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Trying to build an advanced storygame

7 years ago

Variables: Basic

(Current Amount of Variables: 13)


Items: Basic

(Current Amount of Items: 1)


Scripting: Advanced

(Current Amount of Scripts: 0)


# of Chapters: 2

# of Pages (finished): 21

# of Pages (in-progress): 3

Total Pages: 24/???


I wasn’t sure about whether to rate my game fantasy or edutainment, because it contains lots of fantasy elements but is also intermingled with Catholic ideas/beliefs. In the game, you must pick one of the three holy classes (no spoilers!) which have different stats like strength, charisma, knowledge, etc.

After reading a little backstory and information, you will then be sent to Hell. The Hell in my game is based off of Dante’s version, consisting of 9 different rings. You must fight through the 9 rings, obtaining weapons/items, killing hellish monstrosities, solving puzzles, and making friends.

This game will take a lot of work! Please wish me luck and help inspire me to continue. And as a final note: What the heck is a Commendation and how are they used?


Trying to build an advanced storygame

7 years ago
Commended by EndMaster on 1/13/2018 12:02:49 AM

Commendations are like a newer form of xp, but they can't be taken away (for now).

They are sorta given for contributing to the site in a meaningful way regarding writing. So forum posts helping people with their writing, or quality short stories / works. Also for writing storygames (but it isn't ideal for this, so admins aren't giving them out there as much) and comments on storygames.

If I recall, storygame commendation count is dependant on the story length, so admins don't pick the exact number, which leads to it being either too much (if the story is bad) or too little (if it is good). I am being general here btw.

Forum posts get 1, and storygame comments get 3.

Commendations are then added for all members in the order, to give each order a total. Sages are winning by a heap so this sorta failed, as it was supposed to encourage people to contribute more in a friendly competition way. (Orders are given to everyone and are random).

Also when you get a commendation you get xp as well, so that is nice. Further if you are in the top 5 you get special titles dependant on the order, they do nothing, bragging rights I guess. If you are first you get the most special title btw.

Also there is some more nice little gimmicks regarding most commendations in the day, and stuff like that (regarding red usernames, and bolded red usernames and what not).


Good luck with your work, I feel you could do either fantasy or edutainment, as long as edutainment is not just a side thing for the whole story. Then again I believe admins can change it if you pick the wrong one, so no pressure.

I do wonder why you are using 'basic' variables tho, pretty sure that is more likely to limit you since I don't think advanced are that complex and they do give more options.

Maybe make a test storygame and see what it actually changes? Since honestly, I don't recall the differences, and this way you can make sure you don't mess anything up.
Pretty sure changing it now shouldn't effect you in a negative way, but maybe someone else knows if it would.

Commendations are nice, but not really used by you for anything (it is automated). Also good luck, either category should work (pretty sure).

Trying to build an advanced storygame

7 years ago

Thanks, Zake.

Trying to build an advanced storygame

7 years ago
Zake knows all about the commendations, I don't think he ever even posts unless he's going for one.

Trying to build an advanced storygame

7 years ago
I'd go with fantasy since you're fighting monsters and the like and will have stats and RPG elements. Or it might even be a good fit for Mystery/Puzzle depending on how much of a focus on puzzles or strategy there is over plot.

You don't have to worry about getting a perfect fit for a category though, sometimes that's just not possible to do.

This seems REALLY ambitious so best of luck. Have you considered a smaller practice project while you're still getting the hang of things, or do you feel like you already have a pretty good handle on the editor?

Trying to build an advanced storygame

7 years ago

Thanks Mizal! I've been in the Help & Info section lately, so I've gotten a good idea of how most things work. I made four or five practice or test games, but deleted them.

Trying to build an advanced storygame

7 years ago
Seems more like Fantasy or Horror to me.

Trying to build an advanced storygame

7 years ago

Variables: Advanced

(Current Amount of Variables: 15)


Items: Basic

(Current Amount of Items: 1)


Scripting: Advanced

(Current Amount of Scripts: 0)


# of Chapters: 2

# of Pages (finished): 25

# of Pages (in-progress): 1

Total Pages: 26/???


I gave some of the classes in my game special abilities that could change the way the story and conflict would form. I’m also 1/5 of the way done with creating Limbo, the first circle of Hell. I need 9 more… and a special circle I added. I’d say I’m about 9% finished. Ugh. Any ideas? The game revolves around Christian and Catholic religion/mythology. Next time I post, I'll promise more content to share.