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Hey There! I'm.. A complete newbie.

6 years ago

Hey there! I just stumbled across this site, it looked pretty neat, I checked out a few story games.. so yeah. I feel like I should try my best at writing a story, I kinda suck at writing, but it may be fun. I really have little to no idea of how this works, so any sort of help would be appreciated on how I do all this, thanks!


Hey There! I'm.. A complete newbie

6 years ago

I've also read some of the help stuff, so don't just link me to there right away, thanks. 

Hey There! I'm.. A complete newbie.

6 years ago

Welcome! Read the articles in the 'Help & Info' section, they were written for this precise purpose. Reading some more storygames before starting to write will also help you gauge their general standards and structures, and while you're at it you can contribute by rating and reviewing them. Don't feel pressured or rushed into writing, go at your own pace.

Edit: alright you've already read the articles, so I can't give much more advice. Wait for some of the more experienced members if you want writing advice.

Hey There! I'm.. A complete newbie.

6 years ago
Indeed, the help & info section should be enough to get you started. Beyond that, many people here will be happy to give you advice on specific questions or even review sections of your writing if you wish for that.

Hey There! I'm.. A complete newbie.

6 years ago

I'd recommend two things.  The first is what you and the others have already mentioned: check out the articles in the Help & Info section, link on the left.

The second thing is, while you still have nothing to lose in your storygame, to just hover over and click all of the controls in the interface.  You will learn a lot of things that might not be covered elsewhere just by stumbling across them.  Play around with the different settings and see what fits you best.  You might like the controls offered by the advanced editor or you might like to keep things simple and focus on the writing aspect.  Now is the best time to do this, because you'll expose yourself early to things that may make your work much easier down the road.

Bonus tip: start with a short storygame, pour your heart and soul into it, put it out there, and see how it goes.  You'll come out better equipped for more serious projects that way.

Hey There! I'm.. A complete newbie.

6 years ago
Welcome to the site! No rush to publish anything, you can review other people's games and play around with the editor as long as you need to until you're comfortable with it and with tackling a story of your own. And really as long as it's proofread and complete it should do fine here, you seem to understand that whole grammar thing so you're already ahead of a lot of the noobs we get.

Be sure to check out the Advanced Editor and Writing Workshop boards and let us know if you have any questions.

Hey There! I'm.. A complete newbie.

6 years ago
Welcome. Watch out for the beartraps laying around.

Hey There! I'm.. A complete newbie.

6 years ago

I am new to this website just like you. It hasn’t been much more than a week and I pretty much know what everything does in the regular editor; you’ll get the hang of it pretty quickly.

Hey There! I'm.. A complete newbie.

6 years ago

Welcome. The best advice I can give is to keep reading the different kinds of storygames to see what options are available. Storygames are usually in one of two categories: Interactive Story and Dungeon Crawl. The interactive story is more along the lines of the old Choose Your Own Adventure books, where you make choices to further a basic plot. The Dungeon Crawl is more along the lines of the old text-based computer games like Zork, where there is no overarching plot per-say, but a series of places you can move freely about in to collect treasure, find an important item, explore, ect. Between these two extremes, you'll find many storygames that fall somewhere on the spectrum. The more you read, the better you'll get the feel for how they are put together. Plus, you can always ask for help. There are plenty of seasoned veterans here who will gladly answer questions and give you feedback.