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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

In this game, You kill whoever posts before you do.

Example: Megamantn kills ******* with a chainsaw.

You may use anything to kill including thin air.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Whoa! Posting a game about killing in the midst of a forum war? Bad karma!

Melike kills Megamantn with a ton of drama-related forum posts and PM's.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Bleh, It's just a forum game. Hopefully it'll be a good stress relief game.

Megamantn kills Melike with a dozen of eggs.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

You lost Karma!


Ahem. Fallout 3.

Anyway, Anubis kills Megamantm with a Shishkabab (not the dining utencil!) to the faic!

Kill the above user

16 years ago

BeardedHoplite hits Anubis in the head with the Alien Blaster for 500 damage, blinding and killing him

Cough Fallout 2 Cough

Kill the above user

16 years ago

(Don't worry, Hoplite. You're in good company when it comes to the Fallout series.)

Anubis cuts BeardedHoplite in two with a Tachi.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Melike does this to Anubis:

Kill the above user

16 years ago


Anubis does this to Melike:

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Kill the above user

16 years ago


Anubis kills Megamantn with a SUPER SLEDGEHAMMER.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

lol, Anubis got the SammyRoll'd!

Megamantn fills Anubis's inbox with dozens of unused RickRolls that are being replaced by SammyRolls.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Miccy kills Megamantn with a fire escape ladder.

Yeah me and my friend were watching Final Destination movies, I think it's a funny way to go.

By the way the ladder was dropped on him by pigeons, whom I'm controlling with my mind.


Kill the above user

16 years ago

Melike hits Miccy over the head with the kitchen sink.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Megamantn takes the kitchen sink & smashes it on Melike's head

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis takes the kitchen sink, fire escape ladder, and Melike's and Miccy's corpses, and pwns Mega's head off.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Megamantn's head grows legs & headbutts Anubis

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis destroys Megamantn with a Modified Fat Man with Bloody Mess to the face.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Megamantn turns into a poison buritto & gets eaten by Abubis & he gets poisoned.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis takes all the &'s on the internet and chucks them at Mega whilst using VATS to aim, and getting Critical Strikes each hit.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Megamantn kills Anubis so we can let someone else kill.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis kills Megamantn so we can let someone else kill.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

BeardedHoplite kills himself because he is confused

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis kills Hoplite when he becomes zombified.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Megamantn kills Anubis for killing someone who commited suicide.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis strangles Megamantn to death when he (Anubis) becomes zombified.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

BeardedHoplite bludgeons Anubis because it sounds like he made a time paradox.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis respawns, becomes a Spy, and shanks Hoplite in the back with a butterfly knife whilst invisible.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Megamantn strangles Anubis

Homer: Hey, That's my job! WHY YOU LITTLE--

Homer strangles Megamantn while he strangles Anubis

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis snipes Homer and throughs his corpse into a dimensional portal back to the Simpsons Dimension.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

BeardedHoplite pushes Anubis into the portal trapping him with those yellow bastards.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis grabs Hoplite with him, and then bludgeons him to death when they reach the other dimension.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

That wasn't necessary I would have gladly killed myself when my skin turns a Malarious yellow

(love the simpsons though)

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis...still bludgeons Hoplite to death.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Miccy kills Anubis the same way so many people died in the ending to Watchmen.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Megamantn kills Miccy for looking like Patchy the Pirate.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis kills Megamantn for not liking Patchy the Pirate.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Jimi turns into the Hulk and pwns Anubis

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis uses VATS to get four successive critical strikes on Jimi's head with an Alien Blaster.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Megamantn gives Anubis Head Aids & his head blows up.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis smacks Megamantn like a bitch.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Megamantn bitchslaps Anubis into a bottomless pit

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis jumps out of the bottomless pit and punches Mega's face off while in mid-air.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Megamantn gives Anubis some mudkips.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Koolgai goes all ninja on Megamatn with a katana and continues to beat Megamantn's body into a bloody pulp with his bare hands.(Megamatn Terminated ^_^)

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Melike drops the A-bomb scythe.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis sits back and watches Melike get pwned by the A-Bomb Scythe.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

(Correcting the flow of the thread...)

