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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Cryogenic Failure

9 years ago
So hey, it's up if you'd desire to give it a read. Yes, I'm quite sure it could have been longer, but it is what it is. Any other comments or suggestions, and I'd love to hear them (even if your comment is: "it sucks" because then at least I know you read it).

Cryogenic Failure

9 years ago

I'll edit this as I find more errors. Tell me if you have it fixed and I'll take it off the list.

Ending #3

You put 'hear to toe' when I believe you meant 'head to toe'.

Cryogenic Failure

9 years ago
Dang it! Thanks for pointing that out. I hate to unpublish and lose the ratings, saves, and such, but I guess that's the only way to fix stuff, right?

Cryogenic Failure

9 years ago

Mostly you lose the saves.  I unpublished/republished a story this year, and it didn't seem to delete all the ratings.

Cryogenic Failure

9 years ago
Ah, cool, thanks. I unpublished and fixed the typo, sorry to anyone who had a save in there! (And yes, the ratings appeared to stay, even though I got a note during the unpublishing that said they'd go away).

Cryogenic Failure

9 years ago

Just short, that's  all.

Cryogenic Failure

9 years ago
Thanks for the comment -- I think there was more story there to be told, but I also wanted to wrap this one up and not continue working on it for a year...

Cryogenic Failure

9 years ago

Really, all you need to do is add little branches to your current ends, such as getting locked in cryo-vats or angering your happy little spaceship friends so they end up killing you for the lolz.  I meant there was a lack of closure to some endings.

Really like what you did with the HTML though.

Cryogenic Failure

9 years ago
Thanks again for the feedback. Indeed, I get what you're saying. Especially with the branches that led to the pods, I really felt like there was more story -- but I was afraid if I just kept going, there would never be an end, ever. That's how I usually write -- just keep writing until the story ends itself. But I'm not sure that works with CYS stories. I think for my next one I'm going to do more planning ahead of time to see if that makes it easier to reach closure!

Thanks again.

Cryogenic Failure

8 years ago
Bumping this thread up for shameless promotion purposes.

Cryogenic Failure

8 years ago

It just doesn't get any better than shameless!  XD