Liqquitty, The Reader

Member Since


Last Activity

9/1/2019 1:06 AM

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Duel Stats

0 wins / 1 loss





Um, im afraid im a bit boring

my discord is Liqquitty#4098


Zem The Succubus & The Christian Child

Zem The Succubus & The Christian Child   is a story game based off of the clashing between the Succubi/Incubi demonic race's beliefs, and the temptations of a Christian Child bound by the pledge of abstinence.

Recent Posts

Heterosexual Mythological Creature Contest on 7/19/2019 1:26:22 AM

Who won?

Proofreaders Wanted on 7/9/2019 9:43:25 PM

This was volunteer work was it not? If i didn't have so much going on i would have done it. Sorry to have disappointed you.

Proofreaders Wanted on 7/9/2019 4:32:49 AM

Yes, my apologies on that. I have been... Tied up, between End's contest and the 10 more tropes i have to find (thanks crick).  tl;dr Oh well, maybe next time.

Heterosexual Mythological Creature Contest on 7/8/2019 9:54:29 PM

Why must you say these things? I get roasted here enough.

Heterosexual Mythological Creature Contest on 7/8/2019 9:16:16 PM

What is a bee? I've never heard of them! Seeing is believing. I've never seen one. I don't believe in bees. There, i got 5 of those bastards, cleansing the world, one insect at a time.

Heterosexual Mythological Creature Contest on 7/8/2019 8:23:05 PM

Nice, if anything, i hope you win! Mind telling me what software you used?

Heterosexual Mythological Creature Contest on 7/8/2019 8:20:40 PM

i did some image searching to see if this was copied from somewhere... and let me ask you.... Is this from League of Legends? That annoyingly popular game? the one that is almost as cringeworthy as Fortnite? The one that should get you helled until you write a 5k word essay speaking of how ashamed you are, and how minecraft is the best game ever? smh, have some respect .

Heterosexual Mythological Creature Contest on 7/8/2019 8:14:26 PM

Lmao it is sideways. Whatever, i think it turned out okay. although the wings remind me of those maple seeds from this angle. I think the one in color is going to win, But if it is just between the hand drawn ones i think i have a shot


Heterosexual Mythological Creature Contest on 7/8/2019 8:12:20 PM
Hand Drawn Succubus


Too big for the forum.

i feel like it will be a toss up between mine and the one thats in color

EndMaster's Succubus Story Contest on 7/5/2019 5:55:44 AM

I will enter. I'm going to reget treasure this!