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Anime suggestions

11 years ago

I'm an anime fan, I've seen quite a bit of older and newer series. I've also read a lot of manga. Does anyone have suggestions that can make me hooked/addicted?

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Sounds like you might already be hooked haha!

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

I might...but looking for new stuff is always good.

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Unfortunately, the only stuff I know, I'm sure you already seen (cowboy bebop era)...

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Laputa: Castle in the Sky (movie)

Balck Butler (series)

Sword Art Online (series)

Wolf's Rain (series)

Full Metal Alchemist (series)

Colorful (movie) 

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (movie)

The Cat Returns (movie)

+Anima (manga)

I think I've said enough. 

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Well, I've already seen black butler, sword art online, fullmetal alchemist (original + brotherhood) and castle in the sky; but I'll try the other ones

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

I knew the more I put the less likely they'd be ones you've seen. ;) Maybe you could share some too. 

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Whenever someone talks about Black Butler, I always think of this:


Anime suggestions

11 years ago

That's why calling it Kuroshitsuji is much easier ^-^

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

+Anima is cute... but Has anyone watched howl's moving castle? I read the (seriosly legit with words not anime) book. It was good. The only part i can remember that they changed from the book was that mathew was changed from 15 to 9. 

but I think it changed for the better.

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

They changed a LOT more than what you just said.  (I'm not going to close an Iron Maiden on myself looking for each and every change they did)  Book was longer.  Movie was an anime-type adaptation, though it didn't follow closely to the book (besides characters).

Both were good.

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Oh. Wooooops! It's been forever sense I read the book, and i think the only reason why I remember that part is because I like mathew a lot.

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

LOVED the movie, got me to read the book, loved the book even more. It's true they left a whole lot out from the book (including more scenes with the Witch of the Waste!) but it was still a good adaption for what it was worth because the book was full of a whole lot of scenes. The movie would've been a couple hours longer if they included everything.

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Spirited Away, Porko Ruso, and Kiki's delivery service were fun to watch (all for different reasons though) 

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

It's been a while since I watched Kiki. I'm a have to watch again. Saw Spirited Away recently but I forgot to put it on the list. What's Porko Ruso about?

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

A guy who got turned into a pig. ^_^ (Japaneses and their odd crap. XD) 

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Spirited Away scared the hell out of me when I was five o.O

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Not me, that was my movie when I was a kid! As I got older I just watched more by the director (curse his Japanese easily forgettable name!) and the newer movies aren't too bad but I enjoyed his older work better.

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Oh and "Trigun". It is amazing!

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Just started watching wolf's rain. It's good. I'm surprised that I haven't seen it earlier

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

It's one of my favorites. When you get to the end though, you might break down a little. 

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

I've never really watched anime. Some of them seem pretty interesting but most of the time whenever I try to watch them the way the female characters are makes me feel like a pervert.

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

If that's the case than you'll never watch anime. Every one I've seen- from Naruto, to Black Lagoon, to Is this a zombie?- all have  big breasted women. You just have to look past it and focus on the plot (just not the side story arcs)

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Yeah, just afraid some ones gonna walk in and go: WTF!?!

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Well, I can't blame you there. Just make sure that no one is around, and if anyone monitors your computer, don't watch anything too perverted. It will show in the history

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Yeah, in any case what would be a good starter anime? Any good sci-fi stuff out there?

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Well there's fullmetal alchemist brotherhood (in japanese and complete english). If you don't mind watching total japanese with subtitles in english, then Sword Art Online is also good. There are many others, but those are some of the best sci-fi anime that I have watched.

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Ok thanks, I'll have to check it out.

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

No problem

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Trigun is scifi. It's just really far into the future. REALLY FAR. 

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Not sure if this counts . . . but if one is looking for Sci-fi horror they could watch one of the dead space movies (they are very weird for American movies . . .)

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

I do think that counts. I watched one started the second. It was okay.


Have I said this before?

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

From sadness?

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

How about Attack on Titan? The manga and show are still ongoing, but it has easily become one of my favorites. There's a good chance that you'll be hooked just from the first episode... Or disturbed, now that I think about it. Or both. Either way, it's a really interesting anime. I recommend it wholeheartedly. :P

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Eren, even if he is the main protagonist, turns out to be one of the most stereotypical characters in the anime.  What really keeps me in are the unique behaviors and stories of the other characters, and how they react differently to the same stimuli : Titans.

Some will cringe in fear.

Others will fight.

And yet still others may end up fleeing.

Attack on Titan is a very good manga, if you know who to look at, and when.

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

I don't remember exactly where I read about it, but there was this suggestion that Eren could be seen as the embodiment of what the reader/ watcher feels about the situations that take place in the story, and what they would want to do about it . Er, spoilers up ahead, just in case. You want to stop the titan from eating Mikasa? Eren punches that Titan in the face. You want to seal the wall and stop the titans from wreaking anymore havoc? Eren accomplishes that with a giant boulder. You want to stop the female titan from killing Levi's squad? To stop the Titan from eating Eren's mother?

..Well, I guess I approve of that too, in a way, not making Eren all powerful and capable of saving everybody. Attack on Titan plays well on your emotions like that, especially with the amazing soundtracks they use. XD

I guess Eren's "I will kill off every single one of you in the name of vengeaaance!" can be considered stereotypical, and there are times when it really shows, but I don't dislike him for it. And I agree that many of the other characters are intresting in their own right as well, especially with how their lives have been up to this point, and how they deal with the threat of titans.

Sorry if I've been gushing too much over this. XP

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

We need more gush.

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Hah. Yeah. XD

Anime suggestions

11 years ago


That is the only anime I know that won't make you feel perverted


mainly cuz they're all hamsters.