(In response to Mega...)

Anubis looks at Mega, and Mega dies because Anubis is so ugly.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

BeardedHoplite closes his eyes and shoots like mad at Anubis

Kill the above user

16 years ago

but misses each shot, and instead commits suicide.

Anubis raids his body, getting a Wastelander Survivor outfit, A .32 Pistol with which Hoplite was shooting with, 17 .32 rounds, two bottles of Nuka-Cola, and a Frag Grenade.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

BeardedHoplite gets up and promptly gets devoured by Giant Ants

(low unarmed skill)

Kill the above user

16 years ago

What are you a masochist of death?

Moving on...

Anubis takes revenge on the Giant Ants, erects (lolz) a memorial to Hoplite, and then lets it get infested with Mirelurks.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

The statue of me, angry that you let it's base get infested with mirelurks, falls on you when Moira asks you to come here

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Fortunately, I am made of awesome, and therefore the statue of you is deflected because it cannot handle my awesomeness.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Afrojedi117 blows up all others houses with nukes. I WIN!


Kill the above user

16 years ago

Unfortunately for you, when you win in Fallout 3, you die.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Kingtrue11 Drowns everyone in water which somehow still exists after the bomb.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

(Water can exist after a nuclear blast. Refer to the many irradiated pools and the Potomac river.)

Anubis had become a Ghoul, so he is strengthened by the radiation in the water and kills Kingtrue by unleashing a horde of Feral Ghouls.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

BeardedHoplite thens comes in with a fatman and Fawkes and kills Anubis and his horde

Kill the above user

16 years ago

(I love Fawkes! He replaced Charon in my my heart.)

Anubis reloads the save, gets out his Gauss Rifle, and snipes Hoplite and Fawkes before they can even get their weapons out.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Kingtrue11 forgets to save the whole game, so he is forced to restart, killing Anubis with the BB gun my Dad gets me on my 10th B-day.


Kill the above user

16 years ago

(FTR, I just can't fathom why EVERYONE I know overwrites a single save on Fallout 3. That's why they implemented all those saves!! I'm up to like my 180th save, and it's helped me out. Plus, I feel really vulnerable when I don't save, but I always like to be able to go back to the start or what have you.)

Now, back to the silly game.

Anubis melts into a rad-goo pile (not a real thing...maybe), and when King goes to scav Anubis's body, King dies instantly of rad poisoning.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

BeardedHoplite puts on a rad suit, pops some Rad-X and scavenges Anubis and King's bodies. Finding 16 cans of Cram. (my favorite)

Kill the above user

16 years ago

(I only use Stimpaks. Thanks to my 100% Medicine skill, I heal 100 hp.)

Anubis doesn't give Hoplite brains, and instead gives him 12 gauge pellets in the face going mach 15.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Megamantn sends Anubis into the year 1,000,000 B.C.


Enjoy death by boredom.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis sends Megaman into the center of the Earth for a painful death.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Murtagh calls all the ninja from Mortal Kombat and sends them after Anubis.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis pwns all the ninjas and their dads, and then sends his own ninjas to kill murtagh. Which they do. Slowly and painfully.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis tells Megaman to

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Koolgai do all of the things all the people on this thread did combined to kill Anubis!!!!!!!


Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis shoots a tranq dart into koolgai's aorta, watching him go into a coma. Seriously, you are way too jittery.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Megamantn kills Anubis for killing everybody.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis kills Megaman for being a gay homosexual faggot.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

koolgai slices Anubis into sushi with his katana then unloads a #364 Desert Eagle into his skull. Then Koolgai creates a shield using his ninja aura.( Then burns his body and roasts s'mores over it while in the shield)

Kill the above user

16 years ago

(And to clear things up, I burned Anubis' body not my own)

Kill the above user

16 years ago

wtf is a #364 Deagle? I know what a Deagle is, but not a #364.

