of the, say, 50 WC games left, maybe 2 of them are solid games. The rest are trash.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

No, not for stupid reasons. I sorta-despise WC fanfics because they're 98% of the time written horribly. The good WC to bad WC ratio is like 1:34

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

In all fairness, WC games that avoid the words Warrior Cats in the title are usually the better ones. It shows more creativity on the author's part usually.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Or the author trying to get less hate :p

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Exactly.  We hate everything with the word "Warrior."

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

... You realize it has nothing to do with the Reader. It's just author's assumptions. Also, this doesn't apply to me, so therefore, you are incorrect.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Let's face it, most WC fanfic authors on here (and, dare I say, most fanfic authors) are simply a bunch of kids who can't create an original idea. As such, their titles will often be a blatant reference to WC or some important and well-known group, character, or idea from the books. For a WC fanfic author to create a title that is not random but at the same time does not directly allude to Warrior cats requires some originality.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I have to admit, if the story has Warrior Cats in the name or description, I would read the other first.

The same goes for Zombies.  For me, zombies should be mindless drones controlled by some other means, whether it be some voodoo priestess or some type of artificial intelligence.  Modern zombie movies, in my opinion, were created by people who didn't do the research, or just jumped on the band-wagon.  There are numerous types of undead that fit the modern "zombie" type, so why do they have to use that term?

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago
*sees title of thread*


Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Warrior Cats get all the recognition they want. The problem is you want people to be nicer to WC Fanfics. You can't change opinion, however. That's like you saying I should listen to Justin Bieber music due to all the hate he gets.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

An interesting plot is critical to writing a good story, and Warrior Cats is not interesting to me in the slightest. Therefore, I'll rate it low.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

To be fair, you now are also kinda generalizing the whole community with regards to WC rating... To be honest, I've not read that many new stories lately, but when I do read them and give them a rating (including WC stories) I try to give my reasons for that in the comments. Unfortunately, I have to agree with other members of this site that most WC stories are poorly written, with regards to grammar, spelling, plot originality, etc. However, there are indeed a few good ones out there, and I usually rate them higher as well.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Rate the good ones a two?

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Like I said, the rating depends on the story ;)

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Actually, I just glanced at a couple in the New Storygames section.  One of them would get a definite 3 from me, the other I would give no less than a 3.  I didn't see any acronyms (specifically internet slang) used as parts of speech, which is where I would draw the line and start off my rating off with a 2.  I might start rating stories again soon, just waiting to see if I'm going to be entered into the New Storygame Contest.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Alright then...  What are the feelings about two accounts on here?

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago


Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Haha. You made many WC stories didn't you? On a different account that is. 

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

... Maybe...

Johnny, they're onto me!  *runs*

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Don't see why you can't just publish them on this account instead of cowarding it out. Also, have you ever read Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter?

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I have not read the book(s), and I probably never will.  And well, about the account...  It's highly confidential.  Right Johnny?

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

To be honest a lot of people hate on them because the site was literally flooded with REALLY bad WC stories. They had no plot or grammar, the spelling was atrocious and they made little to no sense. Some were bordering on porn. This meant that after reading  10 or more they were forced to assume that all the stories were that bad and just skimmed them, saw the spelling, grammar, length and subsequently gave them bad ratings.

I have a story on here rated a 6 with both good and bad comments. Do I wish it was an 8 with only good comments? YES. Do I believe it deserves it? No. I think it's a good story but I had taken so many months writing and editing it I rushed a few pages and there are spelling and grammar mistakes that mean I would only rate it a 6. If I spent another few weeks catching every mistake and fleshing out the 5 or so sub-plots and re-wording the rushed pages then I think it might make a good 7. I hate myself for not taking that time and I get really angry when I see the mistakes if I play through it but it's the choice I made since it was turning more into a chore to edit it for hours on end and it gets rated as it deserves.

this is the least standard that most of us put our own stories to and so apply to others. If I can't stand the fact that on a couple of the hundreds of pages in my story I have still gotten your and you're incorrect, how do you think I will react to a story 20 pages long, 20 words a page and without a single sentence free of MAJOR errors?

If there are good WC stories on here I will happily read them and give them a good score but you must understand I am consistent in my scoring, if it deserves a 2 it will get one. I will leave a nice and polite comment about why it got a two and might suggest improvements but I will be honest. If it is a great story and I love it, then it will get a 6 or a 7 (8 is reserved for the top 5-10 stories on the site, no-one should really expect one from me, except Endmaster...)

