Upgrading the advanced editor is a ways off. To keep the number of posts in the FWW down, I'm going to combine everything we have into this post. You can still post new messages to the forum, but I may put it in this message. Since I will use this message to upgrade the ADV editor, please keep the non-feature discussion to a bare minimum ...
Items - One Item on Many Pages (http://myadventuregame.com/forums/message.asp?MessageId=771) - Multiple of same Item (http://myadventuregame.com/forums/message.asp?MessageId=1195) - Quantity, Effects2, Classes, Dropping (http://myadventuregame.com/forums/message.asp?MessageId=968)
Variables - New Types SWITCH - http://myadventuregame.com/forums/message.asp?MessageId=922 TEXT - http://myadventuregame.com/forums/message.asp?MessageId=954 - Show My Stats (http://myadventuregame.com/forums/message.asp?MessageId=935) - Restriction Enhancements (http://myadventuregame.com/forums/message.asp?MessageId=1121) - more restriction enhancements (http://myadventuregame.com/forums/message.asp?MessageId=1206)
Battle System - discussion: http://myadventuregame.com/forums/message.asp?MessageId=1122
Another one for Items: - Select Items on the Page Editor - http://myadventuregame.com/forums/message.asp?MessageId=1255
Variable Behavior: Rollovers http://myadventuregame.com/forums/message.aspx?MessageId=2120
Possible with scripting now. A good example of this is tsmpaul's clock script, where once you reach 23 hours and 60 minutes it resets to 0 hours and 0 minutes.
UI Improvement for long lists: http://myadventuregame.com/forums/message.aspx?MessageId=2051
Would love this. Love, love, love.
I don't suppose you could add arrays and loops as well?
Yes to everything here proposed, I've been wanting switches and text variables for a while. Although I'm not sure if the battle system will be used by anyone.
Text variables would be insane. Love some of the above changes.
I love the text variable idea, though the switch seems unnecessary as it's easy to do with the current variable system.
Amazing!!! I would use so many of these (And have been using my own workarounds for many of them). This would make things so much easier for me. ESPECIALLY the text one. :D
what if they also added a live chat room?
That would be pretty pointless considering how few people are usually on.
Do you mean into the editor so that people playing the story at the same time could speak? That's actually kind of really interesting.