I had an idea that if you make a pattern like this |__|__|__|__| and then used the code (shout out to BerkaZerka for making the artical with how to do this part) that changes what the screen says based on a variable ((EXAMPLE: %%STRENGTH%<%3%Weak%%%%STRENGTH%=%3%Below Average%%)) Then I could make a health BAR by doing somthing like this %%HEALTH%=%QHEALTH%3%|__|__|__|__|%%%%HEALTH%=%HALFHEALTH%|__|__|__|__|%%%%HEALTH%=%3QHEALTH%|__|__|__|__|%%%%HEALTH%=%MAX%|__|__|__|__|%% but in each one a different amount would be highlighted.
You are a Newbie fighter that is very weak so you only have 4 hit points. When at full Health the bar |__|__|__|__| would be completly highlighted green. You get stabbed in the foot when someone throws a spear so now the bar |__|__|__|__| would be 3/4 highlighted in yellow.
Does anyone have a code for highlighting?