So, if you want me to read and rate a story, Pm me and I will happily do so regardless of the title or content. Just expect honesty

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Well you have to understand that the Warrior Cat series IS a child-book series(despite the romance,gore,war,betrayal,death,hardships,suicide,ect...) and while some kids will make good fanfiction others will make failed attempts that will attract the 'kitty-porn' trolls who make things like this to discourage people from looking for the good fanfiction.

TL:DR? It's just the internet, with it's good and bad.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I advocate for Beta's proposal to destroy the internet.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I know it is a kids series, and would rate the games with that knowledge in mind. However no matter the audience or the author I expect some level of proper writing. When I was in school and reading books like this I had to know spelling and grammar. I also had to know what a plot was.

If the story is written by a 10 or 12 year old I'd expect the minimum level of spelling and grammar to be that of a 10 or 12 year old. I wouldn't expect them to be using a thesaurus but they CAN use a spell checker, it's a free and very easy thing to use. Yes it misses grammar mistakes and sometimes auto-corrects things to the wrong word but it would be such an amazing improvement on some of the WC stories on here that I would give it an immediate 2 level boost just for doing it.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Then maybe, we should stop commenting the troll games.  If they are doing it just for reactions, we should stop feeding the flames.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

What exactly is a trollgame?

I mean, there are games that aren't subtle about it and are clearly just for reactions. Ask MissVillainous or BullShacked.

But, if it isn't spottable, what are the criteria for a trollgame?

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Well, the definition of "troll" is:  (to) make a deliberately offensive or provocative online posting with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.

With this in mind, a troll game doesn't necessarily have to have bad writing in it, but really, to be made so badly, it upsets many users.  IMO

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

So we aren't going to comment on games that get a 1/8?

Also, the "reaction" trolls want is getting upset and or frustrated. Pretty sure none of us do that with the exception of Malkalack.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

The troll games get a few comments and ratings then get removed via the 'Draw my attention' threads. With our current system they must get a few to meet the criteria before deletion. Sadly a lot were not meant as troll games, they were just very rushed and poorly written.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Well... I just got another comment from a WC author.  This author has a pretty good writing style, but due to some careless commenting, the author completely deleted their story that I assume they worked hard on.

I can't even post the comments, because the game is gone!

The author messaged me personally, thanking me for an honest review, because most likely, they were frightened of being shunned.

This is ridiculous!

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Pics or it didn't happen... 

But too be honest it's sad that an author finds it necessary to delete his/her storygame because of some comments. However, I also find it kinda (can't think of a better word at the moment) weak that he/she deletes his/her game over that. This is the internet, and this is CYS, people will probably criticise and mock things they don't like and people who surf the web probably know this.  

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I find it "sad" that people either comment things like this for their own amusement, or that people despise any WC story that is published.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Just to be clear, what 'things like this' are you talking about? 

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I can't specifically state a comment that would've been a good example, but it was along the lines of:

Get your Warrior Cat trash out of here.  If anyone rates this more than a 1, they have an iq of -10.  Blah blah blah...  If you want to post this trash, go post it on 


Again.  This is not the actual comment.  I will keep the user a secret.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

In other words, you can't find any.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I was going to link it, but then the author deleted their game.  The author's name was Flamepelt43.

He/she has a few more games out there, and you may look at those stories for an idea of how they write.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

BFL, don't cite sources you can't provide. Doing so will only serve to damage your credibility.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Indeed I have no sources, and it may damage my credibility, but I'm just stating what I know.  Very much similar to many real life situations.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I agree that outright degrading shouldn't take place, but this is the Internet. What do you plan to do to stop it? If the author decides to delete their story, it's on them. Not anyone who left a derogatory comment. I've seen so many comments here outright insulting the author. But remember. This is the Internet, things like that will happen.

Also, I hate any storygame which is poorly written and is a 1-day effort. Basically 98% of WC.

Like I've stated before, the majority of us don't degrade authors. Except for select few and some unknowns.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I honestly know I can't stop it.  But what I'm trying to say, is that if you truly hate WC stories, don't read them in the first place, and if you do love them, feel free to write and read them without being shunned.  That's all.

Also, I agree entirely with you about how deleting a story is completely on an author.  But being in the position of the author, where almost everyone is shooting down a story you have wrote, I imagine it feels pretty crappy.  And that's what drives them to delete their story (hypothetically).

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I think you're misunderstood. I really do despise WC, yet I still read them on this site. However, the difference with me is, I rate fairly; if I find a crappy WC, I give it a crappy rating, and vice versa. Still pretty sure this is the majority's policy, except for select few.

"If you hate something, stay away from it!!1!" -IMO, is a crappy message. What if I disliked the fantasy genre, but every week or so went to it, found a story, and rated it fairly? Is that bad because I hate that story, yet, want to check out something new?