Anime suggestions

11 years ago




Kenshin (moveies, manga, and anime).

Deadman Wonderland.


Maoyuu Maou Yuusha.

Hajime No Ippo.

OnePunch Man.

Spice and Wolf.


Gate 7.


And no, Bleach and Naruto are horrible.  They drag out storylines for too long, and half of the characters that get flashbacks are mercilessly killed right after, thus making said flashbacks worthless.

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Bleach's author actually said in an interview that when he doesn't know what to do next, he introduces a new character.

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Clannad made me cry far more than it should have...

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

clannad is a bit over rated

They need to learn how to anime cry right

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Grave of the Fireflies.  Not even a full-on series, and it's enough to give you a drought in your tear ducts.

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Until you link me to your MAL account I won't believe you've watched all that much ^_^

You'd need to say what kind of anime you're into. What you just asked was basically the same as asking "What's a good TV show to watch?", which is far too vague to provide a decent answer to.


Anime suggestions

11 years ago

I don't watch or read that much but.....

Toradora is by far my fav!!!!! (book and show)

But i am partial to beauty pop and me and my brothers (but stop reading at book 8 it gets stupid from there)


Or you could be really amateur and read PET! 

to tell you the truth...I still think PET! is funny.

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

There's a whole load based on games etc. Have you tried 'Area 88' 'Fatal Fury' or 'Hokuto No Ken'? They might not be your style, but they're awesome ^_^

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

omigosh the area 88 guy  looks like some guy I played as on an arcade game in the back of a pizza shop. His name was mickey, mickey the american, and there was some teenage japanese dude and a fat danish guy.

Whats a retro video game without some vaguely racially stereotypical references?

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Sound's like Area 88.  Mickey's the American. Shin's the Japanese guy and main character and I think the other one's Greg ^_^

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

>Incoming Jihelu acting like a dumb ass post

Castle in the Sky is the most amazing thing in the entire fucking world you go watch it
Already watched it? Go watch it again.
Haven't watched it? You are a bad person.
Unable to watch it? Go watch it anyway.


Hellsing is a good anime, cause Dracula Yolo 420.

Higurashi when they cry is always a good choice for watching kids get tortured.

Kis X Sis is good if you like incest.

Boku No Pico is good if you are a huge homo sexual and are ok with hating your self.

Hm...I think I am out.

Gurren Lagen (Only seen it in bits and pieces) Seems cool.


Anime suggestions

11 years ago

studio ghibli. Yeaaaaaah!

I really like howls moving castle! The watz was sooo catchy...

mm! A good one is death billiards! it's a 30 min movie, just look it up, it makes you think.

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Angel Beats! is a good anime, though the end made me bawl like a child (though that could just be me).

Okami-san and her Seven Companions is a good short anime (rather confusing at first) but the end is...unsatisfying.

Baka and Test is a completely stupid anime with some good morals to learn and a couple good scenes (mostly a crack!show really...)

Ouran High School Host Club was enjoyable (though the manga was far better)

Fruits Basket was the first anime I ever watched and I enjoyed it thoroughly, then the manga continued on into a fantastic storyline.

Millennium Snow/Thousand Years of Snow is a great manga series by the writer of Ouran.

Nabari no ou is still one of my favorite animes as it taught great morals, had a rather entertaining plot, great art, lovable characters (I probably got too attached...) and NINJAS.

Kaze no Stigma is a sort of confusing anime (for me anyway) but it was still enjoyable and tugged at the heartstrings sometimes. Strangely likable main characters.

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Code geass....?

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Anime name: Another

Genre: Horror, mystery, school, thriller

Age rating: 17+ (slight profanity, brutal violence)

Where you can watch it:

About: 26 years ago, in a third-year classroom of a middle school, there was a student named Misaki. As an honors student who was also good at sports, she was popular with her classmates. When she suddenly died, her classmates decided to carry on as if she was still alive until graduation. Then, in the spring of 1998, a boy named Sakakibara Kouichi transfers to the class, and he grows suspicious of the fearful atmosphere in that classroom. In particular, there is a beautiful, aloof girl named Mei Misaki who wears an eyepatch and is always alone drawing pictures.

Episodes: 12, each episode containing about 24 minutes (only because of the very long opening song and credits)


Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Dude, necro much?

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Well, it makes shows more exciting and it keeps me on the edge of my seat. (I watched the censored version, though)

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

What he meant was :

"Dude, why would you bring this thread back?"

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Sorry! Just trying to recommend an anime I watched.

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

...Seems kind of silly and over the top. Though I've only seen a few scenes of it (Like the pillar scene), and there are a bunch of gifs floating around about the kids killing each for pie or something. :P

Anime suggestions

11 years ago


I dont watch/read that much, but when i was younger, i read kitchen princess. It's art isn't great, but i remember crying....

Well. my favorite anime/manga is toradora. Unlike most romantic comedies, it's actually somewhat realistic, and i love that. The characters at first seem shallow, but later you kinda peel back the layers. WATCH AND READ IT. It made me cry at the strangest things...the christmas special is real nice.

Tsuritam is a 12 episode anime, and it's got an earthbound feel. It's very charming. It's about 4 kids (well, ones 25 but whatever) who have to fish up a magical fish monster to prevent mass partying....yeah, sound weird, but it makes you laugh at the quirky ness. When haru gave the water to the flowers instead of himself, i really began to cry....the music is really catchy. Instead of kpop, it has some sort of rock-ish stuff (the intro screams gay though lol)

I also heard silver spoon was good, but i dunno.

So please, try these out!

Anime suggestions

11 years ago

High school dxd


Anime suggestions

11 years ago

Still has more diversity than IS could ever provide.