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Am I racist?

8 days ago

So back in 2020, the George Floyd protests here in Columbus, Ohio led to a list of demands by protesters being fulfilled by the state. Replacing Columbus Day with Juneteenth, removal of "problematic" statues, etc. One of the biggest demands that was made was that $40 million was put into fixing up the area of Franklinton, a predominantly black neighborhood. It was met. The rent went up. So many black families got kicked out of their homes (LOL) that the YMCA built a new family shelter nearby (Van Buren), and a bunch of middle-class white families moved in. 

On an online Facebook page, some black dude was ranting about how his "people were being punished by the establishment" and I got called racist for pointing out that this all could have been avoided if one of the protesters had looked up the word "gentrification."

I'm just saying. When you put money into a neighborhood, property value goes up, which means rent goes up. It wasn't a problem at first, cause of the state mandates prohibiting evictions (this was during the pandemic), but when they removed that rule, homelessness skyrocketed.

Am I racist?

8 days ago

Yes. ^_^

Am I racist?

8 days ago

Cant believe this stuff actually happens in America lol. It would be much smarter just to invest money into poor neighbourhoods in general, and not just predominantly black neighborhoods because they're black. 

But yes, very racist. 

Am I racist?

8 days ago

The same thing would happen regardless of race. When you invest money into a neighborhood, the value of that neighborhood goes up, and therefore the rent does. If your income does not increase in order to meet this rising demand (i.e. if you're poor) you'll be evicted, and your home rented to someone who can afford it.

Ironically enough, the leaders of the protest who supported this resolution? They all live in Hilliard or West Jefferson. As in, upper-class areas. 

Am I racist?

8 days ago

I don't know about up in Ohio, but Junteenth has always been a thing down here.  Admittedly, it is a Texas Holiday originally and the rest of y'all stole it.


edit: oh yeah - YES  you are racist

Am I racist?

8 days ago

We celebrated Columbus Day till a few years ago.

To be honest, I never really celebrated either one.

I still don't get how?

Am I racist?

8 days ago

If you're not black, you're automatically racist. That's how it works.

Am I racist?

8 days ago


Am I racist?

8 days ago


Am I racist?

8 days ago

Everything briar says is funnier now because I hear it with her actual voice and accent.

Am I racist?

8 days ago


Which reminds me. She's British. Those people invented modern day racism.

Avery, where's those reparations, ya tea-wop!

Am I racist?

8 days ago

We'll be sure to make those reparations as soon as we've finished returning all the shit in the British Museum that we straight up stole from other countries. ^_^

Am I racist?

8 days ago

-checks British-English dictionary-

Um, so never?

Am I racist?

8 days ago

Good job! ^_^

Am I racist?

8 days ago

Don't forget about all the words we stole as well.

Am I racist?

8 days ago

My words now! ^_^

Am I racist?

8 days ago
Speaking of her, I always wondered why she changed from Briar to Avery, I must have missed that episode.

Am I racist?

8 days ago

That was following the tragic CoG saga.

Am I racist?

7 days ago

It's rude to deadname, Bezro. 

Am I racist?

7 days ago
I think she can speak for herself if that offends her, it's not like she's an ALLF.

Am I racist?

8 days ago
Yeah, Juneteenth has always been a big thing here, like the black people equivalent of Cinco de Mayo except the kitchen at my old workplace would put on big BBQs and we'd have to sit outside with the heat and bugs instead of just getting enchiladas and paper flowers.

But for people (men) who actually like eating outside like the animals, Juneteenth is just an extra BBQ day officially added to the summer. So I'm not sure what people were complaining about. Nothing has really changed otherwise except the overworked and downtrodden "banker" class gets another day off.

Am I racist?

8 days ago

Ok, new question. How is what I said to this guy racist? Or is everyone fucking with me?

Am I racist?

8 days ago

If you have to ask that question, you are extra racist

Am I racist?

8 days ago

I guess Mirriam-Webster must be the holy grail of white supremacy, then.

Am I racist?

8 days ago

Yes, Two white guys decided what words mean. 

Am I racist?

8 days ago
DBNB is 100% correct here

Am I racist?

8 days ago

Am I racist?

8 days ago

"Whattya tryna say, huh? That we all LOOK THE SAME to you, huh?!"

Only in low lighting.

Am I racist?

8 days ago

That's a rittle bit lacist!

Am I racist?

8 days ago

That song had me rolling!! LOL thank you for this gem.

Edit: I posted this in the comments section of the abovementioned Facebook post. The post author deleted it (of course), so I made my own post. 

Now I have to turn off phone notifications-.-

Am I racist?

8 days ago
I don't know how to break this to you, but nobody fucking cares if you're getting picked on on Facebook. You could look up the words "don't use Facebook".

Am I racist?

8 days ago

You could try using tumblr instead. Nobody gets accused of being racist over there. ^_^

Am I racist?

