In order to motivate certain individuals to achieve their dream of finally writing a fucking story, I'm offering an incentive in the form of free art. Normally I don't take requests, even for money, so this is a precious and rare opportunity you should capitalize on.
In order to enter, you must be @mizal, @malkalack, @TheNewIAP, @JJJ-thebanisher, @iavatus, or another person who is a) friends with me and b) in need of an incentive to write a cool story. If @Steve24833 or @EndMaster is interested, let me know and I'll devise special terms for you.
In order to enter, declare your intent in this thread, including a brief summary and an estimated wordcount tier. If you fail to meet your estimated wordcount, you receive nothing. If you write more, you don't move up to the next tier, so estimate accurately. You can enter multiple times.
The reward tiers are as follows:
- 15,000: A character sketch, somewhere between bust and waist-up depending on how impressed I am with you.
- 30,000: A painted character sketch as above.
- 50,000: A painted full-body character with a basic background.
- Special: As above, but nicer, possibly with a more detailed background.
You may receive a reward one tier higher if you enter a throwdown with another user. In that case, you both agree on a target wordcount and write a story within a fixed timeframe (to be determined). Whoever has the highest wordcount at the end wins and receives a reward picture. The loser receives nothing except humiliation.
The other participant doesn't have to be in the permitted list, so for everyone reading this post who isn't in the list, you should convince one of the allowed participants to compete with you.
Recent example of a character sketch:
(This was a study I did based on this drawing by ttguweiz, so go look at his much better version instead.)