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Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Mythic Nippon
Welcome to Mythic Nippon. It is a place of mystery and wonder; inspired by the legends of Feudal Japan, Imperial China, and other places in the Far East. It is a world of stoic samurai and treacherous ninja; sorcery wielding wu-jen and brutal warlords; where dragons soar the skies and immortals walk the earth; Where demons and oni scheme among men and danger lurks in every shadow; Where legendary heroes and masters of ki search for honor, glory, and adventure!

It is the Kamakura era; year 1297.

Sixteen years ago, the great Mongol warrior Kublai Khan, led a massive invasion of Nippon for the Chinese. His forces carried with them a new weapon; one that would rival the powers of sorcery itself – the secret of gunpowder. His campaign was a brutal success and Nippon was quickly subjugated under Chinese rule.

Kublai Khan left Nippon shortly after the Chinese Shogunate took power – though legend has it that he never made it home. His fleet of mercenary warriors was caught in a terrible typhoon and sunk to the bottom of the sea; a ‘Divine Wind’ sent to avenge Nippon’s lost honor.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Playing The Game
During the actual game, we’ll have 2 threads, The In-Game Thread and this Out of Character (OOC) Thread.

The In-Game Thread
The In-Game Thread will start with a posting of all the Characters Links at the top; Followed by the Opening Plot Hook; and In-Character Postings from the players.

This means talking in character and describing the actions you want your character to take in response to the various Scenes I’ll set during the game. You can ask Short Questions in the thread by prefacing them “OOC:” But I’ll always answer them in the OOC thread. For Example – OOC: Is it my turn yet?

The OOC Thread
Bigger or more complex Questions, Rules discussion, Out of Character Banter, and Thread Derailing go here in the OOC Thread.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Using Luck and Surge___

As one of the most dynamic aspects of BHB system, Luck and Surge Points can be used to influence the outcome of the game in the following ways –

Luck Points can be spent for the following Luck Options:

  • Reduce a MTN by 4 (before or after the roll)
  • Add a +4 Bonus to the TN or Die Value (before or after the roll) – when adding to Die Value, you must be able to use the entire +4 Bonus without going over
  • Take a Faulty Success instead of rolling the die (only if rolling is an option)
  • Negate a Botch or an opponent’s Crit
  • Focused Effort (spend a Luck Point for an Extra Die to roll with any one roll)
  • Not As Bad As It Looks (take only 1/2 damage from a single attack; this Option cannot be used twice on the same attack to reduce damage to zero)
  • Lucky Break (for inspiration from the GM to help move the game along or for a plot twist in the character’s favor)
  • Escape Death (to Stabilize a Dying character and ignore further damage for the rest of the Scene)

Surge Points can be spent for the following Surge Options:

  • +2 STR for one round
  • +3 Damage on any 1 Attack
  • Take an Extra Action
  • Interrupt another’s Action (changes character’s Initiative Order for the combat)
  • Make back-to-back Attack or Defense Actions without the Rapid or Evasion Edges
  • Shake off Stunned Condition
  • Shake off KO’d or Unconscious Condition
  • Shake off one level of Fatigue
  • Shake off Intimidated, Shaken or Panicked Condition
  • Ignore Injury (take a Round while Disabled without going to Dying)
  • Defy Mental Control for 1 Action
  • Double Tap (Counter Escape Death Luck Option)
  • Stretch or Tweak an Edge, Amazing Feat, Spell, or Power

Both Luck and Surge can be spent each round as Free Actions.

Luck can be spent as many times per round as the player wants, though it is advised not to use up all your Luck in one round.

Surge can only be used once per round (except with the Heroic Surge Edge). Unlike Luck, Surge can also be used without spending Surge Points, at the cost of Fatiguing the character afterwards.

Recovering Luck And Surge
Luck and Surge Points refresh at the rate of 1 point of each per in-character day.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

A Note About Luck and Surge -
Please be sure to indicate when you want to use them specifically, but also, If the opportunity to use them to your character's advantage comes up while I am updating combat rounds, I will automatically apply some of them (without asking you).

If you specifically don't want me to do this (for example only have a few left and want to save them) you need to tell me not to use any during the combat rounds.

Dice Rolling and such -
I will be doing all dice rolling and number crunching here on my side of the 'screen' to keep things as simple as possible. All you need to do is describe what your characters want to attempt and we'll go from there...  :)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Begin Posting from here (or the Opening Post) - Thanks  ^v^

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

First sorry aman

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Just to clarify too - the river flows down from higher terrain to the north - flowing from north to south. This section is relatively smooth, but up ahead the river is likely to be impassible to a conoe - at least going upstream.

Also, the road follows the river from here on out, to the city of Morioka, two days travel from where everyone is right now.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

ok cool, the maybe the Canoe will make a nice escape later when we leave with our 6 women.

Thaks BZ, also can you clarify how many people and supplies can fit in my canoe?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

to 5...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

thank you sir.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Update posted - 1 Gold Luck Charm for everyone + 2 extra (for Doshin that helped maybe?) -

Burn as a Luck Point whenever you need it.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Seeing as how the action os gone, time to make a thread maybe? :)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yeah, I will for the next update itself - so we can let this scene run out here in this one  :)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

alright :)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

So, Berka, I arrived first, right?

