Ford, The ???

Member Since


Last Activity

7/26/2024 7:47 PM

EXP Points


Post Count


Storygame Count


Duel Stats

282 wins / 205 losses





Trophies Earned

Managed to track this down after it got stolen from you and pawned for cigarette money. I'm sure you'll deserve it someday. Rated 100.0% of all Stories



kyu kyo ku no chi shi ki
Truths quietly told
Stars align in woven verse
Ephemeral dance

Articles Written

CYS Script
An overview of the CYS scripting language and its quirks provided by BradinDvorak.

Recent Posts

Can't access Link Restrictions on 7/26/2024 5:22:58 PM
wait longer before clicking so the scripts have time to load

Raping advice/critique on 7/26/2024 2:18:49 PM
Why are you so horny?

Thunderdome 14: Yummyfood vs mrcrimsonclean! on 7/26/2024 1:20:38 PM

test on 7/25/2024 9:43:56 PM

The Brainrot Thread Awards Ceremony on 7/25/2024 6:04:58 PM
you need to work on your bants a bit. this would've been 10x funnier if you replied literally anywhere else in this thread

The Brainrot Thread Awards Ceremony on 7/25/2024 5:32:17 PM
Bartender, give me a spicy 2000 with the works

By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 7/25/2024 5:19:33 PM
I can be convinced either way

The Brainrot Thread Awards Ceremony on 7/25/2024 5:17:37 PM
pro tip to people who already read this in comic sans with rainbows in the background: you can hit the reply button to read it in normal text and without a rainbow glare

By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 7/25/2024 2:07:49 PM
I am now more inclined to give her a custom title to counter-simp

By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 7/24/2024 5:46:19 PM
miz didnt. I know in-laws can be difficult but you have to power through