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How to add "double quotes"+$PAGETEXT

3 months ago
How can you add double quotes in the scripted text if the double quotes is the indicator of text. I tried single quotes and two double quotes but I can't seem to get it to work.
My variable controls what name to use at the beginning of the page and then the page text continues. The issue is the name from the variable is spoken by the character so it needs to be proceeded by a double quote.

This doesn't work because of the two double quotes together before the Name:
IF %VAR = 1 =: ""Name," = $PAGETEXT

Any suggestions?

How to add "double quotes"+$PAGETEXT

3 months ago
In the general sense, you could always use on page scripting instead.

But to get more specific issue... admittedly I don't use $PAGETEXT often, but I'm not sure what I'm looking at here would work either way.

How to add "double quotes"+$PAGETEXT

3 months ago

How to add "double quotes"+$PAGETEXT

3 months ago

You can use "

IF %VAR = 1 THEN $PAGETEXT := ""Name,"

How to add "double quotes"+$PAGETEXT

3 months ago
thanks Brad!
thanks all!

How to add "double quotes"+$PAGETEXT

3 months ago
this thread needa more waha