This year I'd really like to try to have everyone hosting these plan them in advance.
People likely to run a contest would be @BerkaZerka, @Endmaster, @Bucky, and @Gower.
All of you PLEASE hash out some kind of schedule. I think four official contests is a good number that doesn't lead to exhaustion and still gives people plenty of opportunity to write/review on their own time. I may run a Best of 2020 contest in the background of this as well for major games released outside of those.
Spontaneous unofficial contests could still be a thing, but unless the person running them can handle it themselves, I don't want there to be any expectation of admins micromanaging points rewards for entrants. Added to that, I'd like to start charging 125 points for non admins to host unscheduled contests (and these are points you must actually have, no going into debt) which will only be granted back with five qualifying entries.
None of this is set in stone yet so, you commoners feel free to toss in your two cents. (Which will then be disregarded at will by your betters.)