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The Return of The Writing Prompts: Episode1, Part1

7 years ago

I'm sorry I've been so busy. I am most likely not going to be able to do these weekly now, but I'll try ^^


1) Write about a famous landmark or historical site on Earth, about a thousand years in the future; it is in a museum and the tour guide is explaining it to the museum visitors. Assume there were no surviving books or such about it and the real importance of the famous landmark/historical was lost in time.

2) Follow the Railroad by Alexiuss

3) "It's their world now."


Inform me if you don't wish to be tagged to this anymore. Also tell me if I missed anyone. I'll eventually see it.
@WouldntItBeNice @JJJ-thebanisher @bbshark @Bucky @mizal @FrankIevatus @TheNewIAP @Romulus @TacocaT @Crescentstar @Mayana @Zulutrader @MasonJarGuzzi @Ogre11 @malkalack @Charaxes @eshspoyeofdoom @RoyalGhost_007 @StillWatersRunDeep @temporaryaccount @ISentinelPenguinI @Drew8521 @Orange @LickReborn @ZagHero @Gemini4Ever @Bannerlord @Taylor_Boulet @Madhattersdaughter @MrMustachio @firegrill @WizzyCat @Pleb @Saika @Iavatus @Minnieking @Claw2k11 @Nyctophilia @team_raiders_Cowboys @mattc

The Return of The Writing Prompts: Episode1, Part1

7 years ago
Cheers, Seto. I'll try this one.

As the visitors approached Display 9X-1A-54-421: Proto-Xenon Artifact, the display's mental bridge connected with the research group from Xarth. "Welcome visitors from the Xarthian Empire, and behold the Xenon Spike."
"This Spike was located in what we believe to be the Old Xenon Empire's original power base. From what little we know from the Dark Ages, this building seems to have been of symbolic importance to the Old Empire, as it was deemed important enough to have seen an intensive battle fought over its possession, as the telltale burn marks show from near the base indicate. The Spike may have housed important documents or individuals from the Empire, and seems to have been upgraded multiple times in its history."

"The original structure shows elements of what the proto-xenons called marble, granite, and bluestone gneiss, which appeared to have been replaced with elements we call copper and gold, giving the artifact its distinctive orange sheen. Unfortunate, unlike the far older pyramidal monuments found around the ruins of the irradiated Copran nations, no inscriptions or hieroglyphics have been found around this artifact, and accordingly we cannot confirm its true significance. A few clicks ago, some paleo-historians estimated that this building was a storage of material deemed to have been of Empire-wide reverence, for its simulated destruction has been observed in a number of planar-videos that have survived from the era. "

"The orange incarnation of the artifact seems to have been attacked and damaged by primitive weaponry of the time shortly after construction, and research shows highly elevated levels of nuclear radiation in the artifact's vicinity shortly after its re-construction. In the aftermath, it seems to have been a rallying point for the Xenon empire's forces, and withstood multiple attacks."

"Being one of the few artifacts from the era, its resemblance to a male's reproductive organs at the time seems to have been intentional, and we surmise the population was highly reverential to its distinct shape. The first documented holo-vids of it we have date back to 183 NT, where a group of explorers curious about the region's history braved the elevated radiation levels, and returned with information about this sole surviving artifact. They initially named the strange artifact 'the Appendage,' and it bears striking visual similarity to another hypothesized artifact around which the ancient city of Taris grew. The artifact itself was added to the Commune's archival facilities here in Europa in the year 899 NT, as part of a goodwill measure between Xarth and Europa after the 3rd Xarth-Europan conflict."

The Artifact concluded on a patriotic note "We hope this artifact can be taken as a symbol of the follies of our predecessors, and remind all who see it the enduring strength of the Xarthian empire, and at the same time, the greater prowess of the Europan forces whose prowess secured this artifact's acquisition. Europa Eternalis!"

In the nano-second in which this message was broadcast to the visitors, a Xarthian part-parent held on their offspring's agitated neural connector, broadcasting quickly "Not now, when the Fleet arrives. It's their world, for now."

Free internet points to whoever guesses the name of the monument.

The Return of The Writing Prompts: Episode1, Part1

7 years ago

The Washington Monument..? I am probably wrong, but internet points are too good to pass up!

The Return of The Writing Prompts: Episode1, Part1

7 years ago
Internet points awarded. I was having such a hard time trying not to write monument where I was writing artifact (too much Rum, and yes, it's all gone now)

E: Feedback on my short story is appreciated

The Return of The Writing Prompts: Episode1, Part1

7 years ago

Tarktark Klawface was the Bloodstab nation's most prolific historian, and rightly so. As a lich employed by the Goblin King, he had been there for the majority of the battles in which the righteous Goblin Horde took Big Island from the treacherous humans, and he had been vigorously documenting Humans and their lifestyles in an attempt to better understand them. His insights into the many weaknesses of these cunning giants may well have won them the war, and he was given an opulent (well, opulent by Goblin standards) museum next to a great landmark on the cold side of the island.

"The hoomans is tricksy," Tarktark said to his tour group as he handled a tiny, hollow spear, "so tricksy in fact, that they steal the tricks of other animals in order to bamboozle and harm their enemies! What you see here is a tiny spear, but watch! Do not let its diminutive size deceive you of its dangerousness!"

The skeletal goblin activated the fountain spear, squirting ink into the face of his assistant. The crowd gasped.

"With this tiny instrument of inky death, the hooman's enemy can be blinded from seemingly nowhere! Just the same way that the finger fish blinds his foes! But the hooman does not retreat like the finger fish, for now, the hooman is free to STAB STAB STAB!"