Anyway, Anubis pistolwhips kollgai with a Deagle .50AE and unloads said weapon into koolgais extremities, reloads, fires six more shots into koolgai's extremities, and uses the last round to destroy koolgai's skull.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Wtf, I burned your body and before that ,sliced ,diced and shot you ................Ok I thow Anubis into the pit of despair and is never heard from on this thread again EVER!!!!!!    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. (I hope Anubis dosen't find the secret passage way out, oops *_*. I talk too much.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

I make my own "secret" passage with a rocket launcher I was keeping in my pants, throw koolgai in his own pit o' despair, destroy every possible means of escape, and then leave koolgai to die for eternity.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

I use my pure awesomeness to make me escape Anubis' pit of despair but my awesomeness was too unstable so it caused a supernova and killed everyone (except me) and blew up this thread, and desenegrated all time ,space and matter. Woohoo!!!

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Miccy kills koolgai for naming himself koolgai without any proof he is a kool gai, spelt correctly or otherwise, and for continuously making claims of pure awesomeness when it is clear that if he did in fact have pure awesomeness we would not have to be told about it for it would be all too obvious, and it isn't.

My method of killing him is by starting a thread about how it's mean to accuse somebody of looking like Patchy the pirate as if it's a bad thing when it is a strong part of my religious beliefs, starting a forum war which sets of a tornado in koolgai's house.

It makes sense, and yet it does not.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis bitch-slaps Miccy whilst complementing his Patchy The Pirate costume.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

BeardedHoplite drops an anvil on Anubis and Miccy when they're slap-fighting

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis opens an Vault-Tec Certified Deathclaw Insta-Spawner and unleashes several Deathclaws pumped full of Psycho upon Hoplite. He dies whilst becoming a pile of red pulp.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Madglee fires a Fat Man, filled with Nagasaki/Hiroshima death, at everyone in this thread. Mushroom cloud. Bright eruption. Dangerous unpredictability. When the light passes, there are only ashes of everyone in this thread.

No one can respond.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Except for me ,because of the ninja aura shield that I put up a few turns ago. I slash you up with my katana (If you are still alive).

Kill the above user

16 years ago

I had Martyrdom on, so as koolgai's aura goes down, he gets pwn'd by my nade.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

BeardedHoplite emerges from his Vault and shoots the corpses of Anubis, koolgai and madglee with his 223. pistol

Kill the above user

16 years ago

A ghoul named Anubis comes all the way from Necropolis and eats Hoplite.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Leon101, stabs Anubis with a sword through the chest, turning and twisting the blade slowly, Anubis coughs up blood before Leon pulls the sword out, then switfly hacks off Anubis' head. Blood splurts and runs out, as Anubis' headless body slumps to the ground.

Leon101 twirls the sword, then slides it back into the sheath. Cracking a smirk on his face, and crossing his arms.



Kill the above user

16 years ago

Round 2

Anubis proceeds to beat the snot, crap, shit, fuck, and fat cells out of Leon with swift yet critical hits all over Leon's body. After successfully doing so without taking a fraction of a hit, Anubis unsheaths his dual Khopeshes and spins his arms like windmills, lacerating Leon's limbs and then body. Finally, Anubis stabs one Khopesh into Leon's stomach, jumps behind Leon thus spinning his blade in Leon's body. Once behind Leon, Anubis slowly and ominous glares into Leon's soul and carefully slits Leon's jugular, gradually cutting deeper as the blade moves across Leon's neck. As the blade is about to sever Leon's jugular, Anubis performs the final slash in a flash, and Leon's corpse stays in place for several moments until it slumps to the ground, head falls off, and a pool of blood grows, consuming the ground that once supported a living Leon.



Kill the above user

16 years ago

ROUND 3               FINAL ROUND!!!!

Koolgai ressurects himself using the power of his ninja aura., takes Anubis and Leon and slashes them up using his katana until it breaks off into Anubis' skull , then pounds Leon into the ground using his amazing ninja stength.Then uses fire style jutsu to burn not only their bodies but their souls too.