8 days ago

Pfft your reverse psychology mind powers will not work on me.

Am I racist?

8 days ago


Ben is getting picked on by soccer moms and grandmas.  That must be brutal.

Am I racist?

8 days ago

You'd be surprised. Grandmas and soccer moms definitely put the burn in "burnout."

Am I racist?

8 days ago

Yeah, its weird, usually the people on facebook are the racists.

Am I racist?

8 days ago

I thought that was 4chan?

Am I racist?

8 days ago

The people on 4chan pretend to be racist and believe the earth is flat. People on facebook are genuinely racist and believe the earth is flat.

Am I racist?

8 days ago

I wasn't upset. I thought it was funny that it's getting a reaction.

Also, isn't the fact that you're replying kinda contradict the "nobody cares" statement?

Am I racist?

8 days ago
Nobody cares you're getting picked on, but making a support thread because you're getting picked on? That's a little different.

Am I racist?

8 days ago

Eh. It was more confusing. Then funny. Now some weird hybrid of the two.

Am I racist?

8 days ago

At least we can all agree that Ben is racist. ^_^

Am I racist?

8 days ago
Yes. We are united.

Also, Ben is gay.

Am I racist?

8 days ago

Yep. What Ogre said.

Am I racist?

8 days ago
I like Ogre.

Am I racist?

8 days ago

It's tough to NOT like Ogre.

Am I racist?


Unless someone, such as Ben, is a gay racist about it.

Am I racist?

Looks like someone just volunteered to duel holman in the next Thunderdome challenge.

Am I racist?


That would be another even one I reckon. 

Am I racist?


I'm down with it.


Am I racist?

4 hours ago

Same. But it's gonna have to wait till November. I'm focusing solely on finishing my contest entry for sherb 

Am I racist?

8 days ago
Nothing is not racist

Am I racist?

8 days ago


What do you call an African shaman?

A magic eight ball.

Am I racist?

8 days ago

I was instructed to come into this thread and tell you to kill yourself, and I am a loyal soldier who follows orders. So here it is:


kys fgt

Am I racist?

8 days ago

lol nah

Am I racist?

8 days ago

Isn't your baby mama black? You can't be that racist.

Am I racist?

8 days ago

Yeah. To be fair, most slave owners had black baby mommas too.

Am I racist?

8 days ago

I mean unless you enslaved her, I don't think it's quite the same thing. Lol

Is mrcrimsonclean gay?

8 days ago

Some dudes will just fuck with what's available too them. Not saying that's the case with Ben, but yeah. Some dudes would prefer another man over getting nothing at all... Lol

Is mrcrimsonclean gay?

8 days ago

"Some dudes would prefer another man over getting nothing at all"

That sounds like some gay shit to me.

Is mrcrimsonclean gay?

8 days ago
Is one allowed to be both gay and racist?

Is mrcrimsonclean gay?

8 days ago
No, they cancel each other out. Double negatives make a positive, so you test positive for AIDS and die. So in conclusion, you can just not for long.

Is mrcrimsonclean gay?

8 days ago

Seems to be a pretty common combo actually.

Is mrcrimsonclean gay?

8 days ago

Discord "femboys" are the most racist subset of humans ive ever came across. 

Is mrcrimsonclean gay?

8 days ago
Checks out, just look at Cel.

Is mrcrimsonclean gay?

8 days ago

lmao, the title. I said some very sus things about Shixian in my in moonlit waters review written by mystic warrior (this is definitely not my way of trying to get you all to read  the story).

Is mrcrimsonclean gay?

7 days ago

... Yes. ^_^

Am I racist?

7 days ago
Anyway, did some reading on Franklinton as a result of this and it's a pretty interesting historical area in ways that go further back than the BLM stuff. Seems like it was shunned by developers due to devastating floods until a floodwall was built in 2004, and it's attracting artists or something now which are the real curse of gentrification.

Couple random articles on the current situation, from 2020 and then more recently:

Also I think I found Ben's FB page, but the last post there is about James Earl Jones. That's an entirely different old black man, disappointing.

Am I racist?

7 days ago

Ohhhh! The RIP post where I acknowledged his roles as Darth Vader and Mufasa, then thanked him for his influence on my childhood?

And yeah, my Facebook activity is mostly set to private. 

On a side note, these artists have been buying up all the land and building coffee shops, CBD stores, etc. Which is generating revenue, therefore driving up the area's property values, thus creating higher rent. 

It is what it is.

Am I racist?

7 days ago

That old Aussie whore Insanebutvain for whatever reason PMed me links to pics of you and your baby mama back when she was hilariously screaming at me during the first edgelord contest. Hence why I remembered that she was black.

I long since deleted that PM, but I do remember the pic links weren't going to Facebook, so I'm not sure where the hell IBV found them. (Or why she even bothered to look and send them to me at the time)

Am I racist?

