resistor, The Reader

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Any good fantasy prompts? on 1/28/2018 1:01:43 AM

here is a website that generates random writing prompts

December Contest - Prompt 19 (dragon protagonist) on 1/19/2018 2:57:02 AM

Late/Final Update

Yeah so I obviously didn't succeed in finishing a story before the deadline, but I don't regret entering the contest, as it has taught me about the writing process.

I wasn't able to make any steady progress with the story; I often felt the need to revise the main plot and story branches. I believe my failure was due to me trying to write whatever came to mind and foolishly assuming it would all fit together in a satisfying way. I will outline the plot before trying to craft the story in any future attempts to write something like this.

December Contest - Prompt 19 (dragon protagonist) on 12/29/2017 7:04:19 PM

Update #7

I'm not particularly creative. Writing is hard. My updates are vague.

December Contest - Prompt 19 (dragon protagonist) on 12/26/2017 11:31:09 AM

Update #6

I wrote some more words.

December Contest - Prompt 19 (dragon protagonist) on 12/21/2017 5:16:16 PM

Update #5

I'm going to stop writing about a war of extermination against dragons for now. I'll save that story for some later time.

I'll write a story in the same world I was planning, but set before the events of the war. It will be much easier to write since I won't have to tie everything to a central plot.

December Contest - Prompt 19 (dragon protagonist) on 12/21/2017 5:11:33 PM

Yeah... you're right. I can always write something with a larger plot later.

December Contest - Prompt 19 (dragon protagonist) on 12/17/2017 2:14:14 PM

Update #4

To be honest, I think it is unlikely I will be able to finish the story before the contest is over (without sacrificing quality). I guess that is what I get for entering a contest that was already seven days in.

December Contest - Prompt 19 (dragon protagonist) on 12/13/2017 3:05:07 PM

Update #3

I've made dangerously little progress the past three days. There is not an abundance of time left, so I REALLY NEED TO PICK UP THE PACE.

December Contest - Prompt 19 (dragon protagonist) on 12/8/2017 11:18:47 PM

Update #2

I'm close to finishing the first draft of one branch. I'm having trouble deciding on how it should end, as I have realized that some of what I've just written is in conflict with some of my original ideas about part of the world of the story.

I'm sure I'll resolve this soon and start working on the other branches.

December Contest - Prompt 19 (dragon protagonist) on 12/8/2017 11:15:22 PM

Thanks for the feedback.

I'm not sure I even could write a "typical village burning and hoard-guarding" story, as that sounds to me like it would be boring to write.