I could theoretically take action before any of them arrive to see anything?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Correction, you saw it first. I saw no statement that you arrived first.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I was on my horse, went first, saw it first, was on my horse, had less distance to cover, was on my horse, there is literally no reason anyone would reach it before me.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Init 11; Move 45 ft (Run 315)

Horse running stats. Faster than any of you on-foot people.


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

there wasent really any need to tell me that, i just laughed at your baby style. (i saw it first, its mine) :)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Hey, I fully plan on leaving 9 amulets there. I just have to ensure that I have 2.

A nice little change to "The party finds 9 total" would be perfect. (With one of them being safely hidden away in one of Yasuo's pockets)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Also: Pfft, baby style. Luck points are needed for a good deal of the cooler functions of demon mastery, I need them in stock

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

hmm.. i don't see any post that states that you reached them first, and i certainly doesn't see a post where you stole one, so I'm guessing, that you certainly didn't reach them first. You weren't near us, your previous post proves this as you couldn't see us succeed, you had to feel the ancestors blessing to know we succeeded. Also, it doesn't state anywhere where the river is either, it could be next to us, and also it could be next to you. So don't jump to conclusions that you necessarily reached it first just based on speed. BAM.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Well, frankly, Berka should have consulted me on whether or not I wished to do anything beforehand, as I did after all reach the river first (Because there's no chance I didn't...)

You all went into the tree area, dismounting your horses. I stayed out of it and remained on mine . I also spotted the river first (Specifically stated by berka) and left first. I was closer to it, had my horse, and you were all dismounted. There is no chance I didn't reach it first.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

And how exactly do you know you were closer to it? i agree, that you could have reached the place faster, and just because you see it first doesent necessarily mean that the river was located next to us. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

did reach the river faster, not could.

I was necessarily closer to it, because it wasn't in the trees, and I was outside of the tree area. The tree area was an entire forest, too thick to take a horse through, it would be impossible to see the glint through that kind of dense foliage, so the river was necessarily on my side meaning I was closer to it.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Lets just stop this argument and refer to great and almighty Bz to refer judgement! ^^

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I would have, had everyone not already posted their intentions, effectively sealing this in stone.

And it's not an argument, Daedalus, there is no room to disagree when there is nothing to disprove the person who you are arguing against, other than you not wanting them to go through with their current objective.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

whatever dude. I acknowledge my defeat if BZ said you could have stolen it without us noticing it.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Actually I don't think Killa and I know I didn't get off my horse when we went near the woman. So that means we would have gotten there right after you which means I would have been able to see you pocket the extra amulet. But meh... ^.^

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

During the whole ordeal, Yuki could only sit back and watch as everyone struggled to lift the child. Why she was confused as to how several grown men struggled to do so at first, it being a spirit clear that up. With the child gone, Yuki gets off her horse and walks towards her comrades, when suddenly she notices something.

"That was pretty close. You were all about to dr- OH SOMETHING SHINY!"

Yuki yells, sprinting towards the glint of gold coming from the river.


And you, as you were following Yuki, would have to (by necessity) dismount your own horse, or stay out of the tree area as well.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Acute Vision: The character has exceptionally keen eyesight.

^+Photographic Memory: The character can remember things seen and heard with near perfect detail. 


Does it matter if I had dismounted and entered the forest area? It's likely I could have seen you pick up two shiny things before we actually arrived at the river.

Not that I would care since you gave it to a minion but just saying.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yeah, it would, you wouldn't see it. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Wait a second, only one of the doshin- Miko, helped out with the baby...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

And Kiji or whatever his name is haha  :)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Hey guys. I am sorry you have not seen me much, but this week has been busy for me. This weekend I have to work 42 hours alone, just in 4 days. I am however trying to get back in the swing of things and I am having fun none the less. You are a great bunch and .... GAME ON!!!!!!!!

Lady Z

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

It's fine, I think we are fine as long as we respond to the events that happen to our character.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago
I am waiting for Berka I am not at all pleased with Draks play.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago
also 2 people taking two each is going to be noticed awfully fast.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Not that any of you would notice me taking two, as I technically would have arrived before you would have seen...

As for the other, Daedalus announced his taking of a second one.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago
Yeah thats also what I am referring. And not saying we would notice that YOU took 2 just that some were missing. Its either that or we assume those who didnt help dont get one, thats all the in gake logic I can think of for that. Also dont take mycalling you out as being pissed at you. Just seems like a dick move :)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I'm pretty sure that only one of your doshin helped though, right? It was just Miko?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago
Yes only Miko. That's correct.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Geesh - This site crashed while I was trying to post...

Anyway - what is Posted already works for me. Drakilian's Priest was there first and took 2 Charms. Kirito also has 2 charms.

Yuki and Miya could see who took what. The other characters may not have seen Drakilian's Priest take two - but would have seen the extra one that Kirito took...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Who was the other Doshin who helped?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

As Aeon haha - Keji or something...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Oh, by the way, why does Keitaro have it listed that he doesn't have any doshin with him?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago
Weird i updated that? Anyways Keiji and Miko are my Doshin, only Miko helped in the task.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Actually, I just checked (using a key word search- gods, I love those things), it turns out that you did in fact order him to help ROka carry the baby to the wagon.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago
I ordered Miko too, I ordered Keiji to bring the cart in but thatwas redacted in Ooc.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Don't know.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Hey, i announced it. and gz for managing to steal it with people noticing it. i acknowledge defeat.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Appearently, Sakura also knows that there were ten Charms.

