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This bug was closed 1/4/2023: Not a bug, another time wasting faggot.

Page Freeze Occurances

7 years ago
Found something out today, I do not know if it is just a mobile issue, but I accidentally clicked on a story I did not want to read. Then, before the page loaded I clicked on the actual storygame I wanted which led to a freeze leaving me stuck at the homescreen.

First I thought it was just my phone acting up, so I just closed my browser and opened back up again.

Then I was curious to see if it was the website it self. I clicked on the Newbie Central thread, then immediately clicked on The lounge thread.

I got stuck on that page.

Edit: By homescreen I mean the page when you click load # more on a storygame category.

This freeze leaves the user stuck on the screen. Even the back button or the reload button on google chrome (android) would not solve the problem.

So, is this just part of the website or is anyone else experiencing this?

Page Freeze Occurances

7 years ago

Clicking different link before a page is fully loaded does not seem to freeze pages on my laptop. Random stuff tends to happen on mobile though, as the site doesn't officially support mobile devices. 

Page Freeze Occurances

7 years ago
Indeed, I just tried this an had no issues. It is likely just the mobile part that's doing it. Who knows, maybe one day when 3J comes back he'll decide to commission someone to setup a mobile css for the site or something.

Page Freeze Occurances

7 years ago

Page Freeze Occurances

7 years ago
Can't replicate this on my phone. Which means there's at least one phone in the world that sucks more than mine, and it seems to be yours.

Page Freeze Occurances

7 years ago

This seems to be a problem with your phone.

Also, Newbie Central and The Lounge aren't threads, they're forums.

Page Freeze Occurances

one year ago

lagging phone isnt a bug
please move to closed