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Get help from the experts on variables, scripts, items, and other scary things.


2 years ago

I'm not new, but I'm new to using the scripting ability on this site.

I have no idea what language this script is in, and I'm too lazy to filter through the forums. Plus the search forums doesn't give me anything, and I suspect it's broken.

Also, I want to embed variable values inside the text description of an item and the text of a page.

I know JS and C++, so I don't need coding explanations. Anyone have a link to the script formatting for this site? Thanks.


2 years ago

If you go to the Help & Info section, you'll be able to scroll down and find a list of articles related to scripting:


2 years ago


2 years ago
Thanks for reminding me to remove the forum search button entirely. I was actually supposed to do that something like 3/4 of a year ago, so it's just been silently confusing people since then.

(Context: the forum search functionality timed out often depending on what you typed in, took a lot of processing, and was in the way when we switched to https finally, so it went the way of the dodo.)