Jazz, The Reader

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12/21/2021 6:00 AM

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1 win / 1 loss





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Black, Female or Gay? on 5/1/2019 8:34:19 AM

not understanding a female not having tree peeing powers. Maybe its because i attended a party university, but ive witnessed a female peeing on a tree with an airhockey puck up her ass at one of my shindigs

Black, Female or Gay? on 4/30/2019 7:33:18 AM

nice write up, maybe next time you should start with a hypothesis to see if your conclussions match your educationed guess as to what the results are.  I would envision males having a harder time giving up the "power" that comes with masculinitiy as opposed to race or sexual orientation or ace whatever that is...sorry for my ignorance.  Sorry for going off track and being an asshole and stating green, the massive pollen strikes in North Carolina recently have my most important senses in critical condition.

Black, Female or Gay? on 4/30/2019 7:19:07 AM

sorry for being a douchnozzle orc


straight while male...straight black male

Black, Female or Gay? on 4/29/2019 12:08:09 PM

straight white male - straight green male

hey on 4/24/2019 2:21:23 PM

thank you kind sir

hey on 4/24/2019 2:21:04 PM

oh yes, its was great none the less. i just hit the two different endings and was like i gotta be miss the ruler of the world ending somewhere lol. i enjoyed it both ways.

hi on 4/24/2019 12:36:17 PM


hey on 4/24/2019 12:34:56 PM

thats true, but i started back college so alot of my reading time i used to have, im using on school work now.  i really enjoyed your story though, was upset there was no like super awesome ending, maybe where he could've rehabilitated Myrr while also being with Caitlynn i believe, a nice happy love triangle, and went on to rule a great kingdom

hey on 4/24/2019 7:37:18 AM

hello sir

hey on 4/24/2019 4:25:27 AM

apologies, went to respond to this last night but for some reason my cell wouldnt let me click the reply button.  I would be almost 100% positive timeline wise it would have to be completed, the last one was really far off from the rest.

there was one that i couldnt exactly figure out that i tried for awhile, but obviously the guy was a child molester or something so i never got to finish it.  I almost registered with the site at that point to try to get help, it was something based on having to rescue a friend from a haunted house or something. 

as far as just clicking links go, there was a zombie one where you start in a subway that was really good, it took me a couple weeks to complete every side road possible in that one.  most of the time i try to read through with selections i make, then read through again selecting the last link to every choice, then ill just hit back until the previous fork in the road, rinse wash repeat. 



btw cricket, really enjoyed sir osis,  i was so thrilled about a week ago when i had gotten to work and saw 4 new stories all at once