BeardedHoplite, The Reader

Member Since


Last Activity

6/4/2011 6:18 PM

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Duel Stats

0 wins / 1 loss





Glorious Dictatorship of Lower Chicago

Currency: Chicago Dollar
Ruler: Dictator Dylan
Heir Apparent: Zachary (great autocrat's brother)
Military: 3 people armed with high-tech killing tools (rocks, squirtguns, the occasional stick)
Flag: to come...
Motto: Hail, Hail the Ruler
Languages: English
Population: 7
Government type: Autocracy
Plans: Annexation of lan Oak park


We, the few, proud and ultimately loyal citizens of the grand Dictatorship of Lower Chicago (DLC) have come together to write a constitution for our great country and leader. The rules of such are few and simple:

1.The Autocrat is the sole leader of the country, no aides, no vice-president, no God. Just the Autocrat.

2. Democracy is forbidden, it has created more corruption, more scandal and more troubles than the monarchies of old.

3.All choice is the Autocrat and the Autocrat's alone.

4.All laws limiting the Autocrat's power are forbidden and the organizer executed. Also any amendments to the constitution not suggested by the Autocrat are similarly banned.

5. There shall be no censorship in the Autocrat's land.

6. All heirs are apointed by choice, not by next of kin.

7. While a Freedom of Speech is allowed, the people shall not abuse it be saying malicious and slanderous things about the Autocrat.

8. There shall be a Freedom of Religion too, the Autocrat has no preference


Join now and get a $300 bonus!!!

Dictatorship Of Lower Chicago (DLC)
Citizenship Form 39-B.


Sex  M  F



Reason for Immigration_____
a. Dissatisified with current country
b. Exiled from current country
c. Change of pace
d. Other

Special Skills________________

Dieseases or Health Problems______________

Would you like to join our glorious Armed Forces
[ ]yes [ ]no

By Signing this form you agree to submit to
the constitution of  The Dictatorship of Lower Chicago (DLC)



Monster Of the Wastes

A raiders life is not easy, Scurge of the lands they call you, looting, pillaging and murdering. It all takes a toll on a man's sanity.

Stop Killing the Hostages!- A Heist Story

My attempt at a heist story. I want to make a Kane and Lynch style atmosphere, so expect some swearing and violence.

White Light

You are Charles Wilmington, improvished and blackmailed scientist. You must now go to Siberia and witness the horror of horrors...

Transformed from a short story I wrote.

Recent Posts

Holy Crap this site is still on?! on 2/15/2010 6:32:05 PM

It's like a turd thats not coming out

Just think how good it will feel to finally push it it out of your mind (or anus)

*NEWS* BeardedHoplite forms Dictatorship of Chicg* on 10/8/2009 5:21:12 PM

To any that care...

The Autocrat's Gamertag: BeardedLegion

*NEWS* BeardedHoplite forms Dictatorship of Chicg* on 10/6/2009 10:33:22 PM



Give this man a $600 immigration bonus


And no Happy Birthingdays, the Autocrat is not pleased

*NEWS* BeardedHoplite forms Dictatorship of Chicg* on 10/5/2009 10:36:08 PM

Hmm...did you see the Heir Apparent part? Did you see that part in the Constitution?



Let us all issue a rousing adaption of 'Happy Birthingday' !

*NEWS* BeardedHoplite forms Dictatorship of Chicg* on 10/1/2009 10:33:20 PM

Join now and get a $300 bonus!!!

Dictatorship Of Lower Chicago (DLC)
Citizenship Form 39-B.


Sex  M  F



Reason for Immigration_____
a. Dissatisified with current country
b. Exiled from current country
c. Change of pace
d. Other

Special Skills________________

Dieseases or Health Problems______________

Would you like to join our glorious Armed Forces
[ ]yes [ ]no

By Signing this form you agree to submit to
the constitution of  The Dictatorship of Lower Chicago (DLC)


Kill the above user on 9/30/2009 9:42:41 PM

Eh, I never liked him,he was a dick

*NEWS* BeardedHoplite forms Dictatorship of Chicg* on 9/30/2009 9:38:24 PM

No, its about 3 hours old. I am the first leader 

Kill the above user on 9/30/2009 9:36:54 PM


*NEWS* BeardedHoplite forms Dictatorship of Chicg* on 9/30/2009 9:36:10 PM

Since there is under a dozen of us, it's essentially 'whoever the hell wants to come' type of thing

Interested, you get an immigration bonus of 300  Chicago Dollars

*NEWS* BeardedHoplite forms Dictatorship of Chicg* on 9/30/2009 9:32:41 PM

Now I'm confused