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This bug was closed 6/8/2021: brad fixed it

Tag text color with CYS light theme are unreadable

3 years ago

As you can see on the screenshot, the grey color of the text mixed with the brown background of the tag button makes the thing unreadable. I tried with the other themes and the color changed and fit accordingly.

It's not really a big problem, but I guess this quick change would improve the user experience a bit.

EDIT : it seems to only appears on the story page, as the tag display seems fine on the search page

Tag text color with CYS light theme are unreadable

3 years ago
The site doesn't have a light or dark theme, so I'm assuming you're using the extension? In which case @Nightwatch or @BradinDvorak can help since they manage it.

Tag text color with CYS light theme are unreadable

3 years ago

It seems to be fixed now. I think the thread can be closed.

Tag text color with CYS light theme are unreadable

3 years ago
Oh, that's not super ideal. Probably one of the changes I made that messed that up for the extension. I'll leave this up to Brad if he wants to handle it since I'm going to try and get some kind of site dark mode in a month or so anyway.