stevejobstick, The Reader

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2/2/2025 10:47 AM

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What Games are YOU Playing in 2025? on 2/2/2025 10:46:08 AM

Back then I was only in 5th grade and Astro-Knights was pretty cool! The artistic direction was kinda different from the other islands - the way they mixed medieval and sci-fi themes together with those robotic knights and mechanical dragons (if i remember correctly) was really unique. I used to spend hours searching the internet for guides when I got stuck, especially for that part with navigating through space and finding all the different planets. Man, talking about this makes me so nostalgic... Feels like just yesterday I was sitting at the school computer lab (and at home) trying to figure out how to make the spaceship launch!

What Games are YOU Playing in 2025? on 2/2/2025 7:38:04 AM

You can still play the original Poptropica on Flashpoint Archive for free! Got all the classic islands, including Astro-Knights (I loved that island back when it released in 2008? 2009?) Tried checking out the "new" Poptropica today and they massacred it - turned it into some typical mobile game BS with daily login rewards for coins. Like, way to kill everything that made it fun back then.

Just stick with Flashpoint if you want the actual good version.

What Games are YOU Playing in 2025? on 2/1/2025 11:15:20 AM

maybe im getting old, anyone remember playing bloons td 1,2 and poptropica and SAS zombie assault insane asylum in computer lab? those were the days... i still play them from time to time using flashpoint archives... (sas zombie assault is still fun lol)

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter on 1/21/2025 9:33:06 PM

Look, I have to push back on what Avery's saying here. The stuff Flutter's describing isn't just regular anxiety. "racing thoughts, weird time perception, getting deep into occult stuff, paranoia", that sounds a like bipolar disorder, maybe with some psychotic episodes. And being told to "just call back if things get worse" is nonsense. again, NHS or whatever it is called is not my country's healthcare system, but I've never heard of any medical professional being presented these symptoms, and it being handled so... casually? and, again, if flutter did NOT even go to the doc to truthfully tell about these symptoms, why would he even go there in the first place. it makes no sense.

No follow-up appointment? No actual treatment plan? Just a phone number and "good luck"? Come on. that's BS. And look, I know this sounds harsh, but it's painfully obvious what's happening. Flutter knows people here are worried, knows writing all these posts aren't healthy, and when enough people pushed about seeing a doctor, he just made up a lie that he 'visited the doc' to keep the attention going. I get that saying this might make me sound like a jerk, but you guys could actually be doing much much more harm than good by playing along. We're just people on the internet, and the more we feed into this behavior, the longer Flutter puts off getting real help. every post, every response, every bit of attention is just pushing actual treatment further away. really.

sure, Avery's not wrong that mental health treatment involves some trial and error (although she says it as if psychiatry is some voodoo magic or lottery, which it isn't), but that doesn't mean it's ok to just sit here enabling behavior that's clearly spiraling.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter on 1/21/2025 8:12:28 PM

I'm not trying to armchair diagnose or second-guess, but I do NOT think you went to see a psychiatrist..I'm a bit perplexed by the doctor's response. You mentioned you 'went to the doctor' and were told to just call back if things escalate? I'm not questioning the doc's expertise, but... in my country, with the symptoms you've described, 응급심사 (Emergency Assessment) would be the bare minimum. I mean.. what you write here is quite concerning.

My name on 1/2/2025 6:23:01 AM

when your parents couldn't decide between naming you after a city or a medieval weapon

Schizo-trauma posting on 12/30/2024 6:49:58 PM

lol sorry about that. i kinda forgot what the forum is like in this website. my bad. im going to stick to just reading the stories here 

Schizo-trauma posting on 12/30/2024 6:26:02 PM

I get why you'd think his post is cringeworthy, because it is, but making fun of the guy feels off to me even though he wont be seeing what we write here. I'm reading between the lines here, but it seems like he's just a lonely dude struggling with self esteem issues, trying to trauma dump his emotions somewhere (and maybe show off his writing,in a weird way, for validation lol).

Rather than roast him, can't we just... not? It's not like mocking him is gonna fix his underlying issues. I'm gonna take a pass on piling on. seems sociopathic, just saying.

this website was part of my childhood,now i am an on 7/11/2024 6:42:58 PM

Hey, thanks for leaving that comment. I hope you have a good day, kind person. 

this website was part of my childhood,now i am an on 7/7/2024 9:25:12 AM

it's great to hear that! What I appreciate about this website is that its design seems to have remained unchanged over the past decade, just as I recall.


And yes... I am living in Korea, not really how I expected my life to turn out, but oh well lol...