Honestly, judging by all the WCs here, you should probably instead encourage better writing rather than telling everyone to screw off WC or give it a good rating.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I am definitely not telling anyone to rate anything with a good rating, and I feel a little offended that you chose to infer I was stating that.  Look man, I respect anyone's rating as long as it is a truthful rating.  Also, it's no one's fault that you despise WC, but if you do despise WC games, you will probably give it a bad rating, because you despise WC.  No, you probably won't leave a bad comment, but as seen before, there have been some pretty brutal comments in the past.

Also, I am not telling ANYONE to screw off WC, but instead, asking why they hate WC.  Is it because they don't want to see them anymore?  Well, if they don't, just don't read it in the first place.

The is the message I am trying to tell, instead of "If you hate something, stay away from it!!1!"  <-- I totally agree this here is a crappy message, and is not at all what I am intending to say.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I'm sorry but this --> "The is the message I am trying to tell, instead of "If you hate something, stay away from it!!1!"  <-- I totally agree this here is a crappy message, and is not at all what I am intending to say."

Highly contradicts with this ---> "Is it because they don't want to see them anymore?  Well, if they don't, just don't read it in the first place."

Just pointing that out..

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I am merely suggesting this.  And these two messages share basically the same idea, and I never said,"If you hate something, stay away from it!!1!" but, really, there are many reasons a person could hate something.

If these stories cost money to read, I doubt anyone would read something they wouldn't like.  If we "apply" this thinking to our situation, I just feel that people who hate WC and know absolutely nothing about the series, shouldn't comment on it saying, "Made my eyes bleed!" or "This story is an abomination. To quote some guy, 'I could shit on my keyboard and make a better story.'

Never before, was this more apparent. This story is toxic sludge, fit only to be dumped into a landfill, lest it poison our surroundings.

Not only have you contributed to the Warrior Cats epidemic, you have inspired more little idiots to make their own substandard drivel. "

So if people are so bothered--that was the word I was looking for--with WC, just ignore them completely, and allow the users who do enjoy them, to read them freely, without them being mocked or shunned.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

It does not share the same idea because it is contradicting each other.

You agree that the following message is a crappy one. "If you hate something, stay away from it!!1!"

And yet at the same time you're also saying this. So if people are so bothered--that was the word I was looking for--with WC, just ignore them completely, and allow the users who do enjoy them, to read them freely, without them being mocked or shunned.

That contradicted your entire stance on the subject. But alright, lets ignore that for now. You doubt that many people who criticize the WC series has never read it. (Or knows nothing about it).

Now listen to this rant coming from (myself) someone who HAS read the series.

These stories/books were created with kids in mind. Yes, this books intended audience was for kids. Now fans of this series (young children) love these books, but like all children, they believe they could do better. [Perspective of young child] After all, I'm such a better writer than my entire class. Surely I can write a story that's EVEN better than the books!.

Now we all know how this turns out, I don't need to say it again. Children, who believe they're better, create and post these online stories, without knowledge of [insert rant that I already posted about this here]. They are posting it onto the online world for all to see.. And I admit, there are people out there who shit on the game because of what it is. But there are also people like myself who try to help critique the writers story. 

And what happens in return? This quote that's been ripped out of many former posts. -->  If you hate something, stay away from it!!1!" 

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

...  Alright then.  That's cool that you actually critique the WC stories.  And I see your point, about this being the internet.

But, many people who do shit on the WC fanfics, they usually do it, because they hate WC, and are bothered by these stories.  Now with this in mind, if the people who hate these WC just ignore these stories, then there won't be that many bad ratings, and then there would be more "true" ratings.

By "true" ratings, I think we all know that people who hate WC, rate them low.  Because of this, fans of WC rate them high.  If everyone just rated honestly, we would encounter this problem way less than our current situation.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Why does this principle have to apply to WC only? What about EndMaster's stories? What about dragon stories? What about random stories? They get haters too. All stories get haters.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Critiquing the stories are one thing, critiquing the actual writers ability to form sentences is another. If you can't accept criticism don't ever expect to improve.

And yes, maybe you're right about the "haters" but I've never looked at a story and said "Hey, its got a shit rating, so I'mma skip it." Though it's understandable that many do.

However, out of all of those comments from these "haters" some come from reliable sources. Many of our community members, (ones such as Sethaniel or Kiel_Farren) also comment on these games, and sadly, they're no different from the rest.

So even though you may be right, it still doesn't change the fact the able-bodied writers are rating it the same as those that just "shit rate" it.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

True.  But with the WC, there are an enormous amount of haters, that don't even try to critique anything.  All they do, is "shut down the show."