Kill the above user

16 years ago

I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis crashes the game right before koolgai delivers the finishing blow, and therefore koolgai's account is pure fantasy.



Then Anubis beats koolgai to death with a pillow and some Chex Mix.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Koolgai resarts the game back at the final sequence and wins while slashing, beating, and burning Anubis and Leon.



Kill the above user

16 years ago

NOW, I WIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


THREAD ENDS___________________________________________________________________________________

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis takes the long underscore line and impales koolgai on a sacred tree, and binds him to the tree until somebody decides to release him.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Oh, just go on the game I made already instead of endlessly trying to kill me. I un-impale myself from the tree and teleport to the "Kill the above user: ROUND2" thread I made.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

BeardedHoplite grabs him by the toe and beats his skull in with the long underscore.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis finds the IWHBYD skull and beats Hoplite to death as he is beating koolgai's skull.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Hahah, Anubis! Only just now did I read that you have a Vault-Tec Deathclaw Spammer which spews deathclaws hopped up on psycho - that's awesome, nice laughing fit before bed!

Oh, and I sit peacefully, wholly and completely immortal and everything-proof, resistant but not murderous.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis shoves a broom up madglee's Fashion Bug ass.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

You can't, I'm everything-proof. What's Fashion Bug?

Kill the above user

16 years ago

BeardedHoplite sprays insecticide on madglee's Fashion bug (the good kind)

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis unleashes an infinite horde of Radroaches, Yao Guai, and angry children from Little Lamplight with guns upon Hoplite.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Turns into Rick James and messes up your fuckin' couches.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

I lyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyck Rick James, bitsch.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

BeardedHoplite throws Anubis on the spike bed of y he made, and then puts on his Fallout related death shield.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis takes one of the y's and stabs Hoplite in the left testicle.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

I force a pencil sharpener down Anubis's throat.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis grabs Bob, shoves him down his throat, finds the pencil sharpener, and grinds Bob with the pencil sharpener. Then Anubis enjoys the delicious pencil sharpener.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

BeardedHoplite blows a dart into Anubis with his blowgun

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis catches the dart and whips it back at Hoplite, stabbing him in the eye. Try again!

Kill the above user

16 years ago

BeardedHoplite grabs Anubis, ties him to a chair, soaks him in gasoline, cuts off his ear, lights him up and dances around his flaming corpse

Kill the above user

16 years ago

BeardedHoplite gets a heart-attack... and is then shot, after which he is thrown into a lake with a pair of cement shoes and dies of spontaneous submarine combustion.  It happens to the best of us.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

Anubis takes Zero's small font and shoves it into his urethra.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

(Why do I have such tiny font?)

Zero throws a pillow at Anubis's face, causing his death.

Kill the above user

16 years ago

(Sometimes you're just born with a smaller...oh, wait. Font. Okay. Uh...yeah, I don't know. *Sniff* Weird.)

Anubis's corpse throws the same pillow at Zero which causes Zero's death.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

beardedHoplite presses a detonator, igniting  the dyanamite He had placed there 47 years earlier.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Unfortunately, they were duds. Anubis takes the detonator and shoves it into Hoplite's arsehole, and then reads a book while Hoplite writhes in pain.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

(does he die from it?)

Zero tells Anubis that Justin Timberlake is not coming to his hometown.  Anubis -> Heartbroken.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

The reason Justin Timberlake isn't coming to Anubis's hometown, is he's too busy having gay sex with Zero. Zero gets aids and dies.


Kill the above user

15 years ago


While filming the whole thing, DV13 does not realize that the enemy planted the bomb at A on the other side of the map. It explodes, but not before one of the enemy players finds and gets a headshot off of DV13 with his Mosin-Nagant with Bayonet.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Anubis, while rolling on the floor, is pissed on by an elephant.  It doesn't kill him, but it makes him sad.  That, coupled along with him finding out that I was having gay sex with his love, causes him to blow his own brains out with a Пистолет Макарова.  That Red bastard.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

I love how I'm actually Russian.

