
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 8/19/2019: I'm confused and unhappy.

People online

5 years ago

Sometimes you're talking to someone, right? You send them a message and their last 'activity' on their page is messaging you before that. So you think they're still online, and keep messging and messaging them to stop ignoring you. (Just an example, no one would really do this lol. I think.)

But what you don't know is that they had to go to lunch or something.

What I'm suggesting is actually pretty simple- just add something that says they're online somewhere on their profile, or let us click '__ guests' at the bottom of the page

People online

5 years ago
I think really the better solution would be to send a message and then wait for a response before sending more, like a normal person. It doesn't matter if it says they're online or not; it would require an unusual level of autism to think that just because someone has a tab open to the site they should be harassed, and there's no actual harm in sending a normal message to someone who's gone offline.

I'm not sure what clicking Guests is supposed to do in this scenario.

(If anyone is actually getting spammed in the way your describe btw, they should send me proof of this and I'll deal with the impatient idiot in question.)

People online

5 years ago
So, what you're saying is, you would like there to be a convenient feature like the one we have at the bottom of the page here where we can see the list of all the members who are online.

People online

5 years ago


People online

5 years ago

:) all good?