KingOfThings, The Reader

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2 wins / 7 losses





Can't stop the rock.

Recent Posts

Lords of Chaos on 12/11/2006 4:41:09 PM
In a world torn apart by the power struggles of the greedy...
... there are those who would venture into the darkest, vilest regions...

Not in the name of their country...
... not in the name of their beliefs...
... but in the name of war itself...

To these few individuals, life is a battle...
... and death...
... is a living.

"Lords of Chaos"

REVOLUTION NIOBE on 10/26/2006 5:50:59 PM

   The Qsaress of the planet Niobe has diverted shipments of food and medical supplies sent from the United Interplanetary Council to be given to the population of Niobe, in order to increase her government's trade profit. As one of the outraged citizens of the planet, take part in a revolution that will change your world forever... or be shot in the back of the head by your opressor for trying.

Criticisms and plot twist ideas would be appreciated. It's going to be loosely based on the Soviet revolution as far as actual workings of the revolt.

Dawson School Shooting on 9/19/2006 11:38:07 PM
I hereby declare Leon101 > x, where x = his britches.

Dawson School Shooting on 9/18/2006 1:45:39 PM
Yeah, everyone's heard of Columbine. It seems that the guy who did Dawson regularly played the game you're talking about... And just to be clear, I think violence has it's place in games, but when the game is more aobut killing than purpose, it's destructive.

Dawson School Shooting on 9/14/2006 7:54:50 PM
I live in Montreal and I know a lot of people who were effected by the recent shooting at Dawson. Not to excuse this guy's behaviour, but this whole thing has really made me "see the light" concerning the violence we encourage in our society. I think that this site does a good job at providing fun games that do not follow the "Kill all the other team, rofl!" storylines found in so many games in our culture. I would encourage everyone to continue producing games with a message of peace.

AAH on 8/16/2006 2:33:11 PM
Thanks very much! On tyhe plus side, i got a whole whack of experience points for re-creating my game over and over ;)

AAH on 8/16/2006 2:22:08 PM
It seems that if I've been writing my first page for more than a few seconds, once i try to save it, the site denies i created the game. then, when i click on the game in my games, it goes to a still-existant game, sans saved first page. also, all last night, the "post new message" linked me to the log off page...