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I Am The Veta

10 years ago

I Fear no one....

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

...except for the possibility of being an outcast of society because of your lack of self-control online (and more likely than not offline.)

Welcome to the site, and please maintain your logic and reasoning while in this site.

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

and stop trolling OOC threads before I have you banned. 

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

He claims to have already stopped...

I Am The Veta

10 years ago


new game???

8 hours ago

The Geta is chaotic evil,The Geta is A very powerfull lizard who has high strength and defense,however is easy to trick and often is the most unlikeable guy in the group making it hard for other beings to trust him. The Geta is very evil as he is willing to do anything to get to his goals.He can take on many fighters,soldiers,and archers.However is weak to mages and  above avegre fighters.


I Am The Veta

10 years ago

Strong feeling you're this guy.

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

It's a troll conspiracy!

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

*singing* trolls, trolls, everywhere. What should we doooooo?.....

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

Shoot them, Burn them, Ban, Kill, Find them! *Singing*

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

So we kill them before we find them? 

I Am The Veta

10 years ago


I Am The Veta

10 years ago

Aahh! *Drum beat+Singing*

Of course my little friend; we beat them to death; find them their souls; and bring them to Endmaster for extraction tolls!

(Failure I know. ^.^)

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

(here's my shot)

Their easy to frighten, so easy to scare! We can startle them with just a simple stare! Running won't help them in a case like this. We're going to catch them, their on our list! They say their prepared for danger, but are they prepared for this?

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

So. Bad. XD

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

said it was a shot. XD

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

A much better song:

This totally isn't me...

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

That.....was real creepy........but it's pretty catchy.

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

lol I remember that song, It used to be a kind of theme song at my elementary school for us kids during lunch. We would sing it during lunch at random times through out the week. ^.^

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

It's like one of those songs that's really nice-sounding and catchy, but wouldn't get caught dead singing it outside a comedy stage, much like the "I Love Little girls" song... *shudder*

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

Ever heard of Happy Appy?

I Am The Veta

10 years ago


I Am The Veta

10 years ago

It scares me. look it up

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

I know what it is, I bit his clay-ass face in half because his stare was annoying, even though it tasted like how I imagine a fucking pig rectum would taste... Not apple-flavored in the least...

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

I keep trying to finish the CP story but I just can't.....BTW thanks for killing him. ^_^

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

Spoiler: He predicts the twin towers. like a cheesy ass motherfucker.

Have fun with your reading!

P.S.  He's not dead, but half of him is left, making it about half the creepiness, right?

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

I already read that part lol. But how can he kill people with only half?


You see, this machine can't function with only half.

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

I don't think Appy ever killed anyone, the brainwaves on the original show emenated by the screen caused the watcher to kill themselves thinking that Appy killed them.

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

He killed people in the show. Plus it was never an actual show.

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

I thought you were referring to some spinoff creepypasta I hadn't read in which he somehow breaks the fourth wall ultimately to kill people IRL.

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

lol, betcha have nothing to say about that. :P

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

That's not even a fucking weasel! That's like a fucking mousefox!

I Am The Veta

10 years ago



I Am The Veta

10 years ago

How the hell did  mouse manage to impregnate a fox anyway?

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

Who the hell cares?


I Am The Veta

10 years ago

Every logical sciencey dude in the world cares! HOW!?!?!

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

I think somebody should put this forum to rest.... this is getting ridiculous, honestly.


I Am The Veta

10 years ago


I Am The Veta

10 years ago

I don't know and I don't care. :P

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

About your question above....

I don't know really. Maybe you should ask them? What does the fox say?

I Am The Veta

10 years ago


I Am The Veta

10 years ago


I Am The Veta

10 years ago

Oh, how stupid of me, I forgot that the fox always quacks.

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

Did you go  Kindergarten? DUH!!

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

Yep, it's just that sometimes the Beatle's music in my head fucks with my shit.

"I am the eggman!


They are the eggman!!




I Am The Veta

10 years ago

Hey did you notice the guy spelled his name wrong?

Name: Vega

Thread Name: I Am The Veta

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

Maybe his name is Vega, but his species is Veta?  He could be Vega the Veta!

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

interesting..... SCIENTIFIC THEORY TIME!

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

But I don't have Science at 2:50!

I Am The Veta

10 years ago

Well that clock doesn't read 2:50

ateV ehT mA I

10 years ago

!seod ti seY

!oot drawkcab si tsop sihT !tihs wA

ateV ehT mA I

10 years ago

...resolc ti ta kooL

ateV ehT mA I

10 years ago

!?ees seye nevlE ruoy od tahW