Once again bringing you the TRUTH instead of a bad case of the WEEKLY RERUNS!
Past truth filled issues!
The New Shit
An Interview with my daughter TharaApples Cricket
Review of Mizal’s Inseperable
Short Story
EndMaster’s Pointless Quiz
The New Shit
Newbie Central: Some noobs introduced themselves and predictably none of them have done anything interesting since.
The Lounge: The only thing of interest that happened in here recently was me talking about some weird 70s exploitation film. All the conversations about sucking dick are now in the CYS discord.
News & Updates: Mizal has some dumb contest going on with no SHAME penalty. Seems a little pointless, like getting a blowjob while wearing a condom. Sure you’re getting your dick sucked, but it’s just not the same without being able to properly provide a lovely tea party to the baby swallower.
The Parlor Room: Briar’s interesting comments series in now in the fourth thread and shows no sign of stopping weird lesbian boners any time soon.
Creative Corner: My short stories thread was added to, go read everything in it.
Writing Workshop: Briar’s reissued Innocence Lost story is available through sneak preview. Meanwhile CoG continues to be a bunch of faggots that support plagiarism.
Reading Corner: Someone asked about good stories. Unsurprisingly mine were mentioned. Surprisingly stories other than mine were mentioned.
Advanced Editor Forum: Someone suggested hidden links or something. Don’t care, this is the nerd section for nerd shit.
Feature Wishing Well: Someone complained about profiles being hard to access or something. Don’t care; nobody actually pays attention to this forum.
Bugs & Problems: Someone bitched about spacing problems or something. Don’t care, bugs never get fixed around here anyway.
Interview: Cricket AKA New Thara
When she’s not being the perfect daughter, she’s usually posting various things on the forums and hanging out in the CYS Discord.
Anyway, here she is helping me out with this interview portion and once again being more useful than 99% of you lot.
1. What caused you to first find this place and stick around?
A few years ago, I had discovered CYOA style fiction. I had seen that style of books advertised and thought it sounded awesome, but I never had had the opportunity to read one. I found several other platforms with IF and CYOA first.
Then, it might have been through Tv-Tropes, I found CYS and Briar's Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost. I liked it and read some other random stories before finding either Innkeeper or Ground Zero (I cannot remember which was first, but I know it was one of them).
The way you branch your stories with each choice leading to a different path was different and way cooler than anything else I had read to that point. I found that choices I thought would kill me lead to whole new stories just as long as my first choice, and I was hooked. I read several other stories by you such as TRASH, Paradise Violated, and Alpha Wolf.
For the next couple years, I would come on every few months, dedicate all my free time to reading some stories for week or two, then close the tab for a few months. Then in 2018, I had joined several online communities and creating an account was no big deal for me anymore.
So I both joined and finally got around to reading Eternal. I was active for a few months, but when school was out and I didn't have a real computer near me most of the day anymore, I stopped logging in.
Then last December I came back, saw there was a swanky new Discord, and joined. I would say that is the biggest reason for my sticking around this time. Being involved in the community means that it is always in my mind that it exists, and I like the people here.
Plus I can talk to you. So that's nice.
2. How do you feel about being known as “New Thara?”
I find it pretty amusing that I am called New Thara. It might be a bit weird when and if Thara comes back for real, but it might not be. Certainly the fact that I am considered suitable for that label is quite an honor and pleases me greatly.
3. Besides me of course, what are some of your other favorite members and stories of the site?
For my favorite members, I suppose I have an obligation to add mizal to the list as she is queen and her Discord is a large factor in me doing more than popping in a few weeks every six months. Corgi is awesome and I actually interacted with him a bit last spring/summer. Digit and I are bros4lyf, and Wibbons is also cool. There's no member I know of that I really dislike all that much.
For my favorite non-EndMaster storygames, I will definitely add Ducky Park to the list. I just read it today, and it was hilarious. Bestist Friend Jane is another good one that is quite unique, and I would like to see more from IAP. The old Price of Freedom is what brought me here--so I obviously liked that.
