Let me just get out of the way that Being lawful does not make you lss evil than a chaotic person. Most alignment charts have it all wrong. If you're going to be good, then it doesn't matter how good you are, neutral, lawful, and chaotic are simply how you walk that path. These are the -original, but not unabridged- Dungeons and Dragons definitions of these "Alignments"
Lawful simply means you follow a distinct set of values and principles, you would be inhibited towards killing people unless it served a greater purpose, or provided more convenience towards your perception of the greater good. Most D&D orcs are Lawful, though it may not seem like it because they are evil. The Lawful person will ALWAYS sacrafice themselves to their "Greater Good" like the Unbribable omniscient Oblivion guards who throw themselves onto your sword in the name of the law. If a hoard of Minotaurs attacked the group, they would fight them regardless of the odds.
Neutral simply means self preservation, and the preservation of things and people that you care about, are the driving force in your life, and you will do whatever possible to fight for them. They weigh the pros and cons of each situation before making fight or flight decisions, will lie only if it serves some purpose, and so on. Most animals really are neutral.
Chaotic may seem random or evil, but underneaath it, they may be just as righteous as any Lawful person. They lie, cheat, steal, and backstab to their benefit, but usually will do the right thing according to their alignment. They are pretty much the Antiheroes who have no problem killing the bad guy. Rorschach, Deadpool, Batman, (especially that psycho "I'm the goddamn batman" one,) Most of the darker superheroes, almost everyone's Elder Scrolls character, regardless of the game, and BerkaZerka, are notable examples of Chaotic Good.