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This bug was closed 1/29/2017: Fixed

'CYOA History' images broken

7 years ago

I have no idea if a recent update broke them somehow, or if it's been that way for awhile now. The cobwebs were pretty thick on that page.

Also, part of me suspects the lauded history of our hobby might not be 100% based in fact...

'CYOA History' images broken

7 years ago

Now that I think about it, I've never been able to see those images.

'CYOA History' images broken

7 years ago
maybe that's what they actually look like. Similar to how bigfoot is naturally blurry in real life, and it's never the photographers fault.

'CYOA History' images broken

7 years ago

It's most likely that the images that were there used an "image=src", and the image host simply lost the image somehow.

Or, maybe, the Javascript change might have affected it somehow.

OR, if it's a Relative, the files were deleted.

'CYOA History' images broken

7 years ago

It turns out they never worked on CYS. The images must have been moved or deleted during the switch from You can see what they're supposed to look like here.

'CYOA History' images broken

7 years ago

Oh, of course! The web address (And most likely the server) changed, creating broken paths that led nowhere!

We should probably fix that...