There are a lot of great storygames on this site. Also, it's yours, but I want to add that Paradise Violated is seriously underrated and if whatever replaced it on the featured list is not divine perfection, I will be sad.
4. What are your favorite things to write about?
I have not written in a wide enough variety of genres and topics to say definitevly what my favorite topic to write about is, but I do tend to go for low-fantasy or realistic settings with some elements of tall tales or magic in them.
I also like choosing American-inspired settings for fantasy as opposed to European or Asian. Also crickets. I like writing about crickets.
5. How do you think you’ll do in Corgi’s Contest?
Better than I did in the Feels Contest. There will be a real entry from me that will not be a 900 word story about my own failure. I cannot say I will win or even reach second place (assuming other peeps actually complete their stories), but that's not really what I am after. As long as I complete something I am not ashamed of and do better than Triclops, I am happy.
6. Do you have any advice for other writers?
Well, this is a question I am hesitant about. I've never identified myself as a writer--just as someone with stories to tell. However, I will say this, don't join contests with a theme you are terrible at then hardly write anything for two months.
Also, read good stories. You cannot properly recognize bad work unless you know what good work looks like too.
7. Any final thoughts before you return to spreading word of my stories?
Thank you for interviewing me. Your message made my night, and I look forward to reading the next End Times. If any of you reading this have not read Paradise Violated, go read it or you will die with a part of your heart empty that you could have easily filled.
Thank you for reading, and have a nice day.
And there you have it folks, Thara Two: Insect Boogaloo
(I said insect you pervs)
Review: Inseparable by Mizal
I never did bother with a proper comment on this story, but might as well post one now to take up space for this portion of the issue.
Now I know there’s been more than a few different interpretations of this story. Like for example, for some reason some people thought Mondy was a doll, but those people are retards.
The basic premise of course is Mirk and Mondy were gay lovers, which the village accepted because it obviously was filled with CoGites, but later when the plague hit Mondy died Mirk continued fucking him even in death which is what caused the townsfolk to disapprove.
So it was the necrophilia that was being disapproved of not the sodomy and of course the big reveal is that Mondy’s been dead the whole time.
Some people said that the reveal was obvious which sort of took out some of the major impact of the story, however I see another interpretation of the story.
Basically Mirk and Mondy’s gay love brought doom upon the village, which was complicit in accepting their degeneracy.
The village was fine and then all of a sudden they got the beginnings of a gay nightclub being set up. The plague is representative of the sort of decay of normal civilization when it begins to accept the unnatural as normal.
Now of course Mirk fucking his dead lover shouldn’t be too much of a surprise, I mean he was already a degenerate. What are the boundaries of decency at that point?
While the townsfolk were horrified by this, it was already too late. They had already failed by not being vigilant in keeping their community clean. Even the new priest they had openly condemning the actions wasn’t enough, because words were not enough at that point. Only actions like burning at the stake would have been suitable, but the villagers were too slothful and thus deserved their fate of getting the SUPER AIDS plague.
Anyway, while the story doesn’t have much traditional branching, it’s still very good because it teaches an important lesson on morality and the dangers of being tolerant of degeneracy. Definitely deserving of being featured due to its social importance.
Also it’s pretty much a given that Mirk was Pedo Mod Kiel, and Mondy was Con Mod Seth, so that was a clever use of an in-joke as well.
Short Story
Okay, going to post another old one from the “A Hole” series. This one is sort of the “prequel” of the original series when he’s a little kid. Anyway too long to post here, so here’s the link:
EndMaster’s Pointless Quiz
Yes, now it’s time for fun and games! A short little quiz where if you answer everything right, you can actually score pointless points!
Don’t worry, it’s so easy even YOU can get all the questions right.
1. What stories directly take place on “Suzy’s world?”
2. What is the name of the protagonist from Repression?
3. What are the names of the doctor and his sister from Love SICK?
4. What is the Eternal’s name?
5. What is the Necromancer’s name?
6. What stories are currently not directly connected to any others?
7. What stories are currently not on CYS?
8. What stories DON’T have any incest references?
(And Cricket for the interview)