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Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

I suspect that by the end of today, barring any unforeseen circumstances, my next storygame should be ready for proofreaders to start having a crack at it.

By which I mean: The story is not complete, but there will be enough material for someone to review over the next couple weeks, without the need to feel rushed. And, hopefully, this will motivate me to keep busy and complete the remaining story branches.

The story called Secret of the Grass Planet. It is the sequel to Marooned on Giri Minor, and will be substantially longer (approximately 60,000 words). It is sci-fi, completely story-based (i.e. no stats, no items), and will probably have over 40 unique endings by the time I'm finished.

@ShoujoAddict has already expressed an interest. But if there are one or two other writers who will have some free time in the coming weeks, shoot me a PM. I'm looking for spelling/grammatical errors obviously, but also feedback on the story itself. My plan is to make 2/3 of the story available here on CYS by the end of today, with the final third to be completed (hopefully) later in July.

Procedurally (since I've never tried this before) I'm guessing all I have to do is share a link to the story with the unfortunate victims happy volunteers? If I do that, they will have access to read the story?

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
You have to have it on Sneak Peek for sharing a link to work. You also can add co-authors, but then they can mess with everything themselves. So you'd have to really trust them not to screw everything up.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

I do have it on sneak peek.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
There you go then. They can also open it themselves.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

 Cool! I’ll get to it soon. I’m really hyped for the story 

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Thanks. I just sent you the link.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

I saw this thread so i made an account, i hope you wouldn't mind if i may also have a crack at it. been lurking for a short while.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
You certainly impress ME.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

How so?

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

No response eh?


Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Seriously, of all the things to do on CYS, it was my request for a couple proofreaders that finally convinced you to create an account?

Just curious to know why. (And welcome, by the way.)

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Not quite, I've been wanting an account since i crash landed here a couple of days ago, but i held out until i saw this. When i saw this, i though this is great, an opportunity for me to give myself a name, and for people to i guess know who i am. Plus, i have trouble starting stories and such, so if i read something that is current, it may give me an idea for my own story (Not copying you of course, more like inspiration). 

And thanks for welcoming me, i hope the people will like me, so ill focus on giving myself a name.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Fair enough. I sent you a link to the storygame.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Liquid Kitty,

Your contribution has been... um... how shall we say?


Yes. That is precisely the word I've been looking for. Is your attention span measured in nanoseconds or something?

To quote someone else: "You're fired."

I suspect these are words you will hear frequently in life.


The Management.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
Lol fag

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Yes, my apologies on that. I have been... Tied up, between End's contest and the 10 more tropes i have to find (thanks crick).  tl;dr Oh well, maybe next time.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
You're welcome.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Like there will be a next time...

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

This was volunteer work was it not? If i didn't have so much going on i would have done it. Sorry to have disappointed you.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Yes, I was asking for volunteers. But it demonstrates your (lack of) character when you say you will do something, and then go fucking around the forums instead.

And I wanted to make sure everyone here gets to see the loser you are. It's not a matter of my disappointment, but your shame.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
Ingersoll is fitting right in. :D

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Lol. That's great stuff.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
No he's not. He had actual expectations for some random teenage noob with a cat avatar. Everyone else immediately knew better.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
He'll learn in time though.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

He offered to help, and since no one else had done so I figured I had nothing to lose from accepting that offer. It's not like this is derailing my plans to finish the story. However, I did assume* that on a website full of readers and writers there may have been a bigger pool of people looking for a way to contribute.

And I should mention that @ShoujoAddict has been awesome in reviewing the first 2/3 of the text. According to his(?) profile, he's still a relative noob too.

I try not to pre-judge. I'll give anyone a chance to either live up or live down to my expectations. If they do the first, I try to give credit where credit's due. If they do the second... well, I see no reason to keep my thoughts to myself.



* Yep, I remember the whole "ass / u / me" thing. No need to remind me on that.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Thanks! Tbf the storygame is extremely interesting, so I just wanted a chance at reading your latest works, and helping you by  proofreading is just an added bonus to that, I guess :-p 

Now if only authors/game devs could give me special early access to their soon to be released books and games, on account of rooting out bugs/typos...

Anyway, just wanted to inform that I’ve read through what was added.

(Oh and it’s ‘her’ not ‘his’) 

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Awesome! Thank you! I got your notes, and I will address them soon.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
Make up your goddamn mind. Or at least shave your beard. I was surprised not to see more interest in this one either, but most of the always around people are working on their own projects, and summer has always been weirdly slow on the site compared to spring and fall. Never understood it but it's just like weekends are dead compared to weekdays. Everything is backwards here.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Actually, it makes perfect sense. On weeknights during the school year, all the kids hang out here to avoid doing their homework.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Lol yeah, the next day when teacher asks;

“So...what were you doing yesterday again, instead of doing your homework ?”