The aforementioned elephant sits on Zero. It doesn't kill him; that would be too nice.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Because Zero wasn't killed by the elephant, he enslaves it and orders it to hire a hitman to kill Anubis!... which happens.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Then the hitman accidently shoots Zero in the balls.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Anubis then dies.

Kill the above user

15 years ago
AAHAHAHAHAHHA OWNED MOTHERFUCKER. Single best reply in Kill the Above User EVER.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

JJJ laughs himself to death, then gets reanimated, and then dies again.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Everyone finds out Anubis is really Bob and gets anally annihilated and ripped to shreds by the Easter Bunny (it's cool if I join in the middle of the thread?)

Kill the above user

15 years ago

DS's insecurity leads him to jump off a bridge onto October's mum's second wife: Anubis.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Justin Timberlake's constant moaning in an attempt to sing drives Zero insane. He impales himself through the eye with a candlestick.

(btw, ds, you joined at the BOTTOM of the thread. not the middle)


Kill the above user

15 years ago

Luke Skywalker stabs vader and kills him. How generic.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

(Now it's sort of the middle of the bottom, DV13. So suck it.)

Anubis asks Sony to smack ds for several hours. Then Anubis impales ds on a super mutant's stomach with a DS stylus.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Anubis offends some random ass pharoah from Ancient Egypt and gets AIDS from sharing needles with ipod, fleshie, bob, justin timblerlake, his aunt minnie, and october's "mum."

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Then Anubis gives ds AIDS.

It was worth it.

Kill the above user

15 years ago
I spin like Crash Bandicoot and shoot Anubis into a TNT box. Boom.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Anubis has the Flak Jacket perk, and only takes a little damage from the blast. He proceeds to whip out his Mosin-Nagant M1981/30 and gets a headshot on ds, which shatters ds's skull and penentrates his brain, killing him. The force of the bullet propels ds back to a pillar behind him, punching out any life that remained in his limp body. A resounding clank gives Anubis a grin as he silently celebrates yet another headshot for his Mosin-Nagant.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Anubis dies in one of my violent rages. Ha ha.


Kill the above user

15 years ago
sinner plays Chiodos at full volume, locking Riley in a padded cell. Riley takes a bite out of the padding and suffocates himself to a short, sad, post hardcore metal demise. And DS pisses on Anubis' ashes.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Little did ds know, pissing on Anubis's ashes awakens him, and in a wrathful frenzy, Anubis slices off all of ds's and Riley's limbs and Riley's head, and shoves them up ds's rectum. Then Anubis kicks ds into a pit full of non-lethal pain poison-tipped spikes. The spikes impale ds but do not kill him, and Anubis closes the pit and locks it up with an ancient sealing spell that lasts 9001 years and can never be opened otherwise. If ds somehow opens the pit, the pit chamber will deepen several miles into the earth which each of ds's attempts, and the pit will lock again for another 9001 years, plus an extra year for every attempt, so his first attempt to flee would make it 9002 years, his next 9003, and so on.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

I did not die in the padded room, because shortly after my demise, i had an artificial heart implanted in me. I have 1 hour to live. I use this time to kill anyone who's done me wrong. I choose Anubis, dude to his long, drawn out, unfunny deaths that he writes. (just kidding, they are funny)

I chase him down and cut open his stomach. I pull out his intestines, wrap them around his neck, and strangle him to death with his own intestines.


Kill the above user

15 years ago

Then DV13 dies of drinking too much water. He was drinking water, and then died because he drank too much.




Then he got a Wii What?

Kill the above user

15 years ago

i love water so much, that I decide I don't want to die yet. So i'm alive again.

Anubis pisses off Chuck Norris. 'Nuff said.


Kill the above user

15 years ago

Chuck Norris delivers a roundhouse kick that kills DV13, but not Anubis because Anubis had Juggernaut on.