So  Sakura, Yuki, and Miko - all the girls - know that there were ten charms total before people started snatching them up.

Someone is going to get shortchanged...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

whereof one of the girls are heroic, i smell justice in the air.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

And now I have one ^_^

Now, I wonder who the blame for shortchanging will fall on?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

still, i announced it. said i was going to save it for an emergency, like it would benefit us all you manipulating bastard! Now, it all hangs on the girls if they call you out or not^^

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Call me out for waht? I can easily tell them that I was saving one for Keiji, and considering I literally just gave it to him, it'll look like you're being something of a greedy bastard trying to shortchange the others. You'll probably keep the 2 luck charms, one of the doshin will likely give their own charm to the shortchanged samurai out of manners, but you are definitely losing face if you keep an extra.
Also, there would be little difference in you saving yours for an emergency and me doing the same, (Though if anyone should have an extra, it should be the wu-jen) you have no right to complain.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

the difference is, i announced it. And who is to say i will keep mine if people whine about it? i am the good guy remember? :)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

And? Announcing that you think you are more important than everyone else and should get an extra makes you somehow less of a dick? :p

And no one will complain, that's just straight up rude in this culture. Your face will only be repaired if you actually give it of your own free will.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Never said that i was more important, that is pretty self explanatory being the only healer and all^^ unless you want to go psycho and start healing later on?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

You essentially took two and thereforem implied "Me having more luck is more important than all of you having more luck. Suck it, bitches". Which, normally wouldn't be that bad, except you're specifically leaving someone without a luck charm, making someone else suffer so that you can enjoy excess.

And the wu-jen can heal, we have healing herbs, you're not the only healer.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yup, that is pretty much what i was saying. Well, except for the 'suck it, bitches' part. And the only reason you gave one away was because BZ said someone saw you take, which i doubt your character would know. But, well played nonetheless. But, im not going to chicken out over it, like a certain someone did, im going to use this to my advantage, as long as someone says they saw you take two. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Woudn't matter if someone said I took it, because, again, I gave it to Kenji.

And the only reason I "Chickened out", is because I didn't think Kenji had actually helped. When I learned he did, it worked just fine.

If I had kept it while Kenji hadn't helped, then it would have looked as if you were the only one holding out on the others.

Also, why the hell wouldn't I know that the others saw me? If they were close enough behind me to see me reach into the river and grab one out, then i'll definitely see it.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago
His name is Keiji :)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

If anything the person who can control luck and fate should have them all.

I mean, it's not like she has an ability that can negate the opponent's ability to use surge or luck points (at the cost of one of her luck points)....nope not at all....

Also I don't think face works on such a low level Drak. Giving some random minion a bonus of something wouldn't matter much to other people of higher power (where most of your "face" would matter).


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

lol Killa, not at all trying to reason the team to grant you the Shiny Things. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Hey, generosity is seen as a good thing, having a doshin go into town and spread stories about an awesome samurai priest who was willing to go to extra lengths to give him a magical artifact as reward for his efforts would probably at least give me a somewhat beneficial reputation, beyond the one I already have of course.

And yeah, I considered us just giving them all to you, but it wouldn't really be worth it until you got your later levels in feng-shui (And totally not because i'm a greedy bastard, not that at all...)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Well with Yuki's Killjoy ability I could effectively block all enemy luck and surge uses for the next while.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Wait, you can block surge too?

Heh, cool.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Hey, so I noticed that the Fiend and the unclean spirit had "Fear" as one of their immunities. If this is so, then how is it possible to intimidate them into doing something for you?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Well if going by the definition of the word intimidate it could mean you "overawe" them but that is unlikely. lol

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

basicly means you're screwed! Mohahah

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

My taunt skill is just as high, but it would be nice to know

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Intimidation still works in that case.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Oh, ok

(Muahahahahah, I laugh in the face of your silly immunities!)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Note two applications in Intimidate Skill Focus - one being influencing or 'convincing' another ;)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Killa, weren't you the one who said that Yuki was NOT a thief, after I had requested you get lockpicks?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

She isn't one.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

So, just to Clarify - Everyone but Sakura the Wu-Jen has a Luck Charm now - and Kirito the Priest has 2, right?

(This should be interesting when Lady Z gets back on to post haha!)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Kirito has 2

I have one

Miko has one

Keiji has one

Yuki has one (and plans to steal more)

Keitaro has one


And that's it. Fireplay hasn't said he took one yet, and aman and tanstafl haven't been online yet.

So there are three left, and 4 people without.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Fireplay does mention picking one up.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Udo definitely has 1 as he "examined it" so it is at least in his possession at the moment. With Aman's character however, yeah, he was still rubbing his arms...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Really? I'm fairly sure he was just examining it from the riverside- not touchy-examining.

