Hey guys, just thought I'd put up a quick post saying hello!
I'm an avid reader, and also a gamer. Coming across this has been almost like finding the Holy Grail for me.
However, apart from being a reader and a gamer, I like to fancy myself as an author. With RPG being my main interest in the gaming World, and Fantasy being my favourite reading material, it seemed of course natural I would try to pursue a written story game, and I have started to make progress in this area.
Whilst it is still in a very low stage of development, I'll keep updating the situation on here, for anyone who may be interested in a run through once it is complete.
One other thing. If any one would like to do run throughs for me before hand to give me an outside opinion on the way it is progressing, that would be awesome!
Thanks, and hopefully speak soon!
- Bart.