I've not read a recent comment of a WC fanfic, that actually helped the author out.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I saw this particular one [comment] that I liked. Maybe it came from 31Tev though I can't remember. It was a critique for their WC story and the author commented back with basically. If you don't like it don't be an asshole. Why are you dissing? Etc etc..


Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Yeah, I saw one from malkalack, or someone, and then the author made a terrible joke about ebola.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I get what your trying to say, but my stance is that until the WC writers improve their own writing and accept critiques, the genre isn't going to go anywhere at all. That being said, at the moment [most] of the WC authors don't accept critiques, create bad plots that lack originality, their stories don't bring anything new to the series in general, and are written by 13 year olds with no sense of grammar, character building, spelling, or even apparent effort when creating the story games.

That's not to say all 13 year old writers are horrid, (just look at JJJ's "Mattias the One Knight", though I personally don't like his style of writing, it's clearly a good quality story written at a young age.) it's the majority of these writers that give WC a bad rep.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Okay, I see your point now. Although I am admitting to several slip-ups in the past few weeks, I tend to abide by a principal when grading any storygame; Rate it How it Should Be, specifically WC. Good writing, excellent plot, branches/choices, spacing, all good? Good rating. But I'm sorry, but I can't help to rate a WC bad if it truly is bad. And so far, only about 5 WC games have made it to the above-5 rating level. Some of them are 4s or 3s, but the majority are below three. Like, the grand majority. And that's the problem - WC fanfics aren't just meeting my, or really anyone's writing standards. I'm not trying to justify them, but that's why people leave derogatory comments on these specifically.

That's also the reason why I dislike WC fanfics, too. I haven't read the books because they simply aren't my style nor reading level, but here on this site, yes I have read them. And the good majority of WC here are terrible. That is why I dislike these WC fanfics. So many of them getting published on a day-to-day basis, most likely contributing to the terrible pile. Nowadays, looking at newbies' profiles, you see they most likely have unpublished games of WC. Or people introducing themselves in the newbie's section: 'Hi, I'm blah blah, I like blah blah and Warrior Cats blah blah,'. Due to the heavy influx of bad WC, it's unlikely that their WC game will be any good. And even if it is good, it gets buried under the heaping, growing pile of other shit WCs. Further strengthening hatred of WC.

"You may not want to see WC, so don't read them" Well even if you did avoid WC, it's still everywhere. Clogging up the New Storygames, in your Random game results, etc. And all of them have crappy ratings. So you aren't reading them, but they're still there. So, perhaps it is time we take all the crappy games and just cut their circulation.

In the end, the bad WC are still there. Getting published daily, clogging up the Random game results. And they're badly written.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

You don't have to read the books to like the story. Is that's a really important principle, though I'm not sure if it applies to fanfictions.

It shouldn't matter if it is a WC fanfiction or just a story made up by the author. If it doesn't reach the basic standards of writing, than it won't make it above a 3.

The story should also immerse the reader into its universe! NOT assume the reader already knows and throws you into a random setting "in the forest". The story needs an excellent plot, a clear conflict or at least game features if not. If its story driven than it needs to flesh out its characters, and if its a game, it must STILL provide interesting characters.

That being said, a majority of WC games don't fit those BASIC criterions. I'm not surprised out of the 50 or so only four or five have above a score of 5.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I absolutely agree with "It shouldn't matter if it is a WC fanfiction or just a story made up by the author. If it doesn't reach the basic standards of writing, than it won't make it above a 3," But this is my exact point.  Many users on this site, don't even give the WC stories a try, and just skip to the comments page to rate (I should know ;D).

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

"(I should know ;D)"

Are you implying what I think you're implying?

...What are you even...?

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I think most of us are guilty...

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

So, here is the guy, who is defending WC, and trying to tell the rest of us that we should read carefully through a story so we can give it a fair rating, who himself is NOT reading carefully through a story, and instead is skipping through the story to rate it? Are you even...

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Hey.  I'm just trying to make conversation!

No but seriously, I have skipped through a WC story a once before, BASED on the current ratings before.  And this is the reason I'm trying to at least give ANY story a fair rating.  So people don't look at a story, and automatically decide, "Oh, this story looks bad," and then not read it.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Nah, I think we've done it once or twice before.

A particularly bad one comes to mind with horrible grammar, the letters weren't capitalized, and there was no apparent plot.

I just tried to get it over with as quickly as I can.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I see what your trying to say, but really, no one knows where these WC fans come from.  Sure, maybe shooting down all WC stories may help this "clog" of stories.  Or maybe these fans, are trolls, just writing these stories for reactions.

