
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 4/2/2020: This is a terrible idea.

Commendation Fading

5 years ago
I know there have been many discussions about how to make commendations more fair, or more divided, or something to make them so it can be more of a competition between orders. How about an idea that the commendations fade over time? This might make it so they represent more of current efforts instead of overall efforts. This could also give orders more of a chance to be competitive. I'm not sure of the actual numbers, but perhaps something like this: A commendation that had been awarded in the last 6 months is worth full points. A commendation that is 6-12 months old is worth 1/2 points. A commendation that is 12-24 months old is worth 1/10 points. A commendation that is over 24 months old is worth nothing.

Commendation Fading

5 years ago

In real life, if you gain a skill through hard work and practice, it's not quickly lost. In video games, people who've put in the time to level up will always have an advantage over people just starting.

That's not a bad thing at all. Admittedly I know nothing of intra-order competitions here. That makes me think of the Hogwart's House cup, which was pretty much rigged for Gryffindor every time and so became pretty meaningless.

But I'd personally far rather points I earned from commendations to stay than to have them fade to even out a theoretical playing field ;) Maybe that's selfish - they are pointless points, after all! But making them fade just seems similar to the government just 'cancelling' half the worth of a billionaires cash in an attempt to make the economy more 'fair' - and just nerfing the motivation of anyone to start a business in consequence.

I'm not sure how the orders work (though the recent newbie thread on them and the mythical sorting hat powers of CYS was entertaining,) but wouldn't it work better just to move inactive members who haven't been around or done anything in two years to a different order or some sort of holding order? They'd get to keep their points if they ever became active again, and maybe there would be away to reassign them then or something.

That would leave it so active people wouldn't be losing points just to make new people feel better or to nerf any potential advantage they might have in future competitions. But it also would keep commendations that were years old, won by long inactive people, from skewing points more than they need to.

Commendation Fading

5 years ago
Just to make this idea clear: This idea has absolutely nothing to do with points! Well, points on the site, that is. The reason for this is that the orders very, very quickly became as you suggested with the House cup: there is zero competition. They are just there for people to notice every now and then. My suggestion is that just the commendation scores reduce over time. So if you want to keep you commendation score high, you need to do things recently. You would still have the points you collected as points! Because of the huge difference in points for older members, there really won't ever be any competition for orders: even if you randomly re-sorted the orders, if the right two-three people are in one order, no others will ever catch them. This idea would allow members to have bragging rights over actual points, but orders might end up providing a little more entertainment and/or competition.

Commendation Fading

5 years ago
Your defeatist attitude disgusts me.

Commendation Fading

5 years ago

I think stories like Gower's "Eternal means Eternal" will provide more entertainment through the years than making group contests more even.

And, honestly, how many people in the forum are good natured extroverts who long for competition in equal footing vs. passive agressive introverts who will happily harvest each other for points no matter who is in their order?

Commendation Fading

5 years ago
This is really like say. Like you are all retarded we will stolen from the people who earned their points to make the rest don't feel hurt in their fee-fees. I don't have points I am a newbie... But I want. gain MY POINTS and deserve them. Not that others lost theirs to get my level. I will climb up to reach my own potential.

In this world, there are two kinds of people the ones who cry out loud to someone else have pity on them and people who actually have shit done. I will reach Gower or Endmaster. No, I won't. But I want that what I achieve be MINE and because I earned it, not because others have lost their EARNED stuff. This is not Communist dystopia.

Commendation Fading

5 years ago
I'm not trying to do anything like that Mara -- I'm trying to find a way to make the system that's in place work. The way I see it right now, no one thinks the commendation system works, at least as it relates to orders. There is no competition and the scores for the orders are so incredibly far apart that there just isn't a realistic way to make it work without substantial changes. For example, you have 7 commendations. End has 1,485. Sure, you can say that you're going to catch him and make it a competition and have your order catch his order, but that's just not realistic. Sure, you might catch him in 10-12 years, but I don't believe anyone thinks that the current order system works. So I'm trying to find a way that rewards people for their current contributions and yet still allows people to keep long-term contributions. I suppose we could suggest completely getting rid of orders, but if we're going to keep them and have them mean anything, some kind of change is really needed. Otherwise they're just there with no purpose.

Commendation Fading

5 years ago
If Marauders are first is because they EARNED IT. I could understand if this were an annual system. Every order starts like Zero each one and then let the best wins.

If I have to make a system like this What I will do is an annual contest where each Order presents ten games to a tournament. Make that a shame rest points to your order. Because that way there will be interest in participation and a competitive spirit.

Commendation Fading

5 years ago
Well that's fine. Then you support the idea of leaving the system alone -- and that it's not going to change or be useful. That was the reason I started this thread -- there is currently no competition with the orders. If there are no changes, that's fine -- there will continue to be no competition.

Commendation Fading

5 years ago
Commendations are much more balanced now that featured reviews aren't such an exploit. Nobody needs to catch up to End, and they shouldn't unless they put in the same amount of work that he has. If it takes several years, well yeah, that's how long End worked at his own stories too. I mean, Orders have never really meant anything, they're just a fun sort of roleplay thing. Some people are attached to theirs and it's more about the fiction than the score. I like being a Sage, that didn't suddenly change because the Marauders are ahead now. Any issues I had with balance were fixed when JJJ made stories more valuable. There isn't an impossible gap between any Order now. Just doing some quick math, the difference between the Order with the highest amount of comms and the lowest is thirty decent medium sized stories. Just three people could do half of that in a year without even trying especially hard.

Commendation Fading

5 years ago
I agree on that with you. The change only would be useful if were old the way as I said, and that is impossible due to complex for the site so how it is now more or less works. The other orders just have to get together and working harder.

Commendation Fading

5 years ago

Here's the bottom line: In the end, End wins...




your mom.