By the Light of Day
They took everything from you. Everyone you loved, everything you built, and left you to die. They left you to them. But you didn't die. You survived. Now you live, such as it is, for one purpose: revenge.
Some notes: If you couldn't guess by the title, this storygame has vampires! I've taken a bit of an unusual angle on their origins, and have taken some liberties with some fringe Christian theology and a few Biblical passages (using Wycliffe's Bible as the primary translation). Dearest Christians, please remember this is fiction, so no need to be offended.
Moreover, neither the story nor the protagonist is anti-Christian. He's just a different kind of Christian. Read the book in the inventory for more clarity on that.
The item system is not too complicated. Certain pages will ask you to craft potions using herb items in sequence, and then using those potions will reveal the next link. Note: you will need BOTH weapons to be anointed eventually.
To those of you trying to gain a quick point by rating a storygame, for your convenience I've left "End Game" exits whenever you die.
Special thanks to BradinDvorak for help with scripting regarding the item menu.
Thanks for playing!