Kill the above user

15 years ago
DS pulls out an AK-47 and slices through Anubis' petty juggernaut with stopping power. Lol I just played a LAN tournament for COD4, ten people team deathmatch, on shipment. chew on that for a bit.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Shipment blows, so I don't see what's so special about shotguns and martyrdom with 10 people. Sure, that's quite a few people but it's still shotguns and martyrdom.

Anyway, Anubis calls in a helicopter and dogs to do his work. Which is killing ds. Which he does. With his puppies. And it is painful.

Kill the above user

15 years ago
DS loves dogs, and the dogs love him (in a nonsexual way so your future jokes can suck it). Therefore, Anubis fails. The Kool Aid guy busts through a wall and crushes Anubis, killing him in a sugary death of dying (lol?).

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Then the Kool-Aid man vomits on DS, causing a horde of children filled by an insane, primal lust for Kool-Aid swarm DS and tear him to shreds attempting to suck what Kool-Aid they can from his body, but mostly drink blood. Then the dogs pee on the scattered remains of DS.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

kills anubis with a m4 and a gernade lunchar. then runs over his corps with a flying tank

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Oh my God, I get to kill csf143...what an honor. the "n" missing in "an m4", the confused "e" and r" that traded places in "grenade", the whole word "launcher", and the "e" in "corpse" form together to fight against shitty, half-assed spelling attempts by crushing CSF with a 300 ton dictionary.


Kill the above user

15 years ago

BeardedHoplite crushes the Sith lord using a thesaurus 

Kill the above user

15 years ago

lol, csf killed me with a all the money in the UK banks and in circulation, as well as a gurrrrrrnade luncheon. Then he runs over THE ENTIRE MARINE CORPS with a FLYING tank. So he kinda just...flew over 'em.

csf, this isn't AIM. Don't be an assface.

Anyway, Anubis takes csf's Marine Corps and smashes Hoplite's...uh...left pinky toe with it.

Kill the above user

15 years ago
Megamantn stabs Anubis in the head until his eyes roll up until his pupil cannot be seen.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Megaman accidently stabs his own hand whilst attempting to stab Anubis, and bleeds to death.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

BeardedHoplite joins in with a chainsaw and stabs the stabbers in thier left shins.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Bearded accidently gets his body torn to ribbons because he was too close the the chainsaw. Sorry...

Kill the above user

15 years ago
Anubis accidently gets his body torn to ribbons because the new survivors ran out of bullets. (If you get this, +4 respect points lol.)

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Silverman accidently shoots himself because a round cooked-off in his pocketed pistol that was unloaded.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

DV13 just fucking kills the whole lot of you. BITCHES.


Kill the above user

15 years ago

Then, bitches killed DV13. It was funny.

Kill the above user

15 years ago
Megamantn pushs Anubis's grandma down the stairs at Anubis Scary Movie style!

Kill the above user

15 years ago

I catch her at the bottom of the stairs, rescuing her and keeping her 100% safe. Whilst planting a live grenade in Megaman's pants. Which explodes. Which kills him. And not me or my grandma or anyone else. Just Megaman.

Kill the above user

15 years ago
Megamantn is really behind you in a Scream stalker costume stabbing anubis and his Grandma then blows up the house in a suicide bombing.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Megaman kills himself.

Kill the above user

15 years ago

Anubis assassinates himself. For we the people.

(I must say, this is a pretty historical suicide now)


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15 years ago

Anubis coughs, however, and as he pulls the trigger his cough moves his arm so that he aims at DV13's face. Once the bullet leaves the chamber, it speeds into DV13, a lodges and fragments in DV13's brain, causing massive hemorrage, which quickly kills DV13. Sorry.

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15 years ago
Megamantn puts Anubis into a big microwave & sets him for 30 days where he will be 100% fried.

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15 years ago

Anubis sneaks in enough gourmet food for 30 days, several legions of hot virgins who are all over me, and an entire pool. His last 30 days are kickass. Megaman proceeds to commit suicide out of envy.

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15 years ago
LOL, I'm killing the next one of you that doesn't go check out my new post in the WW.