Though I suppose he would have probably taken one after he figured out what they were anyways...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Oooh, yeah, he does, my bad.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Trying to capture my charms are you; and here I thought you had a such a high level of face that you wouldn't need too. ^.^

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Actually, that would be Killa ^_^

(Who i'm sure will blame the theft on my imp, once the guy gets back)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yuki is pretty well incapable of lying, so when caught it'll be pretty obvious she actually did it.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Circumstance bonuses can get pretty high (I'd suspect you'd get around +4 or +6), if you're smart enough to use your decent stealth skill to conceal the charms (Including your own) then we'll have no reason to suspect you unless we catch you in the act, and the imp is already suspicious since he's, well, an imp.

Your face may only be 4, but unless you're outright asked whether or not you stole anything, you would have no reason to do the bluff. If you accused the imp, then no one would have any reason to be suspicious of you except for me  (Since I would have ordered the imp to steal stuff for me). 

No one other than I would be able to roll a sense motive for your lie since it's not a ridiculous lie either.

If you don't accuse the imp, there's still no reason to suspect you over the others.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Really would have no reason to accuse the imp when he's the most suspicious anyway. By default people should assume he did it or that we were robbed by some other party.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Just to clarify - It was a 5 day trip from the Way Station to the City of Morioka (I may inadvertently said 2 days to someone in the OOC) -

It's 3 days to the next Way Station rest - then 2 days hard ride to Morioka itself.

(That gives Yuki 5 days to steal stuff haha!)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Oh, can i put them on my familiar? I guess he will notice if Yuki tries something^^

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I don't see why not...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Do familiars sleep? 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Only for 'show'...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

And screw you over if your familiar ever gets killed. Also, your familiar will probably get killed....

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I can easily summon him back though.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Did you see the penalty you get for losing a familiar? And you'll also lose your luck charm.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Giving it to you familiar is pretty hard metagaming.

I mean, you never would have done so if you hadn't seen me write Yuki was planning on stealing them, would you?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I've got the next Update standing by - just going to let the Charm thing play out a bit (with Aman, Taf, & Lady Z) and then a (very brief) description of the Imp Returning haha!

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Oof, i'm guessing he failed his dodge ?

Any chance I could yell to him to return in 24 hours, after the elemental would have faded away from this plane of existence?

Would he remember his knowledge of the past so that I could re-summon him?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Dude, just let the fun play out. You can resummon everything else, shouldent really why you cant resummon a imp.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I see no reason to be let my imp get killed by your elemental.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

The current Scene is two hours after you sent him out - so getting word to him would require some form of magic...

When re-summoned, the Imp retains all the Info yes.

Also, Out of Game - but that reminds me - check here for info on the QAGS rules that we used for Nazi Sasquatch Death Squad  :)

Nazi Sasquatch OOC

Nazi Sasquatch Death Squad Sign Up and OOC (for PC creation)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

As, in, when he arrives, I tell him to run away. Or could a magical messenger find the imp? I mean, he is currently unmanifested, so...

EDIT: Yeah, checked the rules, that would be impossible currently..

Hmm, Wither has a good chance of instantly killing the elemental...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yeah, the imp is going to happily follow Yasuo's directions this time just to screw with him (he doesn't even have to twist his words in this case hehe)...

Plus the Fire Elemental can spot the unmanifested imp with its Spirit Sight well before the Imp can detect it.

Not to mention Fireball.

And it all goes down in the Spirit World where only the Fire Elemental and imp will see it...


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Or, you know, dispel magic.

Oooh, dispel magic...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Ah ha! Muahaha! I won the bet! (Just remembered)

I was originally going to ask Kirito to summon an elemental and give over complete control of it to me as payment for the bet, but this works too.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Going offline for awhile.. I'll be back later tonight to see where we're at .

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Striking up convo with Drak to kill the time. :)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

So Berka- that luck point we got, does it count as a temporary luck point or a permanent one?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I would imagine as long as you have the coin you have the extra luck point.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Not talking about the trinket luck points, i'm talking about the one we got for saving the woman's baby (As berka said in the 3rd OOC, we all got a luck point for saving the woman, on top of the current magic items I believe)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

The Freebie Luck Point is Temp. Once you use it it is gone. Same with the Luck Charm Really, but that you can give away if needed...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Holy crap.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I missed a day, and Bam! a whole new OOC, that's pretty damn long haha. Catching up right now.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

hell I went out with the family today for 4 hours and there had been 100 posts made :)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

On a related note, my posting rates are better than ever.

When I re-joined the site, Aman had 4000 posts and I had about 10.

But now, that gap is closing, one day...

Also, Aman, Kirito already announced to everyone that he took 2, you already know who took it.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Probably because you start the most arguments XD (plus, Aman has holidays)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

(Totally not by design, those arguments were all unintentional)
Yup, probably.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yeah, I've lost the fervor of amusing posting. 

You can argue with anyone, but my posting rate was from spam mustache jokes. We haven't had a mustache war in AGES.  

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yeah, I get the feeling that the site has, you know, TOO many young people. No meaningful topics to discuss in the lounge. (And a large host of shitty forum games as well)

Also, BULLSHIT! You went from 4000 to 12000, posting most of the time without mustache related spam, it's clearly the forum games that keep you up.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

No no no, when the lounge was young, I'd be derailing everything. Forum games helped, but my biggest gains were from lounge derails. 

