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Roguelike Point Tracking

5 years ago

Hi, I guess this is my first post on this site. I was wondering how I could add a rogue like feature to one of my games where a score is tracked even after the player restarts the game. I was thinking I could do this inside the game with saves and just sending the reader back to the first page and resetting all the variables except that one, but if there is a way to save the score across multiple game saves that would be helpful. Thanks and I hope you all have a great day.

Roguelike Point Tracking

5 years ago
"there is a way to save the score across multiple game saves that would be helpful."


You can make your own custom restart and only reset the variables you want to be reset, but you can't do multiple game saves. That's not a thing that's possible, unless you're meaning something else, like:

"How do I keep track of different choices they make after replaying the game multiple times?"

Roguelike Point Tracking

5 years ago

Thanks, I'll go ahead and use the custom reset strategy.

Roguelike Point Tracking

5 years ago

Not sure if this is what you’re talking about, but it sounds like you want to link the ‘restart’ page to the first page. Going back to the first page this way will keep any variables, items and/or stats that you put in place.

Roguelike Point Tracking

5 years ago
Make sure there is also an option included to just end the game when the character dies, people really hate forced restarts.