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15 years ago

Leon101 kills Anubis, via Alt-Ctrl-Delete.

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15 years ago

Zero gives Leon a virus (actually STD) for bringing back a dead thread.

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15 years ago

Anubis gives Zero an STD (actually FaceBook AIDS) which sends Zero into a state of depression which ultimately causes him to hang himself. Textbook shit right there.

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15 years ago

MysteryCommenter chops Anubis's head off with a bloody ax.

You've created a fad, man.

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15 years ago

BeardedHoplite pulls MysteryCommenter's brains and genitals out with a fork and enjoys them with a nice glass of Everclear

Because its fun to make believe, and to kill

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15 years ago

Nearly 200 posts and you just fucking figure it out, Bob? Goddamnit, you're slow.

Anyway, Anubis steals Hoplite's snack of brains and genitals, takes a bit out of them, then remembers he could be eating the eyeballs, and spits on the brains and genitals as he passes them back to Hoplite whilst gouging out the eyes.

Oh, and uh, upon finishing out meals, I facestab Hoplite.

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15 years ago

Mad for being attacked I get up and take a AR-15 off a rack. I aim at Anubis but my aim sucks so terribly i shoot myself in the femoral artery.

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15 years ago

Anubis, seeing Murtagh's corpse, decides to claim the kill by eating Murtagh's intestines, liver, and left side of the brain.

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15 years ago
LOL, I'm killing the next one of you that doesn't go check out my new post in the WW!

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15 years ago

After Anubis's feast, he espects to obtain Murtahg's strength and abilities, but instead inherits his stupidity and is killed when he attempts to masturbate a shark.

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15 years ago

The shark then kills Zero when he tries to clean the shark's mouth with a pair of tweezers, a handful of poppy bread, some shaving cream, and his intestines.

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15 years ago
Megamantn starts putting Anubis in a gas chamber & locks it up real tight.

Next time, kill someone yourself.

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15 years ago

Mega forgets to exit the gas chamber before locking it, and experiences an extremely painful death comprised of exficiation by toxic gases, spasms and overstimulation by nerve gas, and buttsecks raip by Anubis.

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15 years ago
Megamantn is actually wearing a gas mask, turns gas off & sends Anubis in a room filled with venomous snakes, killer dogs & killer bears trained to kill anyone who goes inside the room.

Megamantn locks up the room so that Anubis cannot get out & flies to London, England to get a citizenship.

And please kill someone yourself & not wait for other things to kill your target. That's the whole point to the game.

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15 years ago

(I know how to play mah boi.)

While Mega is on the plane to England (why the hell would you go there, but w/e), he notices there's a lump in his back pocket. After fiddling with it to make the lump move from under his buttocks, Mega, frustrated, decides to remove the lump. He furiously fishes around under his pants, making the woman sitting next to him flinch and watch helplessly confused. Eventually, Mega empties his back pocket and retrieves the item that formed the lump. With a relieved smile and relaxed eyes, Mega examines the item. Suddenly, his eyes widen with fear and surprise, as the item is revealed to be a M67 fragmentation grenade. The woman sitting beside Mega glances over to see Mega holding a grenade in his hand, and screams in absolute terror. Mega tries to explain that he had no knowledge of possessing the grenade, but to no avail. The plane security quickly siezes Mega, but when trying to confiscate the grenade, the pin is accidently pulled when Mega's finger holds onto it as the security guard forces the plastic egg-shaped explosive out of Mega's hand. Three long seconds full of everyone looking to their right and left to exchange looks of horror and panic. The three seconds conclude, and a large explosion envelopes several seats around the commotion, and those who weren't seared or punctured by shrapnel are forced to follow the now rent-in-two plane into the deep-blue Atlantic Ocean.

Miles away, Anubis wonders where he misplaced the grenade he would have used to break the glass, throw at Mega, kill him, and escape, but decides it is a lost cause, and ponders just how large his penis was compared to the smaller structures like the Pyraminds of Giza, the Empire State Building, and the soon-to-be-erected Space Elevator as he breathes his last breaths of noxious gas.

