bigfoot, The Reader

Member Since


Last Activity

1/21/2019 12:23 PM

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Duel Stats

0 wins / 0 losses





Hey man!

I'm Bigfoot. I'm not sure why the hell I picked this name, but I did. I'm brand spanking new to this website, so if you want to pop me a message and help me out, well it would really be appreciated.

I enjoy reading these interactive game thingys, writing, drawing, and binge watching television series (Especially Lost, Game of Thrones and Westworld.)

So yeah, see you around then.

Recent Posts

Hey There! I'm.. A complete newbie on 11/11/2018 1:12:29 PM

I've also read some of the help stuff, so don't just link me to there right away, thanks. 

Hey There! I'm.. A complete newbie. on 11/11/2018 12:58:00 PM

Hey there! I just stumbled across this site, it looked pretty neat, I checked out a few story games.. so yeah. I feel like I should try my best at writing a story, I kinda suck at writing, but it may be fun. I really have little to no idea of how this works, so any sort of help would be appreciated on how I do all this, thanks!