Truly though, I do find the WC as bad, but screaming at the authors, and shooting them down is obviously not helping.  IMO, I think we should approach them more friendly, and actually help them with their work.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

They come from people. Most likely inexperienced children.

Should the admins just stop deleting any bad stories, because we should help authors? Well, that's the reason of comments. If a piece doesn't meet site criteria, it's goodbye. Unfortunately, that's the deal with the majority of WC. 

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Well, then instead of hating every piece of WC work, we can at least try to help them with their writing, and give them a fair rating, instead of the trash most of us give them today.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Some of us do ^ Most don't.

A majority of Authors I've messaged with critiques blew me off. (There are too many "(insert color) paws, and (insert color) furs to remember which ones in particular.) It's annoying when all these authors are really expecting is praise, and they ignore everything else.


Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Yeah, I've been speaking with some authors myself, and they really are low on their hopes.  It made me feel bad for them... and here I am.  But that's not the point.  What is, is that I believe that they are acting like this, because they've seen a lot of hate for their stories already.  And I mean ALOT.

But if there were praises, along with critiques in the comments, maybe the WC Apocalypse wouldn't be so bad!

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I really really want to believe that if I was in their shoes, I'd turn down every helpful comment I got and just become bitter, but honestly, I wouldn't. Nor have I tried making a story yet (I've tried in the past, but I'm not great I motivating myself with ideas).

These children need to understand that they're digging their own graves (figuratively speaking of course!) by turning down the help they get. Honestly, I have no hope for the fanfictions any more. (My hope died a little while back when another user said they could do it..)

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

To be fair, that user was ran out of CYS before she could finish anything, but another Warriors story, good or not, would hurt more than it would heal, unless the majority of the fanbase did some SERIOUS growing up in a very short amount of time.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Which isn't going to happen. These are the same people who think  DarkScar is a good writer... 

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I've seen some of your comments on the WC stories...

They were hilarious!

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

The "furry bulge" one? 

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I can't quite remember.  It may have been.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Of course, it may be potentially amusing to watch me flip my shit at twelve-year-olds, too. 

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

These are the same people who think  DarkScar is a good writer.

I quit, I just quit.. NO NO 
Darkscar has to be the ban of my existence. Oh my lord, God save my soul just thinking about that shit makes me want to throw my monitor.

He is the epitome of stupidity and stubbornness. He NEVER accepts critiques, and has no common sense. I would rant more about him but this isn't the thread to do so.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I figured he was just a troll.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I always assumed (she?) he was just some furry-porn fetishist. 

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Meh...  I don't think anyone would mind.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

That is but a dream though my dear penguinite..

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago


Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I dreamed a dream of time gone byyy,

When the fanfiction was go-od.

There was a time when grammar was aliiiiive,

When cats did only what cats sho-ould.

There was a time when forums were waarm,

When the storygames were not cat poorn...



Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Was better than 98% Of all WC fanfictions on this site ^

7/10 Would read again!

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I'm tempted to turn all the Les Miserables songs into CYS parodies now... Too bad only Robin Williams and/or Weird Al Yankovich have that kind of skill.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

We're going in a circle now. They get a lot of hate because they are repetitively bad.

The problem is, critiquing WC isn't going to cut it. Another bad one is going to take it's place. Or another one. Or another one. Eventually we'll just be copypastying messages from previous games to the next.

Authors need to improve their writing, or it's the boot.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I feel like this is a good compromise, but really, we can try to help the authors...

Just imagine.  If you help a WC author, who is a little kid... he can be like your little minion! 

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

There's other variables than just "leave a comment, save a life!"

Whether they actually check the comments/priv messages, accepting help, being able to have a civil conversation, whether they go online again or not - etc.

And, of course, WC get published daily. There's no way we can help all of them. The best we can do is find crap, rate it crap, and explain why. Most likely, the author doesn't care or not accept it.

I think it's best we enforce the site's criteria. Comments or priv messages will come and go. But if the story is complete crap, then we need to delete it.

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

Stories that are complete crap=trolls

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

If people hated every WC stories they come across, then there wouldn't be high rated WC stories on this site. As far as I know, there is at least one of those, so...

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

I agree with your comment wholeheartedly. 

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago
I wholeheartedly agre :) I love WC but if it isnt that good the why rate it high??

Warrior Cats Recognition

9 years ago

None of our WC games are rated that highly at all..

The only people that rate it highly. (6-7+) are usually the author themselves, and their friends. (And in my opinion, other delusional authors who think the story is good.) Even the best WC game I've read would be rated a 6 most of them were 3's and the average ones were 4's.

Than there are the users who just rate it a 1 because... Warrior Cats..