“Reading literature, to improve my creativity and writing skills.”

“Oh wow, what were you reading? I would love to see a short summary on it.”

“Sure thing!”  Proceeds to loudly explain the whole class a summary of love sick.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Who knows? Maybe the teacher would be into that kind of thing. Educators aren't robots, after all.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
@simplesabley seems you and Bill would make great friends! You can bond over your shared experience with lazy proofreaders.
I mean, just kidding. You don't have any such experiences to share. After all, I've already proofread, uh, one page today!
Edit: Make that two. And it only took me slightly more than half an hour to finish the second!

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

It's like all the proofreaders have unionized or something. Can't get a decent day's work out of them anymore.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
I feel like its just a lead up to some fullfillment of a Cystian prophecy of some kind. Soon the chosen one will come and save us. They'll be so efficient they can proofread an entire 100k story in a single day!

Maybe they'll be named Neo or something Matrixy like that.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
To be fair, I've been slow on progress myself. I've only actually implemented one page of your edits so far...

But, I swear I'll get the others done today. For real this time. I know I've said that every day for over a week now, but I totes mean it this time!

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
If you still need someone in a couple of weeks I ought to be able to give it a look. My computer time is just extremely fragmented right now and my sleep schedule is worse, and there are a couple of other games I'm way behind at giving feedback on. Really looking forward to seeing the end produce either way though.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Thanks. I'm planning to forego my usual weekend activities this week so that possibly/maybe, there might be a finished product to publish two weeks from now.

Just don't tell my dog, because she's itching for a long hike.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

I wouldn't mind giving it a look over if you wanted.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
You have to be literate to proofread anything, Serpent.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Ya ya, but look. It's not that I dislike reading storygames. I'm just not a big fan of the super hero theme. Also hell is a good motivation to write, and that review seems a little easy. In any case I will PM you in about a week with my thoughts on it.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Not sure why you aren't just doing the easiest thing and writing a glowing review of one of my stories.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Umm... thank you for applying for the position, but I think next time you might want to select some better character references.

Kidding aside, the timeframe for proofreading the story would be very tight right now, as I am working toward the goal of publishing this in the coming days.

As it turns out, the twin contests by End and Mizal have been good motivations for me to write... because otherwise "Grass Planet" will get buried in a landslide of contest entries.

And I have a strong desire to move on, anyway.

In the meantime, though, you can read and review my previous story:

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
So this was just published I noticed.

It's, uh, pretty big.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
I'm heading on vacation tomorrow, and just wanted to put this story to bed. I'm very pleased with the way it came out, which was much more expansive than what I first set out to write. I blew off quite a few other responsibilities to see this through to completion.

That said, because the "main" ending is so hard to find, I suspect it won't get reviewed well. But we'll see.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
Are there stats or something involved now then?

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
I used one variable in one storypath. That variable isn't displayed, but you'll probably know when you've found the spot where I used it.

Basically, there's one key scene that can be reached by two different paths. The way you enter that scene determines how you proceed afterwards.

Otherwise, this is old-school CYOA... but probably three times as long.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
I see then. Thanks for letting me know.
Now I can find both when I read it.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
I've featured Giri Minor. Grass Planet is looking to be far more impressive, but we only do one story in a series at a time and it makes sense to put up the first one.

Do you want me to edit a link to Grass Planet into the description?

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
Thanks. And I agree, I think Grass Planet is a more involved story than Giri, but it makes sense if people read the stories in sequence.

We'll see how this works, but a few days ago I edited Giri Minor to add a "preview" page for Part II immediately after the epilogue, to let people know that the sequel is already available. I did this after looking at another featured story that was part of a series, where people were commenting "can't wait for the sequel!"

Likewise, when you get to the main ending for Grass Planet, there is a brief preview to Part III (which I don't intend to write right away; I have something else in mind first).

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

SotGP has been published for about 11 days now... who's reading it, and has anybody found the main ending yet?

I realize that I wrote a massively long narrative maze, and that there was a flurry of new stories published last night (some of which I plan to read tonight). I'm just naturally curious to know what people think so far.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
I started it a few days ago but only got around to sitting down and reading large portions this afternoon. I found the main ending and probably almost all of the other endings so far. The Iib Ch'iib are super cool, and I can't wait to see more.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago


Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago
I'm planning to dive in on Friday, I'll be off and so far expecting to have the day clear.

Proofreaders Wanted

5 years ago

Ha, a day might be enough time.