Yeah, I think Madglee was right when comlaining this site was loosing its niche quality. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yeah, too many Natalows who try to sway intelligent debates with MLP.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I'm pretty sure he wasn't complaining at the time.
Also, my name is Yasuo dammit!

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I know. What idiot would mix it up. XD

Nah, reading beneath the lines, I think he was somewhat annoyed and describing how annoyed he was at the fact that the Lounge lost intelligence. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

You also mixed up Kirito and Keitar (Kirito is the priest, Keitaro is the massive warrior in samurai armor with a 1 in intelligence, reminiscent of Hodor from game of thrones)

Well, if that was the case, i've begun to share the sentiment.

Looking back at the old threads, the lounge quality has clearly deteriorated, like, a fucking lot. 

I mean, we've gone from threads discussing death and life and human rights to threads discussing, well, my little pony, creepy pastas (What a fucking stupid name) and the occasional political conversation from Aeon.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yeah, perhaps I should post a little more there... 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Drak:  keep you up.

Is this a viagra commercial?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

its from way up above, i made an immature joke at the expense of the ending of your post about Aman's post rate.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Derailing is Okay, when it is amusing or interesting, if it's just amusing, then it shouldn't run that long (I point to Hugs and my cussing discussion, which was over really quickly).

But if it's interesting, like what the Bill Clinton discussion COULD Have been, then I think it'd be fine. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Oh no, there's nothing wrong with derailing, derailing is the natural course of conversation, switching to different topics as the past one gets old and you find a new one to explore, but if you just straight up go on a thread and post MLP spam, then you're obviously full of shit.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

We will assume Roka's rage at missing the plunder made him miss Keitaro's comment

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

uhm why the fuck are you glaring at Keitaro? And what comment are you referring too??

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

He meant to say Kirito, haha, he confused you two.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago






Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Chill man, chill haha. Cursing pointlessly makes you seem rather... Explosive?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

why do you feel that I am cursing out of anger, rage, loathe, spite, disdain, discourse, frustration, lack of vocabulary?

Words are words bud, that is all. It was a casual F word. "Cuss like a sailor" doesn't mean anything its just a word dude.


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Also Aman are you going to edit your post so it doesn't seem like I need to come thump you on the head with the end of my tanto for lookin at me all funny :)?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Fixy. ^_^

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

lol I logged on and saw that and was like ohhhhhhkay? Whatd I do lol ive been talking to Drak lol. Then I read the OOC :)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

" Cursing pointlessly makes you seem rather... Explosive?"

I assume he finds you more "Explosive" since that what it seems like. XD

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

dunno why he would see me as explosive, I am just chilling here having a casual conversation. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

" Cursing pointlessly makes you seem rather... Explosive?"

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

it wasn't pointlessly it emphasized. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

To him it was pointless. And that's why he saw you as explosive. ;P

I didn't, but to him it seemed that way

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

this is explosive@!!!(*&^!*^$%!*&%))_(!!

this is not.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Fuck you what the fuck. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

If you don't know me, you'd think I was pissed off. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Nah I'd would just be: "Dude what's wrong?"

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Doesn't seem like it :P

but yeah.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

..... Exactly. 

Thats what tan is saying, you cursing makes it seem something is wrong. (badly wrong). 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Haha, It does make you sound annoyed and/or explosive.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Admittedly, swears are only curses because adults say it is.

Still, it sounded like you were we're frustrated, and almost insulted. That's what I read, my fault. Still, your curse was unneeded, and a waste of space anyways. The way I look at it, curses are used if it is to get a. point across, that you're frustrated, angry, or fed up etc. Not used sporadic, unless you're in a serious situation (military is an excuse, but it's the Internet). 

Meh, whatever.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

lol not sure I follow.

but ok. I am a writer, words are words. "colorful metaphors" As Captain Kirk put it.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

"Fucking Captain Kirk haha"-


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

The above, was an example.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Some words imply something deeper then others. 

Damn it! 

Doesnt mean the same as;


Even though they are basically synonyms. That's why you use one word over the other, using a 'curse' makes it seem something is very wrong, which is why we don't use it like we use other words. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

hmmm, I do. Oh well if you find it offensive I will censor myself *shivers at the word censor* to make it better for all to enjoy.


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Not censor, it just seems like you're pissed off haha.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

That's not the point (and if it is, Tan should shut up. ;p) the point is to use it sparingly, and not randomly. 

But I don't care, it's just that to Tan, it makes you seem explosive. Obviously the rest of us are used to it. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Not Telling him to censor, swearing is fine. I love endmaster's works, but it makes Aeon sound overly annoyed.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

eh, i am a casual curser. I was Raised by an Army Ranger, I spent my first 3 years at Fort Cambell. Its just in my blood. I don't mean anything at all by it. But like I said I will just do my best to not cuss unless I am ready to go postal on someone. Problem Solved.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

It's fine haha. Just seemed like you were pissed. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I feel like in your company I need to morph into an Elcor

Positive reinforcement: "Now you know next time not to do that shit eh?" Casual remark: "fuck this lets go bowling Niko"


lol :) no hard feelings bud now im just dickin around

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

No idea who Elcor is but sure :) (Don't worry, now that I know that you aren't super pissed when you swear, you can swear as much as you want )

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Elcor from Mass Effect, the big ugly things that tell you what tone they are taking. like "condiscending question, chastising remark, friendly greeting.