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15 years ago
Anubis dies for being in the forum while he has a job to do.

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15 years ago

Anubis rates The Order of the Midnight Sun a 1, forcing JJJ to commit suicide.

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15 years ago
... not funny.

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15 years ago

Anubis kills with a gun. Figure out the details for yourself.

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15 years ago

MysteryCommenter drowns Anubis in a pit of nacho cheese.

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15 years ago

MysteryCommenter fails at life so much and expires. Anubis steals the kill, though.

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15 years ago

Er, pardon me, Bob fails...

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15 years ago

BeardedHoplite takes his ethernet cable out of his xbox and strangles Anubis

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15 years ago

Anubis escapes and plugs the ethernet cable back in, gets back onto xbox, challenges BeardedLegion to a private match in World at War, pwns him up with an Arisaka with Bayonet, causing Bearded to become depressed, thus leading him to purcahse a real Type 99 Arisaka with an included attachable bayonet circa 1943 production and kill himself with by firing all five 7.7x58mm Arisaka rifle rounds into various non-vital areas of his body and finally stabbing himself in the stomach hanakiri-style, swiftly finishing him off.

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15 years ago

dazohan kills anubis wit a tomahawk

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15 years ago

Anubis deflects the Tomahawk with his Bowie Knife by spinning the hook of the Tomahawk's blade around the edge of the Bowie Knife, grasps the handle and throws the Tomahawk back at Dazohan's knee, crushing his knee and severing the tendons that kept the leg up, causing Dazohan to fall hard. Anbuis charges forward, Bowie Knife tight in hand, and proceeds to pummel Dazohan's face in with the brass knuckles component of the Bowie Knife, and just as Dazohan prepares to breathe his last breath, Anubis deftly slides the edge of the Bowie Knife across Dazohan's neck. Anubis stands up, turns around, takes a deep breath to calm his nerves, and snaps his fingers, causing Dazohan's neck to rend open, his jugular severed, and blood bursts from the neck creating a storm of blood that drenches Dazohan and forms a meter-wide pool that holds Dazohan's blood delicately.

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15 years ago

dazohan floats up to heaven where he has a meeting with god, they decide to smite anubis.

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15 years ago

Unfortunately, Dazohan cannot bear the sight of God, and thus enters hell (a state-of-being, not a place) and Dazohan never gets around to remembering what he would do to Anubis.

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15 years ago


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15 years ago

Damn you, I suck at World at War

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15 years ago


Anubis kills Hoplite with a Mosin-Nagant to the face.

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15 years ago

BeardedHoplite kills Anubis wit his Sig .556 at Kane & Lynch, which he is actually good at.

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15 years ago

Uh, it's SIG SG 556. It's not a .556 caliber rifle.

Anubis takes his Heckler & Koch MP5A4SD equipped with an ITL MARS Reflex Sight, and then smacks Hoplite to death.

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15 years ago

Forgive me, I'm tired

BeardedHoplite shoots a poisonous dart into Anubis neck, putting him to sleep, he then procedes to eat Anubis...slowly

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15 years ago

Anubis wakes up and starts nomming on Hoplite. The eating battle seems like a stalemate, until Hoplite gets to Anubis's penis. Before Hoplite can finish the slightest bite, Anubis has totally eaten Hoplite.

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15 years ago

BeardedHoplite pulls an Alien(you know that part where that thing bursts out of the dude's stomach) out of Anubis' HD 

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15 years ago

The Alien kills Hoplite and then starts having philosophical discussions with Anubis. The two become good friends, but the Alien tragically dies of cervical cancer and Anubis gives a long eulogy. Get it? Long.

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15 years ago


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15 years ago

Ew, ugh, no, gross! And so wrong! My friend died! How can you make such immature obscenities! You vile man!

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15 years ago

Eh, I never liked him,he was a dick

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15 years ago

Anubis slips on a banana, but doesn't fall. The banana then kills Hoplite with a switch-comb.