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Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

In order to motivate certain individuals to achieve their dream of finally writing a fucking story, I'm offering an incentive in the form of free art. Normally I don't take requests, even for money, so this is a precious and rare opportunity you should capitalize on.

In order to enter, you must be @mizal, @malkalack, @TheNewIAP, @JJJ-thebanisher, @iavatus, or another person who is a) friends with me and b) in need of an incentive to write a cool story. If @Steve24833 or @EndMaster is interested, let me know and I'll devise special terms for you.

In order to enter, declare your intent in this thread, including a brief summary and an estimated wordcount tier. If you fail to meet your estimated wordcount, you receive nothing. If you write more, you don't move up to the next tier, so estimate accurately. You can enter multiple times.

The reward tiers are as follows:

  • 15,000: A character sketch, somewhere between bust and waist-up depending on how impressed I am with you.
  • 30,000: A painted character sketch as above.
  • 50,000: A painted full-body character with a basic background.
  • Special: As above, but nicer, possibly with a more detailed background.

You may receive a reward one tier higher if you enter a throwdown with another user. In that case, you both agree on a target wordcount and write a story within a fixed timeframe (to be determined). Whoever has the highest wordcount at the end wins and receives a reward picture. The loser receives nothing except humiliation.

The other participant doesn't have to be in the permitted list, so for everyone reading this post who isn't in the list, you should convince one of the allowed participants to compete with you.

Recent example of a character sketch:

(This was a study I did based on this drawing by ttguweiz, so go look at his much better version instead.)

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Would my terms involve the use of editing or structure?

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Yes. No number of words will earn you a picture.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

You're such a cancer. This is discrimination, it is!

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

C'mon, it's not that hard. It doesn't even have to be a CYOA. I'll let you use the same wordcount requirements as everyone else if you submit a properly structured outline for my approval ahead of time.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

I only write CYOAs, which don't really work with structure. My pacing for the big battle can be easily destroyed if the asshole reader wants to fuck off and betray his mentor in his sleep.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Well, you must desire self-betterment in order to receive a picture. If you come up with something that fits, let me know and we'll talk it over.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Way to punish perfection.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago
'CYOAs can't be structured' is a false and lazy statement, but I expect nothing else from Steve.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

If you want to actually let the reader have meaningful choice in a long story, unlike a certain someone's game that's in progress.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago
Oh, you really did this. I assumed you would be too lazy/filled with contempt for all mankind.

Innnnteresting. What would it take if I wanted a classy bar?

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Ha ha, that's not going to happen. That took me like 40 hours of work, and I still have a huge background backlog for my game.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago


I appreciate the invitation, but I know you're a very busy woman and I would not think of taking up any more of your valuable time that you are so graciously providing for others that may take you up on your generous offer.



Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago


I figured you probably wouldn't be interested, but I thought I'd include you anyway. I agree that my offer is very generous and that everyone, especially @mizal, should be very impressed and grateful.



Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago
This is great, @Axiom!

If anything can motivate me to actually finish something, this would be it.  Well, this and pushing my internal critic off of an overpass in front of an eighteen wheeler.

I'm definitely interested. Is there an expiration date on this offer?  Because with my track record it might take a while...

And do I have to choose between a picture and a critique?  What would I have to do to get both?

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Because you're a gentleman, I'll give you both, IAP. And no, there isn't an expiration date on this offer, but please note that it's tied exclusively to wordcount and not to quality. Feel free to spew some garbage just to get a picture.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

This is lovely! Is a character sketch something that you're particularly interested in doing? As in, is it something you're looking to practice more at? I ask because theres probably something that's easier to draw that would be more useful to me.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

What were you thinking? I am looking to practice characters, but this is more about being nice to my friends, so I'm flexible.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago
At last, a full sized keyboard for grownup people.

Dear Axiom,

Your offer intrigues me! In addition, I am quite pleased by the blatant, yet wholly justifiable elitism on display here.

Having pulled up my notes for my current in progress CYOA, which is outlined in detail and contains meaningful choices to offer a satisfying and complete story for both major paths (seeing how combining these things is really quite simple), I've done some calculations and determined that a word count somewhere in the neighborhood of 35k and an end of February release seems the most likely outcome.

I will be pleased to accept your challenge!

You should start practicing your grumpy wizards now.

Impressively grateful,


Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Dear mizal,

This is an acceptable proposal. I eagerly anticipate the wonderful work of fiction that will spring from your fingers in a doubtlessly elegant and well structured manner.

Yours truly,


Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Dear Axiom, 

I've just scraped by the 15k words required for a sketch. It's going to be an abortion of a storygame, but it will technically meet the requirements of the contest. Please mentally prepare yourself to draw a capybara with a machine gun, wearing a banana balaclava and carrying a bag full of money. 



Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Dear Malkalack,

This is a very strange request. Also, please note that I offered a bust, not something as complex as well-armed produce livestock. However, I kind of want to draw a machine gun. I will reflect on this request.

Perplexedly yours,


P.S. How do you expect a capybara to wield a machine gun without elbows?

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Kinda like gripping it in one paw? Maybe he's shooting it in the air or something. 

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Dear Malkalack,

Uh... Okay.

Still perplexed,


Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago
Dear @Axiom,

Like this, but the guinea pig is a machine gun:

Wondering how long we're going to keep this up,


Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago
Watching the evolution of this post has been amusing.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Damn, if only I was your friend. My art is amazing. Not to toot my own horn but...

Toot toot!

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago
Dear @Axiom,

I just finished a 2000 word story. Do I get anything for that?

In excited anticipation for wonderful prizes,


Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago
How much would it take for a piece of the cork board?

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Dear @mizal,

Verily, writing a story is a feat worthy of reward. Here's a prize proportional to your wonderful achievement. As requested, a grumpy wizard.

Artistically yours,


Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Woah! Axiom that... that is the most detailed masterpiece i've ever layed eyes on! How long did it take!?

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Dear MinnieKing,

Approximately twenty seconds, so about the same length of time mizal spent on her story.



Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Dear Axiom,

I just gained a lot of respect for you.



Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Dear @Malkalack,

You submitted a story of adequate length. As promised, here's your reward.

Please request a drawing of a person next time.

Still perplexed,


Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Dear Axiom, 

That's awesome. Thanks a bunch. I'll be sure to request a human, next time. 



Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Dear @Axiom

What can I do to make you draw an evil, demonic, robotic pudding cup?

Sincerely, MinnieKing

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Dear MinnieKing,

Sorry, you're not eligible for a drawing. Also, that sounds like a pretty dumb idea.



Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Alright, this is seriously cool

Not sure about the stock on that LMG though, they usually have a contiguous metal back (stock) instead of the extendable stocks assault rifles and certain sniper rifles benefit from (LMGs are fired from prone via the tripod mostly due to the intense recoil which makes them unviable except for making lots of noise when firing while standing, ergo most wouldn't have anything but a static stock)

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

I actually referenced a photo, so at least one LMG has a stock like that. Thanks, though!

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

That's fair. Love the hood, it adds a lot of personality :)

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Hmmm... what's that sound being emitted from this thread? It's the sound of everyone who gives a fuck! Piss off with your gun jerk off.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

This is cool. Well done, Ax.

Still, I don't know if you know this or not, but Capybara are actually quadrupedal rather than humanoid, and their front feet don't have the dexterity to use firearms because they're slightly webbed and not used for grasping or using tools but instead locomotion on land or via water.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Hey again Steve. I'm assuming you're not a vet/biologist, and in the same way I'm not a gun nut (if I was I'd either have known that some LMGs do indeed have collapsible stocks, in which case I wouldn't have posted in the first place, or I'd been technical in my comment and not rather generic). Was just pointing out something that stood out from what I knew.

Cheers, StrykerL

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

1. Pointing out something as retardedly irrelevant as what I pointed out that no one gives a shit about.

2. Pointing out something wrong.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

That's fair, still for what it's worth, I'd rather not be misclassified as a gun nut. That said, we're derailing the main thread, I'm up for stopping this discussion here if you are.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Let's end it, then.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Someone needs to drop the mic.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago
But more importantly, what are your feelings on tanks?

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

(Help, context?)

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

(Tell her you're largely disinterested)

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago
Dude, it's a simple question. Do you want to pilot a tank in WWII after being surgically altered into a catgirl by Nazi scientists, y/n?

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Um... for that particular scenario I'm going to have to go with a strong no. Amongst other reasons being (somehow?) part cat should most likely make me outrageously claustrophobic. Not a good thing to be if you have to sit inside a lumbering Panzer for extended periods of time

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

For the purpose of this answer, I'm largely disinterested :p

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago
Acceptable answer! I'm relieved to hear it.

Axiom's Art Contest

7 years ago
That is beyond glorious.

Axiom's Art Contest

7 years ago

Thanks, I tried. Somehow it's exactly the kind of thing malk would ask for.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Do I fall into "b"? The "I need a cool incentive to write a good story" bit?

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

I think you need to fulfill both requirements of needing an incentive and being a friend, not just one. 

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Oh, well. RIP.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

If you'd like, you can shame someone in the list, for example @mizal, into entering a timed competition with you. Then the winner will get a beautiful picture.

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago
Seto, I could draw you a picture!

Do you like unicorns?

Axiom's Art Contest

8 years ago

Unicorns are fine, I guess? XD

And oh dear god, no. I would lose, Axiom. I can't write XD