RayGray, The Reader

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34, male, usa

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re:What is your favorite Game?? on 6/13/2005 2:29:02 PM
The movie is GREAT! Scary and compelling, and probably the first of it's kind.

For the text games (though I have not read them all), I like Magus: Betrayal. It's well written and has an interesting story.

Is Karacan still around? on 6/12/2005 10:35:25 PM
I just finished reading Magus: Betrayal by Karacan, and was hoping he (or she?) still came here working on some stories. It really was the type of game I've been looking to find (and write).

Many of the games are too simple, campy, or out right unreadable. More quality peices like Magus might make a better impression on visitors to the site. (Conversely, go play the Halo game and tell me a first-timer wouldn't be driven away...)

Well, just wondering if Karacan is still around,

re:How did you find the site? on 6/6/2005 4:44:09 AM
I found it in a link on Damien's Gamebook Page. Over the past couple of years, I've been thinking of writing some CYOAs. Now I can work on a few and get some feedback on them here.

re:How to make a Game? on 6/4/2005 3:07:58 AM
Thanks for the warm welcome. I played around with the regular editor last night, and I should have a sample done soon. Thanks for the tip about erasing and renaming games, also.

Oddly enough, I have a few roughly mapped out games outlined in a folder already, so once I get the hang of the builder...

The advanced editor sounds really cool; like you could use light role-playing game rules in the stories, like stats and inventory.(Fighting Fantasy and LoneWolf, right?)

This site is truely awsome!!!
Thanks again for the tips (and keep em coming),

re:I need a good idea! on 6/3/2005 4:04:39 AM
Hi! I'm new to the site, and would love to read some post-apocalyptic stories. How about a Living Dead story, or some 'after-the-bomb' stuff?

Just a suggestion,

How to make a Game? on 6/3/2005 3:49:20 AM
Hi, I'm new and very interested in some tips, and hints for creating new cyoas. Sadly, the 'How To' says only, "comming soon", and the faqs doesn't have much advice.

Is there a tutorial for the editor; or a way to totally erase a story your just practicing and learning with?

Also, (sorry about splitting the topic...), is there a way to view a whole thread in the forum as one page? Clicking each reply takes my focus off the content of the conversation.

Thanks for any responses in advance,