6 days ago

Wtf, did Ben know her? Or did she intentionally go out of her way to try and find out what Ben looked like, and then decided to show you in PM's? If so that sounds like she was hypefixating at best or feelin ben at worst. 

Am I racist?

6 days ago

I did not know her. Honestly, I don't think we've ever had a conversation on this site.

Honestly, it's not that big a deal to me.

Am I racist?

6 days ago

I'd just feel flattered to be honest. 

Am I racist?

6 days ago

After the incident with Ben's baby mama in the Edgelord contest thread, IBV PMed me saying she went down a rabbit hole when looking up shit about Ben and provided the links.

She didn't elaborate why she did any of this.

She didn't explain why she sent this stuff to me either. Even that part is odd since we actually weren't getting along in that thread at the time due to her being a lazy whore and not joining the contest.

Anyway she's probably dead of SUPER AIDS by now.

Am I racist?

6 days ago
If "Hyperfixating and going out of her way" = typing a username into Google. But yeah, I would assume anyone using their real name as an account make to begin with and also bring people they know IRL here does not really care.

I would guess the motivation was because the girlfriend was here creating drama at the time and because of the pair, Ben had the obviously searchable name. (Honestly lol, it may have actually been in Ben's favor there was some proof she was real.)

Endmaster meanwhile will Google his own username monthly and probably enjoy other people doing it too.

Am I racist?

6 days ago

Yeah, I mean that's true. It was very presumptive of me. 

Am I racist?

6 days ago
That's okay, IBV was a big whore who retains only meme status in the lore.

Am I racist?

6 days ago

"Why the fuck is IBV calling me edgy? This is a girl who literally wipes her ass with her own abortions." - Malk

Am I racist?

6 days ago

My God, what did she do? 


Am I racist?

6 days ago

Well she was big whore by her own admission, though she probably preferred the term "free spirit"

She had a couple of abortions before she was even the ripe old age of 25. Hell I don't even think she was 20 yet.

There was some incident where she got anal warts or herpes from getting fucked multiple times at some furry convention.

She also mentioned something about tricking some older guy into fucking her and then mentioning she was underage so she could blackmail him.

I think there was some other stuff, but those are the highlights, well other than the hilarious bit of when we used to have a  roleplay forum where she gave dudes blowjobs in the game for gold or something. I dunno, I never participated in that cursed forum.

All that being said, she wrote a couple of edgy stories on here that actually showed she had potential, but ultimately she was a big lazy whore.

Am I racist?

6 days ago

What the actual fuck.. That's crazy. I'd usually refrain from calling a woman a whore under almost any circumstance since I find it is usually overused and miss placed, but she's a fuckin whore. 

I think the biggest whore I've ever met online was this woman I met on league of legends. She was trying to get me to buy her skins in return for nudes. Instead she got a therapy session from how concerned and innocent I was lol

The other one wasn't that long ago but it was this Taiwanese chick I met in a political discord server, and I found her amusing due to how much she hated communism and talked about murdering them. In the end I found out she was insane as fuck, had a necrophilia fetish and was e dating this 28 year old guy who was a pedo harem master with a  14 year old girlfriend hed call "his spick" And literally none of them cared because "hes hot" And anyways, the Taiwanese girl was asking me to get her pregnant (not even kidding) obviously I was concerned and asked "wouldn't that ruin your life though, you're only 18". I think it must have ruined her mood because she blocked me lol

Am I racist?

6 days ago
End forgot the part where she was literally a whore on Craigslist at 16. (Although that could be where the blackmail part came in; 16 is legal in Australia but not as a business transaction I guess. I do remember her saying something about having to lie about her age there anyway.)

Of course a lot of this I took with a grain of salt. She'd always disappear for a couple of months and then spawn into the old IRC chat with some new over the top story of degeneracy. But I mean, it could've just been some weird attention seeking thing, there was never any proof. Not than anyone would want to see it, lol.

Am I racist?

6 days ago

I guess insanebutvain is an accurate username then

Am I racist?

7 days ago
Honest advice Benman. Stop smearing coal all over your face and go to a barber and ask his opinion on which cut would suit you best. I truly believe your life will improve a tenfold.

Also keep up being a racist fuck. Life is more fun that way.

Am I racist?

7 days ago

It's been a long time since I used eyeliner. Also, I enjoy my current cut.

Am I racist?

7 days ago

More fun than being a whining wokie over on CoG

Am I racist?

7 days ago
this thread needs more waha

Am I racist?

7 days ago


Am I racist?

6 days ago

Am I racist?

6 days ago


Am I racist?

6 days ago


Am I racist?

6 days ago
Easy there, buddy, don't get carried away!

Am I racist?

5 hours ago

If you're not, you should be.

Also, lmao, that's hilarious.