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Gay Cold War Propaganda

5 years ago

Don't say I never post anything for the gays AND the communists on this site.

Unsurprisingly found these being posted over at the CoG discord originally, since someone there is doing an "analysis" of them. Thought at first someone just uncovered pics of Coins and Malk.

Gay Cold War Propaganda

5 years ago
Malk may be dead but his legend (of gayness) lives on.

Seriously though I want that one you put in the Discord on my wall, facing the front door. Keep this thread updated those rare times good things come out of the COG Discord.

Gay Cold War Propaganda

5 years ago

Just a couple of guys, being friends.

Gay Cold War Propaganda

5 years ago

The devilish look these two are giving each other suggests to me that they meet up on their work breaks to do unspeakable things in the janitorial closet...

Gay Cold War Propaganda

5 years ago
Lol, the Chinese one looks like Sulu from Star Trek.

Gay Cold War Propaganda

5 years ago

Communism? No. An interacial gay couple. How beautiful. Look at them go. Burn them before the 9th graders on tumblr find em.


Gay Cold War Propaganda

5 years ago

Not to be racist, but why do a lot of them look the same throughout these pictures? Did China and Russia just have their own agreed-upon Co-Communist mascots despite all these posters having different artists?

Gay Cold War Propaganda

5 years ago
It's weird that the Chinese guys barely look Chinese, but all muscley blonde white guys look alike.

I'd assume there was a certain amount of inbreeding implied in these posters, but the future is entirely gay adopted sons hugging and caressing each other in front of their gay dads so I'm not even sure where babies are coming from.