bisesto, The Reader


Member Since


Last Activity

5/4/2016 6:25 PM

EXP Points


Post Count


Storygame Count


Duel Stats

3 wins / 6 losses






Hello... It's me.... I was wondering if after all these years you like to- huh? Oh. Hi! I'm bisesto! I'm on Scratch, and have a blog and a few websites, and I LOVE  Warrior Cats, and am SO ANGRY that it was banned. Derpino (DerpBacon) does NOT deserve to be Cystian president, and neither does the cold-hearted shit head known as Steve24833. Die in a hole, steve.

My blog is 

"Pour Water On the Troll, Free the Newb, Save the Cat!"

Recent Posts

I'm new! on 5/3/2016 7:39:18 PM


What Happened To The Warrior Cats? on 4/29/2016 10:38:35 PM


What Happened To The Warrior Cats? on 4/29/2016 10:20:47 PM

I agree. The fanfic and animations are terrible.

What Happened To The Warrior Cats? on 4/28/2016 8:52:10 PM

*Face Palm*

What Happened To The Warrior Cats? on 4/28/2016 3:55:36 PM

Ok, ThunderClan is overpowered cuz' it's the main clan, and the parts aren't really bland, the prophocies and forbidden love make it even better. Your loyalty lies with your clan. Not outside of it. (reason for forbidden love)

What Happened To The Warrior Cats? on 4/28/2016 3:50:45 PM

I believe that WC is awesome! The plot of those books has affected my life (even more than life itself!), and causes more emotions that any other series. IK that people have their own opinions, and all, but I love WC....