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VooDew 6.0

It's almost time for them to release the flavor, what do y'all think this year's VooDew flavor is? To me, it kinda tastes like one of those red sour punch straws, the ones you get at the movies or at the arcade at a rollerskating rink.

VooDew 6.0


First I'm hearing of this ever.

VooDew 6.0

Mountain Dew® Voo Dew® Mystery Flavor ... This thing, they're pretty much every American gas station and they sell even in cans in Walmart. They're based off a Halloween candy, and I only started at 4.0 and they were pretty accurate so far, when they released the flavor I had it spot on. It even has a whole wiki page

VooDew 6.0


Is this a Mountain Dew thing? We only get the original stuff in the U.K. so... Toothpaste flavour?

VooDew 6.0


mtn dew tastes niceeee. I love mtn dew, almost never drink it though. I wonder what an american would think of a british soda like vimto or iron brew, Love those two.

My Dad lived in America for many years when he was younger for work, and he prefers most things about the place (loved the roads and homes especially), but the one thing he does say is better here is our chocolate. He says American chocolate tastes  worse lol

VooDew 6.0


Oh, I like the original Mountain Dew. I was just making a very uneducated guess for the VooDew flavour.

... Also finding out for the first time that in America, it is literally called Mtn Dew. In the U.K. its Mountain Dew. Very weird.

VooDew 6.0


oh yeah true, i didnt even recognise that.

VooDew 6.0


Oh yeah, I've had American chocolate before. British chocolate is vastly superior. ^_^

VooDew 6.0

Our chocolate tastes like sugar and sawdu- I mean cellulose. Your chocolate tastes like chocolate, not straight sugar, so it's gonna taste better. I will say we make better candy bars than you Redcoats do, what do you even give out on Halloween?

VooDew 6.0


Toothbrushes! ^_^

VooDew 6.0

I like toothbrushes.

VooDew 6.0


well, when i was a kid my plastic bag id go out with for trick or treating would generally look like this: 


download (4).jfifdownload (5).jfif

along with maybe a pack of hula hoops. some walkers crisp (basically lays). Youd definitely have a few packets of haribos in there, super popular here, some squashies for sure. Theres actually quite a lot, i do think Americans definitely have better sour candy by farrr though, i remember warheads, i loved them so much id eat them till my tongue would bleed and then i would struggle eating my food, truly taught me moderation is key lol

VooDew 6.0


First picture definitely more accurate than the second in terms of what a British kid can expect to get in their Halloween bags. Ain't nobody giving out full sized chocolate bars on Halloween.

VooDew 6.0

I'll try some Vimto and Iron Brew if I can get your opinion on a few flavors of Faygo.

VooDew 6.0


Vimto = Good.
Iron Brew, I'm kind of on the fence about.
I have no idea what Faygo is.

VooDew 6.0

Cheap American Soda, I personally like it but for some flavors you can taste the profits they're taking out of production. But at one point it had the title of best tasting American Root Beer. Mostly though it's really not all that special, it's whole premise is that it's cheap.

VooDew 6.0


Faygo is just a brand of various flavored drinks. It originated in Detroit, and it's only really found in the other states around Michigan.

VooDew 6.0

Grape, Twist, and Cola can be found in almost every dollar tree in four packs, but Candy Apple and Blueberry and the good flavors aren't really found anywhere but near Michigan.

VooDew 6.0


It's in Kansas!! They have it at my town's grocery store

VooDew 6.0

15 hours ago

Oddly enough, Faygo is sold in smoke shops here in AZ, but not normal grocery stores.

VooDew 6.0


we dont have faygo here i dont think, i agree with avery that vimto > iron brew though. I do like iron brew though but i can see why some are meh about it. 

VooDew 6.0


here is my personal rating of some American sodas that i know are American brands in the UK. 


1. mountain dew

2. dr pepper, its kind of like coke but better imo, although we have a brand in the UK called dandelion and burdock, and thats like dr pepper and i prefer that over coke too, although id say its even 'stronger' than doctor pepper, like doctor pepper has a stronger flavour than coke. 

3.Fanta, probably an unpopular opinion, but i prefer it over coke. 

4. Coke

5. probably Pepsi? Pepsi is like coca cola except sweeter and 'less refreshing' for some reason? I preferred Pepsi when i was young because kids like sweet things. Coca cola also doesn't really have a taste memory for me like other drinks, i would get bored of drinking mountain dew and dr pepper much quicker than coke even if i prefer the flavour. 