Just youtube elcor speaking.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Sounds a lot like HK-47. lol

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

lol dude! I forgot about that murderous psycho! lol I need to play that again...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

"Damn it is a bit different, but something like this-

Fuck it! 

Damn it!



Fuck it sounds most annoyed haha.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Photographic Memory 
The character can remember things seen and heard with near perfect detail. +2 General Knowledge and +1 All Advanced skills.
?   ~Erudite Insight* AF


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yeah yeah - it was easier to call it that, rather than Eidetic Memory. So PLLLLRRRRrrrrrrrBB!!! cheeky

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


though Eidetic is a shorter phrase....

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

But it's also harder to remember....

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Not if you use the Hero system regularly

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I love playing me some Hero! Would never try to run it though...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

That's why you get a middle aged nerd to run it for you...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Lady Z and I do, every Gaming Convention we go to haha!

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Really? Cool haha, I gotta go to one of those one of these days...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Is it that bad? That's the system we run back home. ;p

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

To run, yes.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Why? It just requires a boatload of d6's. At leastm that's what I thought... 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

It does though, you just need like 20d6 for rebbe Justice Haha!

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Thank goodness we stopped whispering - I was starting to get a little horse (Shetland BTW) - but really, Hero is a bitch to stat up everything (especially if you are a perfectionist) - I love playing, but the overhead is too much for me to run.

Hero is part of the reason I developed BHB in the first place though   ^v^

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yeah haha. What I do like about it is the adaptability, since it works for all genres. Though it does take a while until you get set up and make the perfect character though.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

(no idea what Shetland is) XD

Ill have to show more appreciation to the guy running it for us then. ^_^

But yeah, boutyhead seems much simpler. I've been considering purchasing it and running it for a group IRL. (don't tell Tan) 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Mythic Nippon 1.1

4 minutes ago

"Perhaps you should get Kirito to cast a healing spell on you?"



LOL I laughed so hard at this, you can't cure stupid bud :) you are getting Keita into philosophical matters. it makes his head hurt :) 


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I know, I know ^_^

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I played it off as you knew that but went along with it anyways :)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Well dang - we'll have to see what Daedalus will have his Priest do for both the Dispel Request AND the Charm...

If we don't get something by Sunday night though, I'll have to GM Override him, so I can post the new Update.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Sorry about that. But I gots to have that charm. :p

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

and my headache caused by complex thought.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Since his character did ask if anyone objected, I can't really see him trying to withhold it from Roka.

Also - Drakilian's masterful manipulation of the situation has turned his own evil back on the Good Priest's head. Yasuo must be versed in Alinsky's Rules. Classic bait & switch, hehe... ;)


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


So, how do these charms look? Necklace type thing, or a little trinket? 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Little gold trinkets really... Could hang on a bracelet or necklace or carry in pocket or even wear as earring...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Hmm. Are these trinkets known as being blessed? (as in, I'm asking if they could be used to make people think you've been blessed by the ancestors) 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

They just appear normal - except for a two hundred year old Mon embellished on them.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Hmm, could I convince people that they are super ones? (or at least, use them as a pick up line?) 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Got a good Face (Bluff)?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Got a good face at least. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

so only a member of a great house would notice it?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I say this assuming the great houses have been arond far longer than that.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

am I right or wrong BZ?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Most Nobles would recognize it as the symbol of an ancient house - but wouldn't know why you were wearing it - though there is nothing wrong with doing so, as that particular Mon system was abandoned over a hundred years ago in the setting...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

ok cool. I just didn't know, trying to explore where it may arise in story. If at all.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

like maybe a noble house that had ties to that specific house may offer us shelter or somehting if they saw it, or rations or offer an exchange for the trinket etc. which would be a cool addition.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

idk maybe I think to much


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Hmm - could be...  :)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

yay my ideas were appreciated! lol jk

but i am out for the night. i will hop on before Football tomorrow. Night guys.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I had Miko put one around her neck so I am kinda wondering the same...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

^^ WTF?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Troll, ignore. If he continues I'll tell October or Madglee.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

@ Daedalus - Damn man, if Kirito isn't the center of attention haha!

He now has the Dispel Request from Yasuo AND the Charm Request from Roka AND the Healing Request from Keitaro...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

lol i posted that hours ago lol :) from me and Drak's convo

also if you could reply to my question just a few posts above this thatd be great :)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Got ya :)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I'll see everyone again tomorrow - heading offline for the night  :)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

See ya BZ!

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I'm kinda hoping he'll just snap from the bombardment of people i'm sending his way.

Honoring the bet to dispel his elemental (and therefore let me continue with the imp), giving away the charm (Making him seem like a thief that was caught and forced to hand over his winnings, as well as making him seem weak) and healing Keitaro (which will frustrate him since there's nothing wrong) or refusing to heal Keitaro (which will make him seem like a dick).

Serves him right for meta-gaming though ^_^ (Would never have worked if he hadn't tried to take two as well in order to stay even with me).

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

lol Drak, why are you trying to turn the party against itself already? We haven't even gotten the women yet.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Not the whole party, just Kirito (He's been kind of annoying, you know, opposing and questioning my every action and decision. Also, isn't that what evil characters do? Screw with people?)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

That's the character D is playing as, an almost annoyingly peaceful priest (unless he's. talking to Udo but...)

