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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Random Facts about your stories

7 years ago

Hello, I thought it would be cool if people shared interesting facts about their stories that readers may not have known, I'll start:

In my story Siblings the main antagonist Westfield was originally female but changed because I thought there was not enough male characters.

The main character Ben originally was named Ian.

The character Carla is named after the character Carla from the videogame Fahrenheit and they are both detectives

Moira is named after the character Moira from Fallout 3 and they both have red hair.

There is a path where the reader finds out Westfield's real name and the origin of his alias.

There are over a dozen references to the 2016 Broadway play The crucible (not the book or 1996 movie).




Random Facts about your stories

7 years ago

Okey dokey! ^_^

My game The Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost was originally a Warrior Cats fanfic starring Andreas-paw, Alexius-kit and Lula-claw. Unfortunately I had to change it all once the ban on WC games came into effect :(

Random Facts about your stories

7 years ago

Pretty damn good Warriors game.

Random Facts about your stories

7 years ago

In my soon-to-be-published masterpiece, it's actually canon to get the "bad" ending.

The worst ending you can possibly get is the "good" ending, where everyone is happy, since that means you ignored all the little clues and hints.

Random Facts about your stories

7 years ago

Sssh, go away. No one cares about your unpublished trash. Only when it's published does it deserve to be put here.

Random Facts about your stories

7 years ago

xD I was kind of kidding by "the-soon-to-be". I will probably never finish it tbh.

Random Facts about your stories

7 years ago

Which story?

Random Facts about your stories

7 years ago

Basically every story I ever write. The one I'm referring to at this moment, however, is "My Sister and I".

Random Facts about your stories

7 years ago

Random Facts about your stories

7 years ago

You do realize the kid in the story(the main character) is actually having a mental break, right? They're inventing a world where they get to see the outside world, because their parent's never let them go outside.

The reason their parents don't let them go outside is due to the fact that they were born without an immune system. Because of this, they're isolated in a lab in the attic, where their parents tries to cure them. Every attempt to "reboot" their immune system has failed, and the only hope is to artificially give them one. Depending on which ending you choose, the treatment either failed and the artificially given immune system has started attacking their cells...or they died during the procedure in extreme pain- which is why they were "freed".

And this entire time you laughed at their antics, not knowing this was a poor, suffering child that'd never known what real life was like...and most likely never will.

Random Facts about your stories

7 years ago

I think I may have missed this in the description somewhere.

Well, had I known all this, I would have actually laughed at the poor fool!

EDIT: And you said "Mental break" instead of breakdown, so if you ask me, the kid's got it pretty good if he can go through all that shit and still manage to get some R+R.

(Oh and parents. Not parent's. Parent's is possessive.)

Random Facts about your stories

7 years ago

XD I made this in about 2 minutes with no idea what I was writing. I did good imo

Random Facts about your stories

7 years ago

Well, Turkey, unfortunately, we both know that my opinion is far more important than yours, so


“I made this in a few minutes based off a really stupid thing my friend, Simi, shared with me.”

Published in not only one day, but a few minutes?! *Cringe!*


“It veers way into random humor lolz.”

More like crashes headfirst into it from the beginning.


“Hope it still gets a few laughs, giggles, or at least a smile from people :)”

Don’t worry. I’m sure tons of prepubescent girls quite enjoyed your very refined sense of humor.


“You've always been homeschooled and locked in a little room in your attic.”

Good parenting there.


“:c Oh well”

I know you’re fond of using emoticons, but in a storygame?                       


“There is no truth allowed here. Go make an excuse.”

Fake choices. Check.


“ ‘Fine, narrator,’ you growl.”

Breaking the fourth wall. Check.


“Replace toilet paper with duct tape!”



“‘Hehehe,’ you giggle and pull it out. ‘I will help people by giving them a free haircut!’”

Yeah, I don’t even want to know.


“"Uh-oh, teacher gotta go potty," the teacher says.”

Hopefully he’s not an English teacher.


“ ‘That....that wasnt funny....’

‘I know...I was trying to be cool.’ ”

Wait, we’re talking about the teacher or the author?

Cause if it’s the latter, then Seto would be great at CinemaSins. Nevermind. He’d be too lazy.


“The teacher walks in, dressed in a swimsuit.”

Didn’t realize dress code didn’t apply to teachers.


“ ‘What is this? Ohh do you guys want a 50 shades of gray themed picture?’ Go ahead. All the boys want to playy!’ the teacher says with a winky face ----> ;)”

Again with the emoticons. And the grammatical errors come out to play too.



I’m sensing a My Immortal reference here. Hopefully, we don’t stoop that low.


“You decide not to call the police. Instead, you let one of the other kids use your phone...and your name. Smart choice...”

Linearity? Check.


“Ride off in your teacher's car!!”

Stranger danger...


“After finding the keys in the tires, you drive away. The radio is turned on.

What's 12 minus 4 divided by two?! 32! No, just kidding, its 4!”

Keys in the – Did I miss something? And what kind of radio station is this?


“‘Um...this is all in your head?’”

If it was, it’d shut down on itself by now.


“guess its back to being homeschooled and being locked in the attic for you!”

Please. I’d like that.


SIN TALLY: 19+ (Didn’t bother nitpicking.)

SENTENCE: Public Education

Random Facts about your stories

7 years ago


Random Facts about your stories

7 years ago

:^)   :[) 

Random Facts about your stories

7 years ago

And the entire thing was a My Immortal/Invader Zim reference. But don't tell anyone that.

Random Facts about your stories

7 years ago
That'll be interesting. I like stories with a little more going on than what's obviously spelled out, it's nice to be rewarded for paying attention. CYOAs and IF are great mediums for this.

Random Facts about your stories

7 years ago

Yes :)

I do mostly tell my stories through drawings, as it's so easy to have tiny details no one notices...but being subtle in a story is a much harder task, and that makes it more fun for me.