The crowd of goblins was horrified by the revelation, their tiny, carnivorous mouths hung agape.

"So vile and primitive is the hooman, that the females must practice being bludgeoned with the special rubber fingers that males have in order to survive reproduction!"

There was another gasp as Tarktark revealed a wall of rubber bludgeoning fingers, some were even the size of clubs.

"Some even have theories that the purple ones were removed from fellow hoomans as an act of revengeance! So brutal is the hooman reproductive process. Instead of biting animals, or creating civilized food sacks so that offspring can naturally burst out of and devour, hoomans use themselves as meat sacks!"

To the terrified screams of the audience, Tarktark beat his assistant over the head with the rubber model, holding the Finger of Bludgeoning between his legs as male humans do.

"A hooman will reproduce like so! And over the course of a week or so, the hooman that was beaten will get fat, and a larvae will burst out from their chests just like with Goblins! However, a hooman has defenses to keep its offspring from devouring it entirely. It moves the excess fat into bags on its chest, and will feed it to the larvae until its craving for flesh is satisfied!"

The goblins were in utter shock now. Some were squeaking and flailing with tears of shock, others had vomitted, most were doing some combination of the two while running in circles.

"But this spear and these fingers are but mere trinkets in the face of what I am about to show you, my goblin kin! For this magnificent wheel outside is truly the greatest feat of hooman engineering! Which is why we destroyed the engine, so it can never harm us again!"

He ushered excited goblins outside, and ran up to the wheel. "BEHOLD! THE MIGHTY BUCKET WHEEL OF THROWING!"

It was a massive, steel thing that had been reconstructed many times over the years. It looked like two birds sitting backwards on each other's feet.

"This wheel was constructed by a mighty wizard some centuries before the war! It was used to suck all boats into its concrete river, scoop them up into one of its large troughs, and then hurl them into the sky with the power of LIGHTNING! But there was only one flaw in the wizard's plan. Hoomans were simply too fat for the machine to throw. Goblins, however, were not. So, the wheel saw much use in the war for Big Island as a destroyer of boats in the concrete river! But goblins is MIGHTY and SMART! After a while, we carried our boats alongside the river so that the wheel could not get ahold of us! The surprise allowed us to kill the stupid hoomans and break their machine!


That is why this wheel is the greatest monument for our victory over Big Island! Even greater than the giant donger! The giant donger was incapable of killing! It was a useless and frivolous invention that the hoomans designed to dong loudly every midday in order to scare goblins away. But goblins is BRAVE! And so we BRAVELY raided the donger and destroyed its ticking innards when we were sure nothing was in it and no hooman were around to stop us, to show the world how unafraid we were of the noise!"

The goblins were moved by Tarktark's patriotic explanation, and were clapping and cheering madly.

"You too can destroy the evil machines of hoomans by joining King Bloodstab the 800th in his next good and big war! Today, goblins, the Bloodstab nation attackses the hoomans in the Cheesemaker mountains! It is a great moment in history, Goblins, and you can be a part of it! Consult the nearest bucketmaker for travelling options across the channel!"

E: 18 frijoles for each real world thing you recognize.

The Return of The Writing Prompts: Episode1, Part1

7 years ago

A pen, a dildo (or a strap-on?), a ferris wheel...and the Big Ben, leading me to believe the Ferris wheel is the one in London (the London Eye). 

Don't know which mountain would be the Cheesemaker one, however. 

How many did I get right? :O

The Return of The Writing Prompts: Episode1, Part1

7 years ago

Pen, dildo, and Big Ben are right, it's not a ferris wheel, it's a certain canal-managing wheel on the cold, rocky side of the island, so it's not in London either. It's meant for easing transportation, but the truth is that none of the Goblins knew what it did before they broke it, so its origin is shrouded in myths about being an anti-goblin machine. If you want a spoiler-level hint, I think it's on the 50 pound note unless they changed it.

The cheesemaker mountains is a little unfair because that's just as likely to be Switzerland or Italy or any other part of Europe, so I'll just spoil it and tell you that they're planning to row buckets across the channel and invade France.

The Return of The Writing Prompts: Episode1, Part1

7 years ago

I got most of it! I was thinking of a Ferris wheel due to the fact that you mentioned large troughs, and we do sit in them.

A canal-managing wheel is close enough so I don't feel that bad about being wrong on it!

And ohhh. Spoiler-level...are you going to continue this? :O

That is a very funny mental image; goblins in buckets, rowing to terrorize the French x'D

The Return of The Writing Prompts: Episode1, Part1

7 years ago

I wasn't thinking about continuing, I just meant the fact that it's on the 50 pound note with its name on it would give away the fact that they were talking about the? Falkirk Wheel, but now that you mention it, I may just have Goblins showing up in France next prompt. I don't know how or when, but it'll happen.


The Return of The Writing Prompts: Episode1, Part1

7 years ago
Oh hi. Welcome back!

I'll do some thinking on these but I'm not 100% certain I'll be participating in the forums much between now and the contest deadline. Last couple weeks were busy and that I took solemn and sacred vows not to get sidetracked from my contest story.

Annoyingly, no one of importance has dropped out yet even after I've repeatedly explained I'd be winning this one. I may actually HAVE to complete a story this time.

The Return of The Writing Prompts: Episode1, Part1

7 years ago

Good luck! I hope you finish your story, and I look forward to reading it (and all the other entries.) :O

And I guess you rolled a 1 for intimidation?