It's struck me to ponder the question on whether young teens can, in fact, write. Now, this can be seen as a question of technical writing: punctuation, grammar, syntax, word choice, capitalization, spelling, etc. It can also be seen as a question of context. Does someone under the age of say, 16-18, have enough experience to have something worth writing about. Now, I can't know for certain the ages of people on this forum writing, so I'm going to post the first bit of something I wrote when I was 14 years old, unedited.
Feel free to critique it, but keep in mind it's been 24 years since I wrote it, and I'm not changing it, so this is more of an information gathering thing in general than trying to improve my writing now. For example, this was apparently before I understood the use of paragraphs or semi-colons.
Anything in square brackets [ ] are my notes from now.