6. sprite = 7up? these two basically taste the exact fuckin same for me, they're like lemonade, except id probably rather just have a lemonade lol still nice though. 

VooDew 6.0

Sprite and 7up only have a slight taste difference, except I believe 7up has a hint of some other fruit in it, and my mind might be playing tricks on me but I think it has a slight ginseng taste. 7up definitely has a higher syrup-to-carbonated water ratio than Sprite though. It's the same difference Pepsi and Coke have really. I personally would put 7up higher than Sprite because I personally prefer the sweetness of it. And

VooDew 6.0


That's a respectable list. Though I'm not too big on Mountain Dew personally, and most orange sodas other than Crush make me very conscious of the fact that I'm drinking syrup.

All of these are below Barq's, though.

VooDew 6.0


My personal rating of American pops, disregarding the UK thing

1. Pepsi Nitro Vanilla. It's made with nitrogen instead of carbon bubbles, so it's smoother and it sounds like a rocket when you open it. It's supposed to have the same texture as Guinness beer.
2. Cherry coke, if I'm gonna drink pop and have the option it's almost always that. It's like... crispy? And it tastes good
3. Coke used to do this thing where they mixed it with coffee and sold it in cans, and while it sounds like a felony it's actually really good
4. Lemon lime Poppi, it's pop but actually good for you (or at least not as bad) and this flavor tastes exactly like Sprite. I drink it religiously
5. Diet Mtn Dew, I don't know why but it just tastes better than actual mtn dew to me

VooDew 6.0

I don't know if it's "American chocolate" exactly, but Hershey's which is pretty much ubiquitous as the standard priced chocolate candy you'll find randomly at a checkout counter allegedly has a sour taste. I can't detect it, just tastes like chocolate to me, but Europeans always complain about it.

The thing I read in another discussion on this somewhere was that Hershey's chocolate was historically made with soured milk. (Meaning lightly fermented, like buttermilk.) That was just the technology level they were working with over a century ago, trying to produce in that quantity with no refrigeration. And then later when they stopped doing that, they actually started adding something in to keep it tasting the same since that's what people were used to.

VooDew 6.0



"Okay, now that we've gotten rid of the soured milk, we need something else to make the chocolate taste shitty. Any ideas?"

VooDew 6.0


Damn, i wonder what some cadbuary dairy milk chocolate would taste like for you then. download (6).jfif

This one, definitely the most popular British chocolate, right Avery? i think so anyways, i like it a lot. Flake > everything for me though, i love flakes. 

VooDew 6.0


Dairy Milk is probably the most popular, but Lindt is my personal favourite. At Christmas we get bears. ^_^

VooDew 6.0


Lindt is pretty popular here, the bars used to be a bit more expensive than everything else where I am- Hershey's, Kitkats, Snickers, etc, were all a little under a dollar while the Lindt bars were exactly a dollar. Now the price of all the others has gone up to about $1.50 while Lindt has held steady at the store I go to, so it's pretty much all I get if I buy chocolate. Definitely better tasting than the others.

Cadbury is something I'll see around on occasion, but they mostly get their moment in the spotlight around Easter.

VooDew 6.0


Galaxy is another big British chocolate brand that's pretty delicious. ^_^

VooDew 6.0


That does look good, I've never seen that in the US.

Looks like I could get a slightly tampered with one on Amazon for $10 though!

VooDew 6.0


Not sure if I've been on CYS too long, but I'm deeply concerned as to the meaning of "slightly tampered with".

VooDew 6.0


yeah, i agree with Avery, Galaxy is top 3 for me or 5, im like a little kid so i really like aeros too. 

VooDew 6.0


I wonder if the American counterparts are the same as the British version though. I do know that even if the branding and packaging is the same they do sometimes change things. I remember watching a video of Americans tasting British candy and snacks and they said that the British dorito has a more tortilla feel to it as opposed to the American version, skittles is another good one, I know that the American skittles don't have a blackcurrant flavour due to some law surrounding some kind of tree disease, while the British ones do. 

VooDew 6.0


Yeah, there seems to be a lot of weird brand name switching going on between the U.K. and the U.S.A too. Like, I know for instance that the American Milky Way is the equivalent of a British Mars bar, and the British Milky Way is similar to the American 3 Musketeers.

VooDew 6.0


Well the 3 Musketeers were Frenchies, so that name might not sell as well over in Britland.

