
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 7/16/2012: Already reported as a bug.

Fix the $ITEMSTATE := 0 bug already!

12 years ago

Fix the $ITEMSTATE := 0 bug already!

The absolute highest priority item that should be addressed on the site is the $ITEMSTATE := 0 bug.

It should be fixed immediately, because it really isn’t that a difficult coding error to spot and remedy for anyone with even a little programing knowledge. It works just like $ITEMSTATE := 1, except in reverse, so one could even use $ITEMSTATE := 1 and the error messages as a guide in troubleshooting the glitch.

Right now, it severely limits the versatility of Item Use in stories that is supposed to be there (but is not accessible). With it in place, one could Add & Drop Items from the Inventory as desired and could even use the properly working feature to arrange and organize items within the Inventory itself.

Right now, there is a Work Around to “Drop” Items from the Inventory, but it just makes Items invisible and does not truly Drop them. Users may not be able to see Items dropped in this manner, but the $ITEMSTATE is still set to 1.

We need to be able to truly set $ITEMSTATE to zero, to take advantage of the site the way it was meant to be. Can we get someone on this or what? Has it really been ignored for over half a decade?!?


Fix the $ITEMSTATE := 0 bug already!

12 years ago

Sorry if any of the above came off a bit Ranty. Still, it is a very frustrating Bug and really should be fixed ASAP. If it needs a certified Programmer to do so, then let's get one. If it is going to take some funds, then let's set up a PAYPAL Account for us to donate to and hire one...