It would be cool to see if he changes alignment by the end though.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

So he's a snarky pacifist? 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yeah haha! (But snarky only to Udo... Pacifist to Drak's...)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

The worst kind

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Could we specifically say that we're not choosing to use the temporary luck point, so that we can conserve the "blessing" for the future?

If this is an option, please consider that ancient luck point of mine to be used last in all situations.

After all, normal luck points regenerate, but if we save the blessing, we could always have that extra (And the charm) for the future.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yeah, don't think that's allowed. (otherwise that would be an automatic thing.)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Aman is correct. Temp Luck points are just bumps in your current amount. Can't 'save' them.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Damnit! I totally had an awesome luck point pyramid scheme in place.

Oh well

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Also, in reference to Alinksy's rules, they were read to him before bedtime every night ;)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Oh, he must be a democrat then haha!

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Well, he's evil so.... XD 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

buh duhn TISH

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yeah, sure, that's what he is ^_^

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago
Daedlus needs to aign the Ef on lol. The whole world hinges on him.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

"He needs to sign the f*ck on, the whole world hinges on him"

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Oh, haha.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

He was actually on about 34 minutes ago, probably didn't have the time to read through all of these posts though.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

 Randomely found this, but it pretty much how I imagined the spar match between Keitaro and Roka-

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

lol epic. Not just put them in samurai armor watch them duke it out then. ^.^

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

So huge. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I thought he was done when that 600lb behemoth fell onto his legs (Or at least, you know, permanently crippled) but no, he won.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Im back on, and like you said i dident have time to read through all those posts^^ was at a friends place, and went out partying last night^^

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Did you take the dope?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Just vodka and beer!

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

As Posting on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) is optional, I won't hold it against anyone. I will however, Update Tonight at the latest, to set things up for the new week of posting :)

I do hope Daedalus can get on and respond though, as I'm sure he'd be a lot more interesting than I will be, if I need to GM Override the character just to get us into the next segment.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Oh, I see ya made it haha!

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Casting dispell magic on the elemental.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

And casting read minds on me and drakes conversation.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Read minds automatically goes off  (wether you fail it or not), so I'll just tell you what i'm thinking, but I don't know what you're expecting.

You can only find the surface thoughts with read minds, and he hasn't been lying to you.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Well, more like why you can't cast healing spells. (and saying I'm not good with them is a lie, since you are equally skilled in Good or Bad spells. Just against your own code) 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

You have to spend a surge point to use the spells, meaning that you have to go through way more effort to cast one of them, meaning you're not good with them. They are hard for you to do.

And he can't specifically search for something in my mind, doesn't work that way. (Never has)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Just because you'll hafto go trough more effort doesent mean that it's harder to do.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

That's exactly what something being "harder to do" means....

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Admittedly, more effort typically = harder. Didn't read the above conversation though.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Read Minds (Mind; 10; I) Save; Po: Read Minds allows the Hexslinger to read the surface thoughts of anyone within his line of sight. Doing so reveals what a target is currently thinking, allowing the Hexslinger to detect lies and bluffs instantly and prevents the target from surprising the Hexslinger in any way. If the Hexslinger questions the target in conjunction with this ability, he can manipulate what the target thinks about by simply bringing it up in conversation. Targets actively trying not to think about (and thus reveal) something must make a Willpower Save to do so, although the Hexslinger will instantly know that they are hiding something, and can simply cast Read Minds again to force another Save out of the target.

I'm guessing you are actively trying to hide the fact that you are evil, so my next question is gonna be fuuuuun.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Didn't Yuki already tell everybody Yasuo is evil? Haha, not much to hide.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Evilly inclined. Doesn't mean that you're automaticaly evil. (Learn the difference dammit!)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yup, as long as Yasuo isn't trying to kill the party, or rule the world. Him being evil inclined to be evil doesn't matter.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Daedalus, if you're reading his mind, you'll get his exact thoughts from me, nothing else. And I promise you, he's not thinking to himself "I'M EVIL" 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago
I wasnt holding it against him. Lol justsaying he needed to sign on. Lol

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Ooh, this ones really good-

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Oh that poor referee

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago
Dude Tan your character has this amazing ability to have multiple conversations at once without switching who he is talking too. I didnt see that listed on your sheet...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I figure that all conversations are at different times, as we are walking for a whole day, then the update. Otherwise there is only one conversation a day. That's how everyone's been doing it, I think.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Though If you guys want I could stop...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I dont realy mind it though.^^

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

No,  that's never ever how we've done it. We are all  In a group right now.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Then how did Yasuo get into D and My castration conversation?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

(It was too funny to miss out on)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Exactly haha, that's why multiple conversations are good, it allows quick and good character developments or clever and amusing quips, making it funner overall.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago
It's a little disorienting to say the least, I am not angry or anything its just like whiplash.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

We've always had times where a character is in two conversations at once. Definetly in Tavern, pretty sure it occured in EF7, as well as Bad Seed and NSDS