VooDew 6.0

24 hours ago

Fucking cheese eating surrender monkies.

VooDew 6.0


My tastebuds have never been able to pin down exactly what makes Europeans complain about Hersheys- it tastes fine to me, but not the best.

A better showing for American chocolate would be those Ghirardelli squares. Best smores ever.

VooDew 6.0


I'll have to taste them myself in America one day to let you know why. My Dad isnt one to go indepth on why its worse, when i ask him he will just say it tastes like plastic lol

VooDew 6.0

don't eat any hersheys or american chocolate for over a year, then have american milk chocolate - you'll taste like a chemically chlorine-ish acidic aftertaste. it's not particularly pronounced as far as I could tell but maybe it would be to europoors.

I didn't intentionally do this experiment, I just didn't care for candy and I just preferred other sweets. Then one day I had a kitkat or a kiss or something and I was like "eugh, wtf?" and realized I hadn't had candy for at least a year, probably more like two or three years.

Now that I've quit soda, I suspect a similar phenomena will occur if I have a coke or something years from now.

VooDew 6.0



yeah, maybe americans just go tongue blind to it, like mizal said, they just got used to that taste.

VooDew 6.0

14 hours ago

I drink very little soda and coke has a weird aftertaste to me. Not bad, just weird. It also creates this awful sensation on my teeth that I really don't like. Root beer and sprite still hit though.

VooDew 6.0

14 hours ago

Yeah, coke can definitely make my teeth feel super gritty. 

VooDew 6.0

I love soda, or "coke" as my family would call it, my veins are brown and white with spirte and Dr Pepper. However I've never heard of whatever the fuck this is.

VooDew 6.0

Literally just go to a gas station, or even a Walmart, and you should find it. You live in the south because you call sodas coke, and I found them in South Georgia so you should find them in your local gas station too. They're only in can form for Walmart, and only bottle for gas station. Just pick up the white mountain dew.
Edit: I thought about it and you probably live in either middle Georgia or one of the Carolinas, because you love Dr. Pepper, and they defo have it there.

VooDew 6.0

Well typically I live in Kentucky, but right now I'm in Taiwan, so I can't even really find Dr Pepper here :( We have the Oreo coke here though.

VooDew 6.0

That oreo coke is spawn from satan.

VooDew 6.0


We have that here in England too! Seriously, who the fuck came up with the idea of Oreo Coke? See, this is why the death penalty should never have been abolished.

VooDew 6.0

Every time mountain dew is brought up I can't help but think of that one court case they were in. Guy sues because he got sick from a dead rat in a can, and mtn dew showed up to court with evidence that proved it was impossible as the rat would've dissolved in the time from packaging -> opening.

VooDew 6.0


And here's a rat we dissolved earlier! ^_^

VooDew 6.0


Dew Dogs

VooDew 6.0

They got all the flavors too, not just original. Major Melon, Baja Blast, and Code Red. I'm pretty sure they got more.

Edit: My friend is sitting next to me in class rn and they said they would punch me in my chest if they ever caught me with some Dew Dogs

VooDew 6.0


Seriously? It wasn't cursed enough for them to make meat taste like a soda the first time?

VooDew 6.0

Dew you like hot dogs? : r/mountaindew I would consider this a war crime : r ...

VooDew 6.0


Ever had one?

VooDew 6.0

Sadly I never could find any. I wish I could get my hands on some, for science. I think they were limited time, and I ran out of time, they're at least a year old if not more.

VooDew 6.0


Ew! No! No, no, no, no, no! What the fuck is wrong with you people?

VooDew 6.0


Tropic Thunder.jpeg

VooDew 6.0


VooDew 6.0



VooDew 6.0

Serious Bean Co Dr Pepper baked beans ... Mountain Dew-Flavored Doritos Are Here ... Flamin' Hot Mountain Dew ... Canned Hot Dog Water Welcome to America, the land of free market and diabetes.

VooDew 6.0


They probably just let the hot dogs get so moldy until they turned green and packaged them as "Dew Dogs"

VooDew 6.0

They probably let them get moldy and then poured Mtn Dew over it to flavor and disinfect it.

VooDew 6.0

It's just rebranded Gushin' Granny. Nothing new.

VooDew 6.0


Not limited to Euros, (They just tend to be the most obnoxiously vocal about it), but for whatever reason they all seem to labor under the delusion that everyone in the US eats nothing but chemicals and plastic over here.

Not that this thread is doing much to dispell such a myth of course. Lol