Waylon_Royce, The Reader


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11/17/2021 12:10 AM

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Seeking immortality. The bloodsucking kind.

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Refugee CoGite. Here's my final message to Jason on 11/15/2021 9:17:49 PM
No, its the CoG version of them. Young male sex slaves.

Refugee CoGite. Here's my final message to Jason on 11/15/2021 9:15:40 PM
I just saw that Voldy joined me over here. Nice. Consider it just a small group crossing the border on their own accord and wishes for a better life. One free from faggotry and lies.

Refugee CoGite. Here's my final message to Jason on 11/15/2021 9:09:13 PM
Vexius_Krexius: Hello Jason! I’d like to become a mod, if you need one. Here’s some reasons to consider me: I’m not a raging, power-tripping faggot like you. I don’t snort coke off Columbian concubines, like you. I didn’t go all crybaby bitchboy on an innocent Forum-goer, like you did with Avery. Unlike yours, my wife doesn’t want me to be a cuck. I’m one of the many who see past your “Egalitarian” facade. I’m not as retarded as you. A lot of people aren’t. That is all. Can’t wait to watch your kingdom of hand-puppet fags eventually and beautifully crumble. GLORY TO CYSTIA! ... That is all. For anyone looking for lols.