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Admittedly I'm in like, 3 conversations at once, but hey, Miya joins in to whatever she likes, so does Yasuo, and Udo I guess.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago
It was just disorienting.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I guess we could make a vote, deciding how much conversations can be held at once, but it is a bit annoying that you'd have a conversation, the guy logs off, and you can't speak until the update.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Heck, Roka said thank you to Kirito while talking to Udo. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I know, I was just noticing yours, and referencing the fact in OOC 2 or 3 Drak mentioned you doing it. It really isn't a big deal just was, disorienting till i went through and buckled down.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

He was talking about Daedalus actually.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

oh, well then I am sorry I thought it was you. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

All's well man.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Uh, Aeon? There's Absolutley nothing wrong with you. While trying to screw with d's priest is fun, your character is at full health, nothing wring with him. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I think he's just Roleplaying, but this whole scene could've been avoided had Drak not make the sick joke on Keitaro haha.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yeah, but roleplaying in order to screw over one of our players majority (since mages have a energy pool) is stupid. I mean, since D is using so much spells already, he won't have enough spells to heal us when we need it. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

That's D acting stupid and wasting it haha! not Aeon's fault...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

His fault for lying. I mean, Keitaro is NOT in pain, according to the game. So, his headache is a lie. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

He isn't in pain, but his head hurts.because he's dumb and there was a conversation that required some intelligence (I think, have to read it over) It's just a joke that went out of scale.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yup. (maybe a little emotional pain too)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

He has more then a simple headache if he's falling over from pain... 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

He fell? I thought he just sat down...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Oh yeah, no, that's probably wrong (Though maybe he could just say it was because his parents always argued as a child, and it's hurting him now to hear people he likes fighting?)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Wouldn't that be a flaw/something you should put in your background? :P

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Probably, yes.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Alright, aeon edited it anyways.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I edited it for you guys.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

And still, do we want to waste more of it? I mean, seriously, I have no interest in running into a pack of demons and have no healing ready. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Of course, duh haha.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Keep the OOC here please...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Sorry. :(

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

It's too bad this site doesn't have a delete button for posts like Bounty head does... 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yeah, it would make sense and is doable with this site, but folks wanted a little permanence to posts to prove trollish behavior and arguments and such.

Don't agree with the decision though.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yeah, we could just do what bounty head does and show edit dates. 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Welp, we need a new OOC now...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

For the current Read Mind thing - The Spell (while labeled Instant) last the conversation, but the target only has to make a save once for the entire thing.

Yasuo failed the Willpower Save, so a little can be inferred about him through the conversation - but Drak is correct that he has not been lying.

As for the reason it's harder to cast Healing spells, the subconscious answer would probably be 'that it is because I am Yang and those spell types are Ying.'

Read that something like 'those are spells for girly-men and I am a man's man".

One might also get that Yasuo prefers the dark side of things, but again - it still does not make him explicitly evil or anything like that...


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Surface thoughts include subconscious?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Read Minds reads surface thoughts. Subconscious thoughts do rise to the surface as conversations develop though. In other words, your surface thoughts change as you go through them to include insights that bubble up from your subconscious.

Besides, whether those are subconscious thoughts or surface thoughts, I really can't say for certain - just described them as such to explain what Kirito could probably get out of the conversation so far (beyond what you are already voluntarily giving him).

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

So only one spell casted? 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Hmm, so The priest can countinue talking and still have mind reading on. 

Also, does Yasou know that he is being mind read? 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Nope (Nothing about the spell implies that, otherwise I would have straight up attacked him once he cast it)

Also, I just ended the conversation, so technically the spell's effect is over as well.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

The conversation is 'Officially' over - only when both parties disengage. So not yet Drakilian.

Though - if someone pesters you after you obviously make it known that a conversation is 'over' then you start to have grounds to get pissed off about it.

It works this way so the spell is useful in interrogating a prisoner, The prisoner can't just say - oops, I'm done talking - the spell's over...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Ah, fair enough.

(I thought that physically leaving the presence of the other would do the trick, though if he follows me...)

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yeah - I just read your post - that would work (as long as he didn't follow to 'pester you').

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I added what he would find should he follow, just in case ^_^

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

If he follows you, then he's seriously weird. Even weirder than Udo.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

On a side note, Udo is giving off a serious bestiality enthusiast vibe over there, haha!

Maybe I can see it at night? After following Roka and insisting to talk to his horse, I don't know, maybe it's just me, but it sounded like you were looking forward to doing a little bit more than "talk"

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Yeah, I know... XD (but no, I'm not reaching into that territory, at all, though the PCs could suspect what they want... ;))

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I'm just waiting for you to start hitting on fox-girl

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Oh yeah, I was thinking about that haha. Just need to get a good time for some, "Character development" XD

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

I wonder, does Udo write any books in his spare time?

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Still a waste of a spell, but D does whatever that D does.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

@Daedalus: Why would you cast heal? Restore vitality would be more than enough for a simple headache, and this isn't even a real headache either mind you.

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

It was easier to type heal than restore vitality ^^ 

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

OK - looks like I can get a new OOC and new In-Game Thread Going  ^v^

Update pending (within the hour)...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Fun. ^_^

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

OK new OOC coming online first - wait for the signal to post...

Mythic Nippon OOC 4

10 years ago

Continue posting in Mythic Nippon OOC 5